# RUN: %PYTHON %s | FileCheck %s
import gc
from mlir.ir import *
def run(f):
print("\nTEST:", f.__name__)
assert Context._get_live_count() == 0
return f
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testParsePrint
def testParsePrint():
with Context() as ctx:
t = Attribute.parse('"hello"')
assert t.context is ctx
ctx = None
# CHECK: "hello"
# CHECK: StringAttr("hello")
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testParseError
def testParseError():
with Context():
t = Attribute.parse("BAD_ATTR_DOES_NOT_EXIST")
except MLIRError as e:
# CHECK: testParseError: <
# CHECK: Unable to parse attribute:
# CHECK: error: "BAD_ATTR_DOES_NOT_EXIST":1:1: expected attribute value
# CHECK: >
print(f"testParseError: <{e}>")
print("Exception not produced")
def testAttrEq():
with Context():
a1 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
a2 = Attribute.parse('"attr2"')
a3 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
# CHECK: a1 == a1: True
print("a1 == a1:", a1 == a1)
# CHECK: a1 == a2: False
print("a1 == a2:", a1 == a2)
# CHECK: a1 == a3: True
print("a1 == a3:", a1 == a3)
# CHECK: a1 is None: False
print("a1 is None:", a1 is None)
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testAttrHash
def testAttrHash():
with Context():
a1 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
a2 = Attribute.parse('"attr2"')
a3 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
# CHECK: hash(a1) == hash(a3): True
print("hash(a1) == hash(a3):", a1.__hash__() == a3.__hash__())
s = set()
# CHECK: len(s): 2
print("len(s): ", len(s))
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testAttrCast
def testAttrCast():
with Context():
a1 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
a2 = Attribute(a1)
# CHECK: a1 == a2: True
print("a1 == a2:", a1 == a2)
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testAttrIsInstance
def testAttrIsInstance():
with Context():
a1 = Attribute.parse("42")
a2 = Attribute.parse("[42]")
assert IntegerAttr.isinstance(a1)
assert not IntegerAttr.isinstance(a2)
assert not ArrayAttr.isinstance(a1)
assert ArrayAttr.isinstance(a2)
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testAttrEqDoesNotRaise
def testAttrEqDoesNotRaise():
with Context():
a1 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
not_an_attr = "foo"
# CHECK: False
print(a1 == not_an_attr)
# CHECK: False
print(a1 is None)
# CHECK: True
print(a1 is not None)
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testAttrCapsule
def testAttrCapsule():
with Context() as ctx:
a1 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
# CHECK: mlir.ir.Attribute._CAPIPtr
attr_capsule = a1._CAPIPtr
a2 = Attribute._CAPICreate(attr_capsule)
assert a2 == a1
assert a2.context is ctx
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testStandardAttrCasts
def testStandardAttrCasts():
with Context():
a1 = Attribute.parse('"attr1"')
astr = StringAttr(a1)
aself = StringAttr(astr)
# CHECK: StringAttr("attr1")
tillegal = StringAttr(Attribute.parse("1.0"))
except ValueError as e:
# CHECK: ValueError: Cannot cast attribute to StringAttr (from Attribute(1.000000e+00 : f64))
print("ValueError:", e)
print("Exception not produced")
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testAffineMapAttr
def testAffineMapAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
d0 = AffineDimExpr.get(0)
d1 = AffineDimExpr.get(1)
c2 = AffineConstantExpr.get(2)
map0 = AffineMap.get(2, 3, [])
# CHECK: affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> ()>
attr_built = AffineMapAttr.get(map0)
assert attr_built.value == map0
attr_parsed = Attribute.parse(str(attr_built))
assert attr_built == attr_parsed
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testIntegerSetAttr
def testIntegerSetAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
d0 = AffineDimExpr.get(0)
d1 = AffineDimExpr.get(1)
s0 = AffineSymbolExpr.get(0)
c42 = AffineConstantExpr.get(42)
set0 = IntegerSet.get(2, 1, [d0 - d1, s0 - c42], [True, False])
# CHECK: affine_set<(d0, d1)[s0] : (d0 - d1 == 0, s0 - 42 >= 0)>
attr_built = IntegerSetAttr.get(set0)
attr_parsed = Attribute.parse(str(attr_built))
assert attr_built == attr_parsed
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testFloatAttr
def testFloatAttr():
with Context(), Location.unknown():
fattr = FloatAttr(Attribute.parse("42.0 : f32"))
# CHECK: fattr value: 42.0
print("fattr value:", fattr.value)
# CHECK: fattr float: 42.0 <class 'float'>
print("fattr float:", float(fattr), type(float(fattr)))
# Test factory methods.
# CHECK: default_get: 4.200000e+01 : f32
print("default_get:", FloatAttr.get(F32Type.get(), 42.0))
# CHECK: f32_get: 4.200000e+01 : f32
print("f32_get:", FloatAttr.get_f32(42.0))
# CHECK: f64_get: 4.200000e+01 : f64
print("f64_get:", FloatAttr.get_f64(42.0))
fattr_invalid = FloatAttr.get(IntegerType.get_signless(32), 42)
except MLIRError as e:
# CHECK: Invalid attribute:
# CHECK: error: unknown: expected floating point type
print("Exception not produced")
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testIntegerAttr
def testIntegerAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
i_attr = IntegerAttr(Attribute.parse("42"))
# CHECK: i_attr value: 42
print("i_attr value:", i_attr.value)
# CHECK: i_attr type: i64
print("i_attr type:", i_attr.type)
# CHECK: i_attr int: 42 <class 'int'>
print("i_attr int:", int(i_attr), type(int(i_attr)))
si_attr = IntegerAttr(Attribute.parse("-1 : si8"))
# CHECK: si_attr value: -1
print("si_attr value:", si_attr.value)
ui_attr = IntegerAttr(Attribute.parse("255 : ui8"))
# CHECK: i_attr int: -1 <class 'int'>
print("si_attr int:", int(si_attr), type(int(si_attr)))
# CHECK: ui_attr value: 255
print("ui_attr value:", ui_attr.value)
# CHECK: i_attr int: 255 <class 'int'>
print("ui_attr int:", int(ui_attr), type(int(ui_attr)))
idx_attr = IntegerAttr(Attribute.parse("-1 : index"))
# CHECK: idx_attr value: -1
print("idx_attr value:", idx_attr.value)
# CHECK: idx_attr int: -1 <class 'int'>
print("idx_attr int:", int(idx_attr), type(int(idx_attr)))
# Test factory methods.
# CHECK: default_get: 42 : i32
print("default_get:", IntegerAttr.get(IntegerType.get_signless(32), 42))
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testBoolAttr
def testBoolAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
battr = BoolAttr(Attribute.parse("true"))
# CHECK: iattr value: True
print("iattr value:", battr.value)
# CHECK: iattr bool: True <class 'bool'>
print("iattr bool:", bool(battr), type(bool(battr)))
# Test factory methods.
# CHECK: default_get: true
print("default_get:", BoolAttr.get(True))
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testFlatSymbolRefAttr
def testFlatSymbolRefAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
sattr = Attribute.parse("@symbol")
# CHECK: symattr value: symbol
print("symattr value:", sattr.value)
# Test factory methods.
# CHECK: default_get: @foobar
print("default_get:", FlatSymbolRefAttr.get("foobar"))
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testSymbolRefAttr
def testSymbolRefAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
sattr = Attribute.parse("@symbol1::@symbol2")
# CHECK: symattr value: ['symbol1', 'symbol2']
print("symattr value:", sattr.value)
# CHECK: default_get: @symbol1::@symbol2
print("default_get:", SymbolRefAttr.get(["symbol1", "symbol2"]))
# CHECK: default_get: @"@symbol1"::@"@symbol2"
print("default_get:", SymbolRefAttr.get(["@symbol1", "@symbol2"]))
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testOpaqueAttr
def testOpaqueAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
ctx.allow_unregistered_dialects = True
oattr = OpaqueAttr(Attribute.parse("#pytest_dummy.dummyattr<>"))
# CHECK: oattr value: pytest_dummy
print("oattr value:", oattr.dialect_namespace)
# CHECK: oattr value: b'dummyattr<>'
print("oattr value:", oattr.data)
# Test factory methods.
# CHECK: default_get: #foobar<123>
OpaqueAttr.get("foobar", bytes("123", "utf-8"), NoneType.get()),
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testStringAttr
def testStringAttr():
with Context() as ctx:
sattr = StringAttr(Attribute.parse('"stringattr"'))
# CHECK: sattr value: stringattr
print("sattr value:", sattr.value)
# CHECK: sattr value: b'stringattr'
print("sattr value:", sattr.value_bytes)
# Test factory methods.
# CHECK: default_get: "foobar"
print("default_get:", StringAttr.get("foobar"))
# CHECK: typed_get: "12345" : i32
print("typed_get:", StringAttr.get_typed(IntegerType.get_signless(32), "12345"))
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testNamedAttr
def testNamedAttr():
with Context():
a = Attribute.parse('"stringattr"')
named = a.get_named("foobar") # Note: under the small object threshold
# CHECK: attr: "stringattr"
print("attr:", named.attr)
# CHECK: name: foobar
print("name:", named.name)
# CHECK: named: NamedAttribute(foobar="stringattr")
print("named:", named)
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testDenseIntAttr
def testDenseIntAttr():
with Context():
raw = Attribute.parse("dense<[[0,1,2],[3,4,5]]> : vector<2x3xi32>")
# CHECK: attr: dense<[{{\[}}0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]>
print("attr:", raw)
a = DenseIntElementsAttr(raw)
assert len(a) == 6
# CHECK: 0 1 2 3 4 5
for value in a:
print(value, end=" ")
# CHECK: i32
raw = Attribute.parse("dense<[true,false,true,false]> : vector<4xi1>")
# CHECK: attr: dense<[true, false, true, false]>
print("attr:", raw)
a = DenseIntElementsAttr(raw)
assert len(a) == 4
# CHECK: 1 0 1 0
for value in a:
print(value, end=" ")
# CHECK: i1
def testDenseArrayGetItem():
def print_item(attr_asm):
attr = Attribute.parse(attr_asm)
print(f"{len(attr)}: {attr[0]}, {attr[1]}")
with Context():
# CHECK: 2: False, True
print_item("array<i1: false, true>")
# CHECK: 2: 2, 3
print_item("array<i8: 2, 3>")
# CHECK: 2: 4, 5
print_item("array<i16: 4, 5>")
# CHECK: 2: 6, 7
print_item("array<i32: 6, 7>")
# CHECK: 2: 8, 9
print_item("array<i64: 8, 9>")
# CHECK: 2: 1.{{0+}}, 2.{{0+}}
print_item("array<f32: 1.0, 2.0>")
# CHECK: 2: 3.{{0+}}, 4.{{0+}}
print_item("array<f64: 3.0, 4.0>")
class MyBool:
def __bool__(self):
return True
# CHECK: myboolarray: array<i1: true>
print("myboolarray:", DenseBoolArrayAttr.get([MyBool()]))
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testDenseArrayAttrConstruction
def testDenseArrayAttrConstruction():
with Context(), Location.unknown():
def create_and_print(cls, x):
darr = cls.get(x)
print(f"input: {x} ({type(x)}), result: {darr}")
except Exception as ex:
print(f"input: {x} ({type(x)}), error: {ex}")
# CHECK: input: [4, 2] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: result: array<i8: 4, 2>
create_and_print(DenseI8ArrayAttr, [4, 2])
# CHECK: input: [4, 2.0] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: error: get(): incompatible function arguments
create_and_print(DenseI8ArrayAttr, [4, 2.0])
# CHECK: input: [40000, 2] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: error: get(): incompatible function arguments
create_and_print(DenseI8ArrayAttr, [40000, 2])
# CHECK: input: range(0, 4) (<class 'range'>),
# CHECK-SAME: result: array<i8: 0, 1, 2, 3>
create_and_print(DenseI8ArrayAttr, range(4))
# CHECK: input: [IntegerAttr(4 : i64), IntegerAttr(2 : i64)] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: result: array<i8: 4, 2>
create_and_print(DenseI8ArrayAttr, [Attribute.parse(f"{x}") for x in [4, 2]])
# CHECK: input: [IntegerAttr(4000 : i64), IntegerAttr(2 : i64)] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: error: get(): incompatible function arguments
create_and_print(DenseI8ArrayAttr, [Attribute.parse(f"{x}") for x in [4000, 2]])
# CHECK: input: [IntegerAttr(4 : i64), FloatAttr(2.000000e+00 : f64)] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: error: get(): incompatible function arguments
create_and_print(DenseI8ArrayAttr, [Attribute.parse(f"{x}") for x in [4, 2.0]])
# CHECK: input: [IntegerAttr(4 : i8), IntegerAttr(2 : ui16)] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: result: array<i8: 4, 2>
DenseI8ArrayAttr, [Attribute.parse(s) for s in ["4 : i8", "2 : ui16"]]
# CHECK: input: [FloatAttr(4.000000e+00 : f64), FloatAttr(2.000000e+00 : f64)] (<class 'list'>)
# CHECK-SAME: result: array<f32: 4.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00>
DenseF32ArrayAttr, [Attribute.parse(f"{x}") for x in [4.0, 2.0]]
# CHECK: [BoolAttr(true), BoolAttr(false)] (<class 'list'>),
# CHECK-SAME: result: array<i1: true, false>
DenseBoolArrayAttr, [Attribute.parse(f"{x}") for x in ["true", "false"]]
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testDenseIntAttrGetItem
def testDenseIntAttrGetItem():
def print_item(attr_asm):
attr = Attribute.parse(attr_asm)
dtype = ShapedType(attr.type).element_type
item = attr[0]
print(f"{dtype}:", item)
except TypeError as e:
print(f"{dtype}:", e)
with Context():
# CHECK: i1: 1
print_item("dense<true> : tensor<i1>")
# CHECK: i8: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<i8>")
# CHECK: i16: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<i16>")
# CHECK: i32: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<i32>")
# CHECK: i64: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<i64>")
# CHECK: ui8: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<ui8>")
# CHECK: ui16: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<ui16>")
# CHECK: ui32: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<ui32>")
# CHECK: ui64: 123
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<ui64>")
# CHECK: si8: -123
print_item("dense<-123> : tensor<si8>")
# CHECK: si16: -123
print_item("dense<-123> : tensor<si16>")
# CHECK: si32: -123
print_item("dense<-123> : tensor<si32>")
# CHECK: si64: -123
print_item("dense<-123> : tensor<si64>")
# CHECK: i7: Unsupported integer type
print_item("dense<123> : tensor<i7>")
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testDenseFPAttr
def testDenseFPAttr():
with Context():
raw = Attribute.parse("dense<[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]> : vector<4xf32>")
# CHECK: attr: dense<[0.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00]>
print("attr:", raw)
a = DenseFPElementsAttr(raw)
assert len(a) == 4
# CHECK: 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
for value in a:
print(value, end=" ")
# CHECK: f32
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testDictAttr
def testDictAttr():
with Context():
dict_attr = {
"stringattr": StringAttr.get("string"),
"integerattr": IntegerAttr.get(IntegerType.get_signless(32), 42),
a = DictAttr.get(dict_attr)
# CHECK: attr: {integerattr = 42 : i32, stringattr = "string"}
print("attr:", a)
assert len(a) == 2
# CHECK: integerattr: IntegerAttr(42 : i32)
print("integerattr:", repr(a["integerattr"]))
# CHECK: stringattr: StringAttr("string")
print("stringattr:", repr(a["stringattr"]))
# CHECK: True
print("stringattr" in a)
# CHECK: False
print("not_in_dict" in a)
# Check that exceptions are raised as expected.
_ = a["does_not_exist"]
except KeyError:
assert False, "Exception not produced"
_ = a[42]
except IndexError:
assert False, "expected IndexError on accessing an out-of-bounds attribute"
# CHECK: empty: {}
print("empty: ", DictAttr.get())
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testTypeAttr
def testTypeAttr():
with Context():
raw = Attribute.parse("vector<4xf32>")
# CHECK: attr: vector<4xf32>
print("attr:", raw)
type_attr = TypeAttr(raw)
# CHECK: f32
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testArrayAttr
def testArrayAttr():
with Context():
arr = Attribute.parse("[42, true, vector<4xf32>]")
# CHECK: arr: [42, true, vector<4xf32>]
print("arr:", arr)
# CHECK: - IntegerAttr(42 : i64)
# CHECK: - BoolAttr(true)
# CHECK: - TypeAttr(vector<4xf32>)
for attr in arr:
print("- ", repr(attr))
with Context():
intAttr = Attribute.parse("42")
vecAttr = Attribute.parse("vector<4xf32>")
boolAttr = BoolAttr.get(True)
raw = ArrayAttr.get([vecAttr, boolAttr, intAttr])
# CHECK: attr: [vector<4xf32>, true, 42]
print("raw attr:", raw)
# CHECK: - TypeAttr(vector<4xf32>)
# CHECK: - BoolAttr(true
# CHECK: - IntegerAttr(42 : i64)
arr = raw
for attr in arr:
print("- ", repr(attr))
# CHECK: attr[0]: TypeAttr(vector<4xf32>)
print("attr[0]:", repr(arr[0]))
# CHECK: attr[1]: BoolAttr(true)
print("attr[1]:", repr(arr[1]))
# CHECK: attr[2]: IntegerAttr(42 : i64)
print("attr[2]:", repr(arr[2]))
print("attr[3]:", arr[3])
except IndexError as e:
# CHECK: Error: ArrayAttribute index out of range
print("Error: ", e)
with Context():
except RuntimeError as e:
# CHECK: Error: Invalid attribute (None?) when attempting to create an ArrayAttribute
print("Error: ", e)
except RuntimeError as e:
# CHECK: Error: Invalid attribute when attempting to create an ArrayAttribute
print("Error: ", e)
with Context():
array = ArrayAttr.get([StringAttr.get("a"), StringAttr.get("b")])
array = array + [StringAttr.get("c")]
# CHECK: concat: ["a", "b", "c"]
print("concat: ", array)
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testStridedLayoutAttr
def testStridedLayoutAttr():
with Context():
attr = StridedLayoutAttr.get(42, [5, 7, 13])
# CHECK: strided<[5, 7, 13], offset: 42>
# CHECK: 42
# CHECK: 3
# CHECK: 5
# CHECK: 7
# CHECK: 13
attr = StridedLayoutAttr.get_fully_dynamic(3)
dynamic = ShapedType.get_dynamic_stride_or_offset()
# CHECK: strided<[?, ?, ?], offset: ?>
# CHECK: offset is dynamic: True
print(f"offset is dynamic: {attr.offset == dynamic}")
# CHECK: rank: 3
print(f"rank: {len(attr.strides)}")
# CHECK: strides are dynamic: [True, True, True]
print(f"strides are dynamic: {[s == dynamic for s in attr.strides]}")
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testConcreteTypesRoundTrip
def testConcreteTypesRoundTrip():
with Context(), Location.unknown():
def print_item(attr):
# CHECK: F32Type(f32)
print_item(Attribute.parse("42.0 : f32"))
# CHECK: F32Type(f32)
# CHECK: IntegerType(i64)
print_item(IntegerAttr.get(IntegerType.get_signless(64), 42))
def print_container_item(attr_asm):
attr = DenseElementsAttr(Attribute.parse(attr_asm))
# CHECK: RankedTensorType(tensor<i16>)
# CHECK: IntegerType(i16)
print_container_item("dense<123> : tensor<i16>")
# CHECK: RankedTensorType(tensor<f64>)
# CHECK: F64Type(f64)
print_container_item("dense<1.0> : tensor<f64>")
raw = Attribute.parse("vector<4xf32>")
# CHECK: attr: vector<4xf32>
print("attr:", raw)
type_attr = TypeAttr(raw)
# CHECK: VectorType(vector<4xf32>)
# CHECK: F32Type(f32)
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testConcreteAttributesRoundTrip
def testConcreteAttributesRoundTrip():
with Context(), Location.unknown():
# CHECK: FloatAttr(4.200000e+01 : f32)
print(repr(Attribute.parse("42.0 : f32")))
assert IntegerAttr.static_typeid is not None