Test lldb Python commands.
import sys
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
class CmdPythonTestCase(TestBase):
def test(self):
def pycmd_tests(self):
self.runCmd("command source py_import")
# Test that we did indeed add these commands as user commands:
interp = self.dbg.GetCommandInterpreter()
self.assertTrue(interp.UserCommandExists("foobar"), "foobar exists")
self.assertFalse(interp.CommandExists("foobar"), "It is not a builtin.")
# Test a bunch of different kinds of python callables with
# both 4 and 5 positional arguments.
self.expect("foobar", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("foobar4", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("vfoobar", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("v5foobar", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("sfoobar", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("cfoobar", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("ifoobar", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("sfoobar4", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("cfoobar4", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("ifoobar4", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("ofoobar", substrs=["All good"])
self.expect("ofoobar4", substrs=["All good"])
# Verify command that specifies eCommandRequiresTarget returns failure
# without a target.
self.expect("targetname", substrs=["a.out"], matching=False, error=True)
exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
self.expect("file " + exe, patterns=["Current executable set to .*a.out"])
self.expect("targetname", substrs=["a.out"], matching=True, error=False)
# This is the function to remove the custom commands in order to have a
# clean slate for the next test case.
def cleanup():
self.runCmd("command script delete welcome", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete targetname", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete longwait", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete mysto", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete tell_sync", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete tell_async", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete tell_curr", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete bug11569", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete takes_exe_ctx", check=False)
self.runCmd("command script delete decorated", check=False)
# Execute the cleanup function during test case tear down.
# Interact with debugger in synchronous mode
# We don't want to display the stdout if not in TraceOn() mode.
if not self.TraceOn():
self.expect("welcome Enrico", substrs=["Hello Enrico, welcome to LLDB"])
"help welcome",
"Just a docstring for welcome_impl",
"A command that says hello to LLDB users",
decorated_commands = ["decorated" + str(n) for n in range(1, 5)]
for name in decorated_commands:
self.expect(name, substrs=["hello from " + name])
"help " + name, substrs=["Python command defined by @lldb.command"]
substrs=["For more information run"] + decorated_commands + ["welcome"],
"help -a",
substrs=["For more information run"] + decorated_commands + ["welcome"],
self.expect("help -u", matching=False, substrs=["For more information run"])
self.runCmd("command script delete welcome")
"welcome Enrico",
substrs=["Hello Enrico, welcome to LLDB"],
"targetname fail", error=True, substrs=["a test for error in command"]
"command script list", substrs=["targetname", "For more information run"]
"help targetname",
substrs=["Expects", "'raw'", "input", "help", "raw-input"],
self.expect("longwait", substrs=["Done; if you saw the delays I am doing OK"])
self.runCmd("break set -f main.cpp -l 48")
self.runCmd("mysto 3")
"frame variable array",
substrs=["[0] = 79630", "[1] = 388785018", "[2] = 0"],
self.runCmd("mysto 3")
"frame variable array",
substrs=["[0] = 79630", "[4] = 388785018", "[5] = 0"],
# we cannot use the stepover command to check for async execution mode since LLDB
# seems to get confused when events start to queue up
self.expect("tell_sync", substrs=["running sync"])
self.expect("tell_async", substrs=["running async"])
self.expect("tell_curr", substrs=["I am running sync"])
# check that the execution context is passed in to commands that ask for it
self.expect("takes_exe_ctx", substrs=["a.out"])
# Test that a python command can redefine itself
self.expect('command script add -f foobar welcome -h "just some help"')
self.runCmd("command script clear")
# Test that re-defining an existing command works
self.runCmd("command script add my_command --class welcome.WelcomeCommand")
self.expect("my_command Blah", substrs=["Hello Blah, welcome to LLDB"])
"command script add my_command -o --class welcome.TargetnameCommand"
self.expect("my_command", substrs=["a.out"])
# Test that without --overwrite we are not allowed to redefine the command.
"command script add my_command --class welcome.TargetnameCommand",
'user command "my_command" already exists and force replace was'
" not set by --overwrite or 'settings set"
" interpreter.require-overwrite false'"
self.runCmd("command script clear")
"command script list", matching=False, substrs=["targetname", "longwait"]
"command script add -f foobar frame",
substrs=["cannot add command"],
# http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=11569
# LLDBSwigPythonCallCommand crashes when a command script returns an
# object
self.runCmd("command script add -f bug11569 bug11569")
# This should not crash.
self.runCmd("bug11569", check=False)
# Make sure that a reference to a non-existent class raises an error:
bad_class_name = "LLDBNoSuchModule.LLDBNoSuchClass"
"command script add wont-work --class {0}".format(bad_class_name),
def test_persistence(self):
Ensure that function arguments meaningfully persist (and do not crash!)
even after the function terminates.
self.runCmd("command script import persistence.py")
self.runCmd("command script add -f persistence.save_debugger save_debugger")
self.expect("save_debugger", substrs=[str(self.dbg)])
# After the command completes, the debugger object should still be
# valid.
self.expect("script str(persistence.debugger_copy)", substrs=[str(self.dbg)])
# The result object will be replaced by an empty result object (in the
# "Started" state).
self.expect("script str(persistence.result_copy)", substrs=["Started"])
def test_interactive(self):
Test that we can add multiple lines interactively.
interp = self.dbg.GetCommandInterpreter()
cmd_file = self.getSourcePath("cmd_file.lldb")
result = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
interp.HandleCommand(f"command source {cmd_file}", result)
self.assertCommandReturn(result, "Sourcing the command should cause no errors.")
self.assertTrue(interp.UserCommandExists("my_cmd"), "Command defined.")
interp.HandleCommand("my_cmd", result)
self.assertCommandReturn(result, "Running the command succeeds")
self.assertIn("My Command Result", result.GetOutput(), "Command was correct")