! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
module m
real, constant :: rc
!ERROR: Object 'rcp' with ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, constant, pointer :: rcp
!ERROR: Object 'rct' with ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, constant, target :: rct
real, device, pointer :: dp(:)
real, device, target :: dt(100)
attributes(device) subroutine devsub
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not definable
!BECAUSE: 'rc' has ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) and is not definable in a device subprogram
rc = 1.
!ERROR: The left-hand side of a pointer assignment is not definable
!BECAUSE: 'dp' is a pointer and may not be associated in a device subprogram
dp => dt
attributes(global) subroutine globsub
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not definable
!BECAUSE: 'rc' has ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) and is not definable in a device subprogram
rc = 1.
!ERROR: The left-hand side of a pointer assignment is not definable
!BECAUSE: 'dp' is a pointer and may not be associated in a device subprogram
dp => dt
subroutine hostsub
rc = 1.
dp => dt