
! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
program test
  real, allocatable :: a0, a1(:)
  real, pointer :: p0, p1(:)
  real, target :: t0, t1(1)
  subroutine allocatables(a)
    real, allocatable :: a(..)
    select rank(a)
    rank (0)
      allocate(a) ! ok
      deallocate(a) ! ok
      allocate(a, source=a0) ! ok
      allocate(a, mold=p0) ! ok
      a = 1. ! ok
      !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined ASSIGNMENT(=) matches scalar REAL(4) and rank 1 array of REAL(4)
      a = [1.]
      !ERROR: If SOURCE appears, the related expression must be scalar or have the same rank as each allocatable object in ALLOCATE
      allocate(a, source=a1)
      allocate(a, mold=p1) ! ok, mold= ignored
    rank (1)
      allocate(a(1)) ! ok
      deallocate(a) ! ok
      a = 1. ! ok
      a = [1.] ! ok
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(a, source=a0)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(a, mold=p0)
      allocate(a, source=a1) ! ok
      allocate(a, mold=p1) ! ok
    rank (2)
      allocate(a(1,1)) ! ok
      deallocate(a) ! ok
      a = 1. ! ok
      !ERROR: No intrinsic or user-defined ASSIGNMENT(=) matches rank 2 array of REAL(4) and rank 1 array of REAL(4)
      a = [1.]
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(a, source=a0)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(a, mold=p0)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(a, source=a1)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(a, mold=p1)
    !ERROR: RANK (*) cannot be used when selector is POINTER or ALLOCATABLE
    rank (*)
      !ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'a' may not appear here without subscripts
      !ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'a' may not appear here without subscripts
      !ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'a' may not appear here without subscripts
      a = 1.
    rank default
      !ERROR: An assumed-rank dummy argument may not appear in an ALLOCATE statement
      !ERROR: An assumed-rank dummy argument is not allowed in an assignment statement
      !ERROR: An assumed-rank dummy argument is not allowed as an operand here
      a = a + 1.
    end select
    ! Test nested associations
    select rank(a)
    rank default
      select rank(a)
      rank default
        select rank(a)
        rank (0)
          allocate(a) ! ok
          deallocate(a) ! ok
        rank (1)
          allocate(a(1)) ! ok
          deallocate(a) ! ok
        end select
      end select
    end select
  subroutine pointers(p)
    real, pointer :: p(..)
    select rank(p)
    rank (0)
      allocate(p) ! ok
      deallocate(p) ! ok
      allocate(p, source=a0) ! ok
      allocate(p, mold=p0) ! ok
      !ERROR: If SOURCE appears, the related expression must be scalar or have the same rank as each allocatable object in ALLOCATE
      allocate(p, source=a1)
      allocate(p, mold=p1) ! ok, mold ignored
      p => t0 ! ok
      !ERROR: Pointer has rank 0 but target has rank 1
      p => t1
    rank (1)
      allocate(p(1)) ! ok
      deallocate(p) ! ok
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(p, source=a0)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(p, mold=p0)
      allocate(p, source=a1) ! ok
      allocate(p, mold=p1) ! ok
      !ERROR: Pointer has rank 1 but target has rank 0
      p => t0
      p => t1 ! ok
    rank (2)
      allocate(p(1,1)) ! ok
      deallocate(p) ! ok
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(p, source=a0)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(p, mold=p0)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(p, source=a1)
      !ERROR: Arrays in ALLOCATE must have a shape specification or an expression of the same rank must appear in SOURCE or MOLD
      allocate(p, mold=p1)
      !ERROR: Pointer has rank 2 but target has rank 0
      p => t0
      !ERROR: Pointer has rank 2 but target has rank 1
      p => t1
    !ERROR: RANK (*) cannot be used when selector is POINTER or ALLOCATABLE
    rank (*)
      !ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'p' may not appear here without subscripts
      !ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'p' may not appear here without subscripts
    rank default
      !ERROR: An assumed-rank dummy argument may not appear in an ALLOCATE statement
      !ERROR: The left-hand side of a pointer assignment must not be an assumed-rank dummy argument
      !ERROR: pointer 'p' associated with object 't0' with incompatible type or shape
      p => t0
      !ERROR: The left-hand side of a pointer assignment must not be an assumed-rank dummy argument
      !ERROR: pointer 'p' associated with object 't1' with incompatible type or shape
      p => t1
    end select
  subroutine undefinable(p)
    real, pointer, intent(in) :: p(..)
    real, target :: t
    select rank(p)
    rank (0)
      !ERROR: The left-hand side of a pointer assignment is not definable
      !BECAUSE: 'p' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
      p => t
      !ERROR: Name in DEALLOCATE statement is not definable
      !BECAUSE: 'p' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
    !ERROR: RANK (*) cannot be used when selector is POINTER or ALLOCATABLE
    rank (*)
      !ERROR: Whole assumed-size array 'p' may not appear here without subscripts
      !ERROR: Name in DEALLOCATE statement is not definable
      !BECAUSE: 'p' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
    rank default
      !ERROR: Name in DEALLOCATE statement is not definable
      !BECAUSE: 'p' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
    end select