
! Check that if there is a label or a name on an label-do-stmt,
! then it is not lost when rewriting it to an non-label-do-stmt.

! RUN: %flang_fc1 -fdebug-unparse-with-symbols -pedantic %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s

! CHECK: end do
! CHECK: 2 do
! CHECK: mainloop: do
! CHECK: end do mainloop

! CHECK-NOT: do [1-9]

subroutine foo()
  do 1 i=1,2
    goto 2
1 continue
2 do 3 i=1,2
3 continue

  mainloop : do 4 i=1,100
    do j=1,20
      if (j==i) then
        ! cycle mainloop: TODO: fix invalid complaints that mainloop construct
        ! is not in scope.
      end if
    end do
4 end do mainloop
end subroutine