! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 -pedantic
module m
type, bind(c) :: explicit_bind_c
real a
end type
type :: interoperable1
type(explicit_bind_c) a
end type
type, extends(interoperable1) :: interoperable2
real b
end type
type :: non_interoperable1
real, allocatable :: a
end type
type :: non_interoperable2
type(non_interoperable1) b
end type
type :: no_bind_c
real a
end type
type, bind(c) :: has_bind_c
!WARNING: Derived type of component 'a' of an interoperable derived type should have the BIND attribute
type(no_bind_c) :: a
end type
subroutine sub_bind_c_1(x_bind_c) bind(c)
import explicit_bind_c
type(explicit_bind_c), intent(in) :: x_bind_c
subroutine sub_bind_c_2(x_interop1) bind(c)
import interoperable1
!WARNING: The derived type of an interoperable object should be BIND(C)
type(interoperable1), intent(in) :: x_interop1
subroutine sub_bind_c_3(x_interop2) bind(c)
import interoperable2
!WARNING: The derived type of an interoperable object should be BIND(C)
type(interoperable2), intent(in) :: x_interop2
subroutine sub_bind_c_4(x_non_interop1) bind(c)
import non_interoperable1
!ERROR: The derived type of an interoperable object must be interoperable, but is not
type(non_interoperable1), intent(in) :: x_non_interop1
subroutine sub_bind_c_5(x_non_interop2) bind(c)
import non_interoperable2
!ERROR: The derived type of an interoperable object must be interoperable, but is not
type(non_interoperable2), intent(in) :: x_non_interop2
end interface