! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Check for semantic errors in change team statements
! This subtest contains syntactic tests that prevent the main tests from being emitted.
subroutine test
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: team_type
type(team_type) :: team
! If a construct name appears on the CHANGE TEAM statement of the construct, the same name must also appear on the END TEAM construct.
construct: change team (team)
! ERROR: CHANGE TEAM construct name required but missing
end team
end block
! If a construct name appears on an END TEAM statement, the same construct name must appear on the corresponding CHANGE TEAM statement.
change team (team)
! ERROR: CHANGE TEAM construct name unexpected
end team construct
end block
construct1: change team (team)
! ERROR: CHANGE TEAM construct name mismatch
end team construct2
end block
end subroutine