! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Exercise CUDA data attribute checks
module m
type :: t1
integer :: i
end type
type :: t2
real, unified :: r(10) ! ok
end type
real, constant :: mc ! ok
real, constant :: mci = 1. ! ok
!ERROR: Object 'mcl' with ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, constant, allocatable :: mcl
!ERROR: Object 'mcp' with ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, constant, pointer :: mcp
!ERROR: Object 'mct' with ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, constant, target :: mct
real, device :: md ! ok
real, device :: mdi = 1.
real, device, allocatable :: mdl ! ok
real, device, pointer :: mdp ! ok at module level
real, device, target :: mdt ! ok
!ERROR: Object 'ms' with ATTRIBUTES(SHARED) must be declared in a device subprogram
real, shared :: ms
!ERROR: Object 'msi' with ATTRIBUTES(SHARED) must be declared in a device subprogram
real, shared :: msi = 1.
!ERROR: Object 'msl' with ATTRIBUTES(SHARED) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, shared, allocatable :: msl
!ERROR: Object 'msp' with ATTRIBUTES(SHARED) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, shared, pointer :: msp
!ERROR: Object 'mst' with ATTRIBUTES(SHARED) may not be allocatable, pointer, or target
real, shared, target :: mst
!ERROR: Object 'msa' with ATTRIBUTES(SHARED) must be declared in a device subprogram
real, shared :: msa(*)
real, managed :: mm ! ok
real, managed :: mmi = 1. ! ok
real, managed, allocatable :: mml ! ok
!ERROR: Object 'mmp' with ATTRIBUTES(MANAGED) must also be allocatable, automatic, explicit shape, or a dummy argument
real, managed, pointer :: mmp(:)
real, managed, target :: mmt
!WARNING: Object 'mp' with ATTRIBUTES(PINNED) should also be allocatable
real, pinned :: mp
!WARNING: Object 'mpi' with ATTRIBUTES(PINNED) should also be allocatable
real, pinned :: mpi = 1.
real, pinned, allocatable :: mpl ! ok
!ERROR: Object 'mpp' with ATTRIBUTES(PINNED) may not be a pointer
real, pinned, pointer :: mpp
!WARNING: Object 'mpt' with ATTRIBUTES(PINNED) should also be allocatable
real, pinned, target :: mpt ! ok
!ERROR: ATTRIBUTES(TEXTURE) is obsolete and no longer supported
real, texture, pointer :: mt
!ERROR: 'bigint' has intrinsic type 'INTEGER(16)' that is not available on the device
integer(16), device :: bigint
!ERROR: Object 'um' with ATTRIBUTES(UNIFIED) must be declared in a host subprogram
real, unified :: um
attributes(device) subroutine devsubr(n,da)
integer, intent(in) :: n
real, device :: da(*) ! ok
real, managed :: ma(n) ! ok
!WARNING: Pointer 'dp' may not be associated in a device subprogram
real, device, pointer :: dp
real, constant :: rc ! ok
!ERROR: Object 'u' with ATTRIBUTES(UNIFIED) must be declared in a host subprogram
real, unified :: u
end subroutine
subroutine host()
!ERROR: Object 'rc' with ATTRIBUTES(CONSTANT) may not be declared in a host subprogram
real, constant :: rc
end subroutine
attributes(global) subroutine devsubr2()
real, shared :: rs
rs = 1 ! ok
end subroutine
subroutine host2()
real, unified :: ru ! ok
type(t1), unified :: tu ! ok
type(t2) :: t ! ok
real, device :: a(100) ! ok
end block
end subroutine
end module
program p
real, unified :: um ! ok
end program