! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Tests for the ALLOCATED() intrinsic
subroutine alloc(coarray_alloc, coarray_not_alloc, t2_not_alloc, &
function return_allocatable()
integer, allocatable :: return_allocatable(:)
end function
end interface
type :: t1
integer, allocatable :: alloc(:)
integer :: not_alloc
end type
type :: t2
real, allocatable :: coarray_alloc[:]
real, allocatable :: coarray_alloc_array(:)[:]
end type
integer :: not_alloc(100)
real, allocatable :: x_alloc
character(:), allocatable :: char_alloc(:)
type(t1) :: dt_not_alloc(100)
type(t1), allocatable :: dt_alloc(:)
real, allocatable :: coarray_alloc[:, :]
real, allocatable :: coarray_alloc_array(:)[:, :]
real :: coarray_not_alloc(:)[*]
type(t2) :: t2_not_alloc
real, allocatable :: assumedRank(..)
! OK
print *, allocated(x_alloc)
print *, allocated(char_alloc)
print *, allocated(dt_alloc)
print *, allocated(dt_not_alloc(3)%alloc)
print *, allocated(dt_alloc(3)%alloc)
print *, allocated(coarray_alloc)
print *, allocated(coarray_alloc[2,3])
print *, allocated(t2_not_alloc%coarray_alloc)
print *, allocated(t2_not_alloc%coarray_alloc[2])
print *, allocated(assumedRank)
select rank (assumedRank)
rank (0)
print *, allocated(scalar=assumedRank)
rank default
print *, allocated(array=assumedRank)
end select
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(not_alloc)
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(dt_not_alloc)
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(dt_alloc%not_alloc)
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(char_alloc(:))
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(char_alloc(1)(1:10))
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(coarray_alloc_array(1:10))
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(coarray_alloc_array(1:10)[2,2])
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(t2_not_alloc%coarray_alloc_array(1))
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(t2_not_alloc%coarray_alloc_array(1)[2])
!ERROR: Argument of ALLOCATED() must be an ALLOCATABLE object or component
print *, allocated(return_allocatable())
end subroutine