
! RUN: not %flang_fc1 -fdebug-unparse-with-symbols %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
! CHECK: Label '50' was not found
! CHECK: warning: Label '55' is in a construct that should not be used as a branch target here
! CHECK: Label '70' is not a branch target
! CHECK: Control flow use of '70'
! CHECK: error: Label '80' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK: error: Label '90' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK: error: Label '91' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK: error: Label '92' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK: error: Label '30' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK: error: Label '31' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK-NOT: error: Label '32' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK: error: Label '40' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK: error: Label '41' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here
! CHECK-NOT: error: Label '42' is in a construct that prevents its use as a branch target here

subroutine sub00(a,b,n,m)
  real a(n,m)
  real b(n,m)
  if (n .ne. m) then
     goto 50
  end if
6 n = m
end subroutine sub00

subroutine sub01(a,b,n,m)
  real a(n,m)
  real b(n,m)
  if (n .ne. m) then
     goto 55
55   continue
  end if
60 n = m
end subroutine sub01

subroutine sub02(a,b,n,m)
  real a(n,m)
  real b(n,m)
  if (n .ne. m) then
     goto 70
  end if
70 FORMAT (1x,i6)
end subroutine sub02

subroutine sub03(a,n)
  real a(n)
  forall (j=1:n)
80  a(n) = j
  end forall
  go to 80
end subroutine sub03

subroutine sub04(a,n)
  real a(n)
  where (a > 0)
90  a = 1
  elsewhere (a < 0)
91  a = 2
92  a = 3
  end where
  if (n - 3) 90, 91, 92
end subroutine sub04

subroutine sub05(a)
  real a(..)
  select rank (a)
31  goto 30
    goto 32
32  continue
30  continue
  end select
  goto 31

subroutine sub06(a)
  class(*) a
  select type (a)
  type is (integer)
41  goto 40
  type is (real)
    goto 42
42  continue
40  continue
  end select
  goto 41