! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! C722 A function name shall not be declared with an asterisk type-param-value
! unless it is of type CHARACTER and is the name of a dummy function or the
! name of the result of an external function.
subroutine s()
type derived(param)
integer, len :: param
end type
type(derived(34)) :: a
procedure(character(len=*)) :: externCharFunc
!ERROR: An assumed (*) type parameter may be used only for a (non-statement function) dummy argument, associate name, character named constant, or external function result
procedure(type(derived(param =*))) :: externDerivedFunc
subroutine subr(dummyFunc)
character(len=*) :: dummyFunc
end subroutine subr
end interface
function works()
type(derived(param=4)) :: works
end function works
!ERROR: An assumed (*) type parameter may be used only for a (non-statement function) dummy argument, associate name, character named constant, or external function result
function fails1()
character(len=*) :: fails1
end function fails1
!ERROR: An assumed (*) type parameter may be used only for a (non-statement function) dummy argument, associate name, character named constant, or external function result
function fails2()
!ERROR: An assumed (*) type parameter may be used only for a (non-statement function) dummy argument, associate name, character named constant, or external function result
type(derived(param=*)) :: fails2
end function fails2
end subroutine s