! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Test comparisons that use the intrinsic SHAPE() as an operand
program testShape
subroutine sub1(arrayDummy, assumedRank)
integer :: arrayDummy(:), assumedRank(..)
integer, allocatable :: arrayDeferred(:)
integer :: arrayLocal(2) = [88, 99]
integer, parameter :: aRrs = rank(shape(assumedRank))
integer(kind=merge(kind(1),-1,aRrs == 1)) :: test_aRrs
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 1, but right operand has extent 0
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 1, but right operand has extent 0
if (all(shape(arrayDummy)==shape(8))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 0, but right operand has extent 1
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 0, but right operand has extent 1
if (all(shape(27)==shape(arrayDummy))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
if (all(64==shape(arrayDummy))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 1, but right operand has extent 0
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 1, but right operand has extent 0
if (all(shape(arrayDeferred)==shape(8))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 0, but right operand has extent 1
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 0, but right operand has extent 1
if (all(shape(27)==shape(arrayDeferred))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
if (all(64==shape(arrayDeferred))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 1, but right operand has extent 0
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 1, but right operand has extent 0
if (all(shape(arrayLocal)==shape(8))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 0, but right operand has extent 1
!ERROR: Dimension 1 of left operand has extent 0, but right operand has extent 1
if (all(shape(27)==shape(arrayLocal))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
if (all(64==shape(arrayLocal))) then
print *, "hello"
end if
! These can't be checked at compilation time
if (any(shape(assumedRank) == [1])) stop
if (any(lbound(assumedRank) == [1,2])) stop
if (any(ubound(assumedRank) == [1,2,3])) stop
end subroutine sub1
end program testShape