! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Tests valid and invalid ENTRY statements
module m1
!ERROR: ENTRY 'badentryinmodule' may appear only in a subroutine or function
entry badentryinmodule
module subroutine separate
end subroutine
end interface
subroutine modproc
entry entryinmodproc ! ok
!ERROR: ENTRY may not appear in an executable construct
entry badentryinblock ! C1571
end block
if (.true.) then
!ERROR: ENTRY may not appear in an executable construct
entry ibadconstr() ! C1571
end if
subroutine internal
!ERROR: ENTRY may not appear in an internal subprogram
entry badentryininternal ! C1571
end subroutine
end subroutine
end module
submodule(m1) m1s1
module procedure separate
!ERROR: ENTRY 'badentryinsmp' may not appear in a separate module procedure
entry badentryinsmp ! 1571
end procedure
end submodule
program main
!ERROR: ENTRY 'badentryinprogram' may appear only in a subroutine or function
entry badentryinprogram ! C1571
end program
block data bd1
!ERROR: ENTRY 'badentryinbd' may appear only in a subroutine or function
entry badentryinbd ! C1571
end block data
subroutine subr(goodarg1)
real, intent(in) :: goodarg1
real :: goodarg2
!ERROR: A dummy argument may not also be a named constant
integer, parameter :: badarg1 = 1
type :: badarg2
end type
common /badarg3/ x
namelist /badarg4/ x
!ERROR: A dummy argument must not be initialized
integer :: badarg5 = 2
entry okargs(goodarg1, goodarg2)
!ERROR: RESULT(br1) may appear only in a function
entry badresult() result(br1) ! C1572
!ERROR: 'badarg2' is already declared in this scoping unit
!ERROR: 'badarg4' is already declared in this scoping unit
entry badargs(badarg1,badarg2,badarg3,badarg4,badarg5)
end subroutine
function ifunc()
integer :: ifunc
integer :: ibad1
type :: ibad2
end type
save :: ibad3
real :: weird1
double precision :: weird2
complex :: weird3
logical :: weird4
character :: weird5
type(ibad2) :: weird6
integer :: iarr(1)
integer, allocatable :: alloc
integer, pointer :: ptr
entry iok1()
!ERROR: 'ibad1' is already declared in this scoping unit
entry ibad1() result(ibad1res) ! C1570
!ERROR: 'ibad2' is already declared in this scoping unit
!ERROR: Procedure 'ibad2' is referenced before being sufficiently defined in a context where it must be so
entry ibad2()
!ERROR: ENTRY in a function may not have an alternate return dummy argument
entry ibadalt(*) ! C1573
!ERROR: ENTRY cannot have RESULT(ifunc) that is not a variable
entry isameres() result(ifunc) ! C1574
entry iok()
!ERROR: Explicit RESULT('iok') of function 'isameres2' cannot have the same name as a distinct ENTRY into the same scope
entry isameres2() result(iok) ! C1574
!ERROR: Procedure 'iok2' is referenced before being sufficiently defined in a context where it must be so
!ERROR: Explicit RESULT('iok2') of function 'isameres3' cannot have the same name as a distinct ENTRY into the same scope
entry isameres3() result(iok2) ! C1574
!ERROR: 'iok2' is already declared in this scoping unit
entry iok2()
!These cases are all acceptably incompatible
entry iok3() result(weird1)
entry iok4() result(weird2)
entry iok5() result(weird3)
entry iok6() result(weird4)
!ERROR: Result of ENTRY is not compatible with result of containing function
entry ibadt1() result(weird5)
!ERROR: Result of ENTRY is not compatible with result of containing function
entry ibadt2() result(weird6)
!ERROR: Result of ENTRY is not compatible with result of containing function
entry ibadt3() result(iarr)
!ERROR: Result of ENTRY is not compatible with result of containing function
entry ibadt4() result(alloc)
!ERROR: Result of ENTRY is not compatible with result of containing function
entry ibadt5() result(ptr)
!ERROR: Cannot call function 'isubr' like a subroutine
call isubr
entry isubr()
continue ! force transition to execution part
entry implicit()
implicit = 666 ! ok, just ensure that it works
!ERROR: Cannot call function 'implicit' like a subroutine
call implicit
end function
function chfunc() result(chr)
character(len=1) :: chr
character(len=2) :: chr1
!ERROR: Result of ENTRY is not compatible with result of containing function
entry chfunc1() result(chr1)
end function
subroutine externals
!ERROR: 'subr' is already defined as a global identifier
entry subr
!ERROR: 'ifunc' is already defined as a global identifier
entry ifunc
!ERROR: 'm1' is already defined as a global identifier
entry m1
!ERROR: 'iok1' is already defined as a global identifier
entry iok1
integer :: ix
!ERROR: Cannot call subroutine 'iproc' like a function
!ERROR: Function result characteristics are not known
ix = iproc()
entry iproc
end subroutine
module m2
!ERROR: EXTERNAL attribute not allowed on 'm2entry2'
external m2entry2
subroutine m2subr1
entry m2entry1 ! ok
entry m2entry2 ! NOT ok
entry m2entry3 ! ok
end subroutine
end module
subroutine usem2
use m2
subroutine simplesubr
end subroutine
end interface
procedure(simplesubr), pointer :: p
p => m2subr1 ! ok
p => m2entry1 ! ok
p => m2entry2 ! ok
p => m2entry3 ! ok
end subroutine
module m3
module subroutine m3entry1
end subroutine
end interface
subroutine m3subr1
!ERROR: 'm3entry1' is already declared in this scoping unit
entry m3entry1
end subroutine
end module
module m4
interface generic1
module procedure m4entry1
end interface
interface generic2
module procedure m4entry2
end interface
interface generic3
module procedure m4entry3
end interface
subroutine m4subr1
entry m4entry1 ! in implicit part
integer :: n = 0
entry m4entry2 ! in specification part
n = 123
entry m4entry3 ! in executable part
print *, n
end subroutine
end module
function inone
implicit none
integer :: inone
!ERROR: No explicit type declared for 'implicitbad1'
entry implicitbad1
inone = 0 ! force transition to execution part
!ERROR: No explicit type declared for 'implicitbad2'
entry implicitbad2
module m5
real function setBefore
ent = 1.0
entry ent
end function
end module
module m6
recursive subroutine passSubr
call foo(passSubr)
call foo(ent1)
entry ent1
call foo(ent1)
end subroutine
recursive function passFunc1
!ERROR: Actual argument associated with procedure dummy argument 'e=' is not a procedure
call foo(passFunc1)
!ERROR: Actual argument associated with procedure dummy argument 'e=' is not a procedure
call foo(ent2)
entry ent2
!ERROR: Actual argument associated with procedure dummy argument 'e=' is not a procedure
call foo(ent2)
end function
recursive function passFunc2() result(res)
call foo(passFunc2)
call foo(ent3)
entry ent3() result(res)
call foo(ent3)
end function
subroutine foo(e)
external e
end subroutine
end module
!ERROR: 'q' appears more than once as a dummy argument name in this subprogram
subroutine s7(q,q)
!ERROR: Dummy argument 'x' may not be used before its ENTRY statement
call x
entry foo(x)
!ERROR: 's7' may not appear as a dummy argument name in this ENTRY statement
entry bar(s7)
!ERROR: 'z' appears more than once as a dummy argument name in this ENTRY statement
entry baz(z,z)
!ERROR: Explicit RESULT('f8e1') of function 'f8' cannot have the same name as a distinct ENTRY into the same scope
function f8() result(f8e1)
entry f8e1()
entry f8e2() result(f8e2) ! ok
!ERROR: Explicit RESULT('f8e1') of function 'f8e3' cannot have the same name as a distinct ENTRY into the same scope
entry f8e3() result(f8e1)
!ERROR: ENTRY cannot have RESULT(f8) that is not a variable
entry f8e4() result(f8)