! RUN: %python %S/test_modfile.py %s %flang_fc1
! Ensure that procedure name or derived type name that has been shadowed
! behind a generic interface gets its proper USE statement in a module file.
module m1
subroutine foo
end subroutine
end module
module m2
use m1
interface foo
procedure foo
end interface
end module
module m3
type foo
end type
end module
module m4
use m4
interface foo
procedure bar
end interface
integer function bar
end function
end module
!Expect: m1.mod
!module m1
!subroutine foo()
!Expect: m2.mod
!module m2
!use m1,only:foo
!interface foo
!end interface
!Expect: m3.mod
!module m3
!end type
!Expect: m4.mod
!module m4
!interface foo
!end interface
!function bar()