! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Tests for F'2023 C1131:
! A variable-name that appears in a REDUCE locality-spec shall not have the
! ASYNCHRONOUS, INTENT (IN), OPTIONAL, or VOLATILE attribute, shall not be
! coindexed, and shall not be an assumed-size array. A variable-name that is not
! permitted to appear in a variable definition context shall not appear in a
! REDUCE locality-spec.
subroutine s1()
! Cannot have ASYNCHRONOUS variable in a REDUCE locality spec
integer, asynchronous :: k
!ERROR: ASYNCHRONOUS variable 'k' not allowed in a REDUCE locality-spec
do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(+:k)
k = k + i
end do
end subroutine s1
subroutine s2(arg)
! Cannot have a dummy OPTIONAL in a REDUCE locality spec
integer, optional :: arg
!ERROR: OPTIONAL argument 'arg' not allowed in a locality-spec
do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(*:arg)
arg = arg * 1
end do
end subroutine s2
subroutine s3(arg)
! This is OK
real :: arg
integer :: reduce, reduce2, reduce3
do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(max:arg,reduce) reduce(iand:reduce2,reduce3)
arg = max(arg, i)
reduce = max(reduce, i)
reduce3 = iand(reduce3, i)
end do
end subroutine s3
subroutine s4(arg)
! Cannot have a dummy INTENT(IN) in a REDUCE locality spec
real, intent(in) :: arg
!ERROR: INTENT IN argument 'arg' not allowed in a locality-spec
do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(min:arg)
!ERROR: Left-hand side of assignment is not definable
!ERROR: 'arg' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
arg = min(arg, i)
end do
end subroutine s4
module m
subroutine s5()
! Cannot have VOLATILE variable in a REDUCE locality spec
integer, volatile :: var
!ERROR: VOLATILE variable 'var' not allowed in a REDUCE locality-spec
do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(ieor:var)
var = ieor(var, i)
end do
end subroutine s5
subroutine f(x)
integer :: x
end subroutine f
end module m
subroutine s8(arg)
! Cannot have an assumed size array
integer, dimension(*) :: arg
!ERROR: Assumed size array 'arg' not allowed in a locality-spec
do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(ior:arg)
arg(i) = ior(arg(i), i)
end do
end subroutine s8
subroutine s9()
! Reduction variable should not appear in a variable definition context
integer :: i
!ERROR: 'i' is already declared in this scoping unit
do concurrent(i=1:5) reduce(+:i)
end do
end subroutine s9