! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 -pedantic
! Tests of selectors whose defining expressions are pointer-valued functions;
! they must be valid targets, but not pointers.
! (F'2018 p1) "The associating entity does not have the ALLOCATABLE or
! POINTER attributes; it has the TARGET attribute if and only if the selector
! is a variable and has either the TARGET or POINTER attribute."
module m1
type t
procedure, nopass :: iptr
end type
function iptr(n)
integer, intent(in), target :: n
integer, pointer :: iptr
!WARNING: Pointer target is not a definable variable
!BECAUSE: 'n' is an INTENT(IN) dummy argument
iptr => n
end function
subroutine test
type(t) tv
integer, target :: itarget
integer, pointer :: ip
associate (sel => iptr(itarget))
ip => sel
!ERROR: POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a pointer
if (.not. associated(sel)) stop
end associate
associate (sel => tv%iptr(itarget))
ip => sel
!ERROR: POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a pointer
if (.not. associated(sel)) stop
end associate
associate (sel => (iptr(itarget)))
!ERROR: In assignment to object pointer 'ip', the target 'sel' is not an object with POINTER or TARGET attributes
ip => sel
!ERROR: POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a pointer
if (.not. associated(sel)) stop
end associate
associate (sel => 0 + iptr(itarget))
!ERROR: In assignment to object pointer 'ip', the target 'sel' is not an object with POINTER or TARGET attributes
ip => sel
!ERROR: POINTER= argument of ASSOCIATED() must be a pointer
if (.not. associated(sel)) stop
end associate
end subroutine
end module