! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 -pedantic
! Test constraints and restrictions for POINTER dummy arguments.
module m
real :: coarray(10)[*]
subroutine s01(p)
real, pointer, contiguous, intent(in) :: p(:)
end subroutine
subroutine s02(p)
real, pointer :: p(:)
end subroutine
subroutine s03(p)
real, pointer, intent(in) :: p(:)
end subroutine
subroutine s04(p)
real, pointer :: p
end subroutine
subroutine test
!PORTABILITY: CONTIGUOUS entity 'a01' should be an array pointer, assumed-shape, or assumed-rank
real, pointer, contiguous :: a01 ! C830
real, pointer :: a02(:)
real, target :: a03(10)
real :: a04(10) ! not TARGET
!PORTABILITY: CONTIGUOUS entity 'scalar' should be an array pointer, assumed-shape, or assumed-rank
real, contiguous :: scalar
call s01(a03) ! ok
!WARNING: Target of CONTIGUOUS pointer association is not known to be contiguous
call s01(a02)
!ERROR: CONTIGUOUS pointer may not be associated with a discontiguous target
call s01(a03(::2))
call s02(a02) ! ok
call s03(a03) ! ok
!ERROR: Actual argument associated with POINTER dummy argument 'p=' must also be POINTER unless INTENT(IN)
call s02(a03)
!ERROR: Actual argument associated with POINTER dummy argument 'p=' must also be POINTER unless INTENT(IN)
call s04(a02(1))
!ERROR: An array section with a vector subscript may not be a pointer target
call s03(a03([1,2,4]))
!ERROR: A coindexed object may not be a pointer target
call s03(coarray(:)[1])
!ERROR: Target associated with dummy argument 'p=' must be a designator or a call to a pointer-valued function
call s03([1.])
!ERROR: In assignment to object dummy argument 'p=', the target 'a04' is not an object with POINTER or TARGET attributes
call s03(a04)
end subroutine
end module