! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 -pedantic
module m
abstract interface
subroutine foo
end subroutine
subroutine foo2
end subroutine
end interface
procedure() :: a
procedure(integer) :: b
procedure(foo) :: c
procedure(bar) :: d
!ERROR: 'missing' must be an abstract interface or a procedure with an explicit interface
procedure(missing) :: e
!ERROR: 'b' must be an abstract interface or a procedure with an explicit interface
procedure(b) :: f
procedure(c) :: g
external :: h
!ERROR: 'h' must be an abstract interface or a procedure with an explicit interface
procedure(h) :: i
procedure(forward) :: j
!ERROR: 'bad1' must be an abstract interface or a procedure with an explicit interface
!ERROR: Procedure 'k1' may not be an array without an explicit interface
procedure(bad1) :: k1
!ERROR: 'bad2' must be an abstract interface or a procedure with an explicit interface
procedure(bad2) :: k2
!ERROR: 'bad3' must be an abstract interface or a procedure with an explicit interface
procedure(bad3) :: k3
abstract interface
subroutine forward
end subroutine
end interface
real :: bad1(1)
real :: bad2
type :: bad3
end type
!PORTABILITY: Name 'm' declared in a module should not have the same name as the module
type :: m
end type m
!ERROR: EXTERNAL attribute was already specified on 'a'
!ERROR: EXTERNAL attribute was already specified on 'b'
!ERROR: EXTERNAL attribute was already specified on 'c'
!ERROR: EXTERNAL attribute was already specified on 'd'
external :: a, b, c, d
!ERROR: EXTERNAL attribute not allowed on 'm'
external :: m
!WARNING: EXTERNAL attribute was already specified on 'foo'
external :: foo
!ERROR: EXTERNAL attribute not allowed on 'bar'
external :: bar
!ERROR: An entity may not have the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute unless it is a variable
asynchronous :: async
external :: async
!ERROR: PARAMETER attribute not allowed on 'm'
!ERROR: PARAMETER attribute not allowed on 'foo'
!ERROR: PARAMETER attribute not allowed on 'bar'
type, abstract :: t1
integer :: i
!ERROR: 'proc' must be an abstract interface or a procedure with an explicit interface
!ERROR: Procedure component 'p1' must have NOPASS attribute or explicit interface
procedure(proc), deferred :: p1
end type t1
abstract interface
function f()
end function
end interface
subroutine bar
end subroutine
!ERROR: An entity may not have the ASYNCHRONOUS attribute unless it is a variable
subroutine test
asynchronous test
!ERROR: Abstract procedure interface 'foo2' may not be referenced
call foo2()
!ERROR: Abstract procedure interface 'f' may not be referenced
x = f()
end subroutine
end module