
! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! C721 A type-param-value of * shall be used only
! * to declare a dummy argument,
! * to declare a named constant,
! * in the type-spec of an ALLOCATE statement wherein each allocate-object is
!   a dummy argument of type CHARACTER with an assumed character length,
! * in the type-spec or derived-type-spec of a type guard statement (11.1.11),
!   or
! * in an external function, to declare the character length parameter of the function result.
! Note also C795 for derived types (C721 applies to intrinsic types)
subroutine s(arg)
  character(len=*), pointer :: arg
  character*(*), parameter  :: cvar1 = "abc"
  character*4,  cvar2
  character(len=4_4) :: cvar3
  !ERROR: An assumed (*) type parameter may be used only for a (non-statement function) dummy argument, associate name, character named constant, or external function result
  character(len=*) :: cvar4

  type derived(param)
    integer, len :: param
    class(*), allocatable :: x
  end type
  type(derived(34)) :: a
    function fun()
      character(len=4) :: fun
    end function fun
  end interface

  type t(len)
    integer, len :: len
  end type
  !ERROR: An assumed (*) type parameter may be used only for a (non-statement function) dummy argument, associate name, character named constant, or external function result
  type(t(*)), parameter :: p2 = t(123)() ! C795

  select type (ax => a%x)
    type is (integer)
      print *, "hello"
    type is (character(len=*))
      print *, "hello"
    class is (derived(param=*))
      print *, "hello"
    class default
      print *, "hello"
  end select

  allocate (character(len=*) :: arg)
end subroutine s