! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! Check for distinguishability of defined I/O procedures defined within
! and outside their types.
module m1
type t1
integer n
procedure :: readt1a, readt1b
!ERROR: Generic 'read(unformatted)' may not have specific procedures 'readt1a' and 'readt1b' as their interfaces are not distinguishable
generic :: read(unformatted) => readt1a, readt1b
end type
type t2
integer n
end type
type t3
integer n
end type
!ERROR: Generic 'read(unformatted)' may not have specific procedures 'readt2a' and 'readt2b' as their interfaces are not distinguishable
interface read(unformatted)
module procedure :: readt1a, readt2a, readt2b, readt3
end interface
#define DEFINE_READU(name, type) \
subroutine name(dtv, unit, iostat, iomsg); \
class(type), intent(in out) :: dtv; \
integer, intent(in) :: unit; \
integer, intent(out) :: iostat; \
character(*), intent(in out) :: iomsg; \
read(unit, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) dtv%n; \
end subroutine name
!ERROR: Derived type 't1' has conflicting type-bound input/output procedure 'read(unformatted)'
DEFINE_READU(readt1a, t1)
DEFINE_READU(readt1b, t1)
DEFINE_READU(readt2a, t2)
DEFINE_READU(readt2b, t2)
DEFINE_READU(readt3, t3)
end module