! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenacc
! Check OpenACC clause validity for the following construct and directive:
! 2.10 Cache
program openacc_cache_validity
implicit none
type atype
real(8), dimension(10) :: arr
real(8) :: s
end type atype
integer :: i
integer, parameter :: N = 256
real(8), dimension(N, N) :: aa
type(atype) :: t
type(atype), dimension(10) :: ta
real(8), dimension(N) :: a
do i = 1, N
!$acc cache(a(i))
!$acc cache(a(1:2,3:4))
!$acc cache(a)
!$acc cache(readonly: a, aa)
!$acc cache(readonly: a(i), aa(i, i))
!$acc cache(t%arr)
!$acc cache(ta(1:2)%arr)
!$acc cache(ta(1:2)%arr(1:4))
!$acc cache(i)
!$acc cache(t%s)
!ERROR: Only array element or subarray are allowed in CACHE directive
!$acc cache(t)
!ERROR: Only array element or subarray are allowed in CACHE directive
!$acc cache(/i/)
end do
!ERROR: The CACHE directive must be inside a loop
!$acc cache(a)
end program openacc_cache_validity