! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
! C801 The same attr-spec shall not appear more than once in a given
! type-declaration-stmt.
! R801 type-declaration-stmt ->
! declaration-type-spec [[, attr-spec]... ::] entity-decl-list
! attr-spec values are:
! DIMENSION (array-spec), EXTERNAL, INTENT (intent-spec), INTRINSIC,
module m
!WARNING: Attribute 'PUBLIC' cannot be used more than once
real, public, allocatable, public :: publicVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'PRIVATE' cannot be used more than once
real, private, allocatable, private :: privateVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'ALLOCATABLE' cannot be used more than once
real, allocatable, allocatable :: allocVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'ASYNCHRONOUS' cannot be used more than once
real, asynchronous, public, asynchronous :: asynchVar
!ERROR: Attribute 'CODIMENSION' cannot be used more than once
real, codimension[*], codimension[*] :: codimensionVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'CONTIGUOUS' cannot be used more than once
real, contiguous, pointer, contiguous :: contigVar(:)
!ERROR: Attribute 'DIMENSION' cannot be used more than once
real, dimension(5), dimension(5) :: arrayVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'EXTERNAL' cannot be used more than once
real, external, external :: externFunc
!WARNING: Attribute 'INTRINSIC' cannot be used more than once
!ERROR: 'cos' may not have both the BIND(C) and INTRINSIC attributes
!ERROR: An interface name with the BIND attribute must appear if the BIND attribute appears in a procedure declaration
real, intrinsic, bind(c), intrinsic :: cos
!WARNING: Attribute 'BIND(C)' cannot be used more than once
integer, bind(c), volatile, bind(c) :: bindVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'PARAMETER' cannot be used more than once
real, parameter, parameter :: realConst = 4.3
!WARNING: Attribute 'POINTER' cannot be used more than once
real, pointer, pointer :: realPtr
!WARNING: Attribute 'PROTECTED' cannot be used more than once
real, protected, protected :: realProt
!WARNING: Attribute 'SAVE' cannot be used more than once
real, save, save :: saveVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'TARGET' cannot be used more than once
real, target, target :: targetVar
!WARNING: Attribute 'VOLATILE' cannot be used more than once
real, volatile, volatile :: volatileVar
subroutine testTypeDecl(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
!WARNING: Attribute 'INTENT(IN)' cannot be used more than once
real, intent(in), intent(in) :: arg1
!WARNING: Attribute 'INTENT(OUT)' cannot be used more than once
real, intent(out), intent(out) :: arg2
!WARNING: Attribute 'INTENT(INOUT)' cannot be used more than once
real, intent(inout), intent(inout) :: arg3
!WARNING: Attribute 'OPTIONAL' cannot be used more than once
integer, optional, intent(in), optional :: arg4
!WARNING: Attribute 'VALUE' cannot be used more than once
integer, value, intent(in), value :: arg5
!ERROR: Attributes 'INTENT(IN)' and 'INTENT(INOUT)' conflict with each other
integer, intent(in), pointer, intent(inout) :: arg6
arg2 =3.5
end subroutine testTypeDecl
end module m