
! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1
module m
  real, allocatable :: xa
  real, allocatable, managed :: ma
  attributes(device) subroutine devsubr
    real, device, allocatable :: da
    real, allocatable, managed :: dma
    allocate(da) ! ok
    deallocate(da) ! ok
    allocate(dma) ! ok
    deallocate(dma) ! ok
    !ERROR: Name in ALLOCATE statement is not definable
    !BECAUSE: 'xa' is a host variable and is not definable in a device subprogram
    !ERROR: Name in DEALLOCATE statement is not definable
    !BECAUSE: 'xa' is a host variable and is not definable in a device subprogram
    !ERROR: Name in ALLOCATE statement is not definable
    !BECAUSE: 'ma' is a host-associated allocatable and is not definable in a device subprogram
    !ERROR: Name in DEALLOCATE statement is not definable
    !BECAUSE: 'ma' is a host-associated allocatable and is not definable in a device subprogram
  end subroutine

  subroutine hostsub()
    integer, allocatable, device :: ia(:)
    logical :: plog

    !ERROR: Object in ALLOCATE must have PINNED attribute when PINNED option is specified
    allocate(ia(100), pinned = plog)
  end subroutine

  subroutine host2()
    integer, allocatable, pinned :: ia(:)
    integer :: istream

    !ERROR: Object in ALLOCATE must have DEVICE attribute when STREAM option is specified
    allocate(ia(100), stream = istream)
  end subroutine
end module