
! RUN: bbc -emit-fir -hlfir=false %s -o - | FileCheck %s

! Test that we are passing the correct length when using character array as
! Format (Fortran 2018 point 3)
! CHECK-LABEL: func @_QPtest_array_format
subroutine test_array_format
  ! CHECK-DAG: %[[c2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
  ! CHECK-DAG: %[[c10:.*]] = arith.constant 10 : index
  ! CHECK-DAG: %[[mem:.*]] = fir.alloca !fir.array<2x!fir.char<1,10>>
  character(10) :: array(2)
  array(1) ="(15HThis i"
  array(2) ="s a test.)"
  ! CHECK: %[[shape:.*]] = fir.shape %c2{{.*}} (index) -> !fir.shape<1>
  ! CHECK: %[[fmtBox:.*]] = fir.embox %[[mem]](%[[shape]]) : (!fir.ref<!fir.array<2x!fir.char<1,10>>>, !fir.shape<1>) -> !fir.box<!fir.array<2x!fir.char<1,10>>>
  ! CHECK: %[[fmtArg:.*]] = fir.zero_bits !fir.ref<i8>
  ! CHECK: %[[fmtLenArg:.*]] = fir.zero_bits i64
  ! CHECK: %[[fmtDesc:.*]] = fir.convert %[[fmtBox]] : (!fir.box<!fir.array<2x!fir.char<1,10>>>) -> !fir.box<none>
  ! CHECK: fir.call @_FortranAioBeginExternalFormattedOutput(%[[fmtArg]], %[[fmtLenArg]], %[[fmtDesc]], {{.*}}) 
  write(*, array) 
end subroutine

! A test to check the buffer and it's length.
subroutine some()
  character(LEN=255):: buffer
  character(LEN=255):: greeting
10 format (A255)
  ! CHECK:  fir.address_of(@_QQclX636F6D70696C6572) :
  write (buffer, 10) "compiler"
  read (buffer, 10) greeting
! CHECK-LABEL: fir.global linkonce @_QQclX636F6D70696C6572
! CHECK: %[[lit:.*]] = fir.string_lit "compiler"(8) : !fir.char<1,8>
! CHECK: fir.has_value %[[lit]] : !fir.char<1,8>
! CHECK: }