! RUN: bbc -pft-test -o %t %s | FileCheck %s
! Test structure of the Pre-FIR tree
! CHECK: Subroutine foo
subroutine foo()
! CHECK: <<DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
do i=1,5
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "hey"
! CHECK: <<DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
do j=1,5
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "hello", i, j
! CHECK: EndDoStmt
end do
! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: EndDoStmt
end do
! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: EndSubroutineStmt
end subroutine
! CHECK: End Subroutine foo
! CHECK: BlockData
block data
integer, parameter :: n = 100
integer, dimension(n) :: a, b, c
common /arrays/ a, b, c
! CHECK: End BlockData
! CHECK: Module test_mod
module test_mod
! check specification parts are not part of the PFT.
! CHECK-NOT: node
module subroutine dump()
end subroutine
end interface
integer :: xdim
real, allocatable :: pressure(:)
! CHECK: Subroutine foo
subroutine foo()
! CHECK: EndSubroutineStmt
! CHECK: Subroutine subfoo
subroutine subfoo()
! CHECK: EndSubroutineStmt
9 end subroutine
! CHECK: End Subroutine subfoo
! CHECK: Function subfoo2
function subfoo2()
! CHECK: EndFunctionStmt
9 end function
! CHECK: End Function subfoo2
end subroutine
! CHECK: End Subroutine foo
! CHECK: Function foo2
function foo2(i, j)
integer i, j, foo2
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
foo2 = i + j
! CHECK: EndFunctionStmt
! CHECK: Subroutine subfoo
subroutine subfoo()
! CHECK: EndSubroutineStmt
end subroutine
! CHECK: End Subroutine subfoo
end function
! CHECK: End Function foo2
end module
! CHECK: End Module test_mod
! CHECK: Submodule test_mod_impl: submodule(test_mod) test_mod_impl
submodule (test_mod) test_mod_impl
! CHECK: Subroutine foo
subroutine foo()
! CHECK: EndSubroutineStmt
! CHECK: Subroutine subfoo
subroutine subfoo()
! CHECK: EndSubroutineStmt
end subroutine
! CHECK: End Subroutine subfoo
! CHECK: Function subfoo2
function subfoo2()
! CHECK: EndFunctionStmt
end function
! CHECK: End Function subfoo2
end subroutine
! CHECK: End Subroutine foo
! CHECK: MpSubprogram dump
module procedure dump
! CHECK: FormatStmt
11 format (2E16.4, I6)
! CHECK: <<IfConstruct>>
! CHECK: IfThenStmt
if (xdim > 100) then
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "test: ", xdim
! CHECK: ElseStmt
! CHECK: WriteStmt
write (*, 11) "test: ", xdim, pressure
! CHECK: EndIfStmt
end if
! CHECK: <<End IfConstruct>>
end procedure
end submodule
! CHECK: End Submodule test_mod_impl
! CHECK: BlockData
block data named_block
integer i, j, k
common /indexes/ i, j, k
! CHECK: End BlockData
! CHECK: Function bar
function bar()
! CHECK: EndFunctionStmt
end function
! CHECK: End Function bar
! Test top level directives
! CHECK: CompilerDirective:
! Test nested directive
! CHECK: Subroutine test_directive
subroutine test_directive()
! CHECK: CompilerDirective:
end subroutine
! CHECK: EndSubroutine
! CHECK: Program <anonymous>
! check specification parts are not part of the PFT.
! CHECK-NOT: node
use test_mod
real, allocatable :: x(:)
! CHECK: AllocateStmt
allocate(x(foo2(10, 30)))
! CHECK: End Program