! RUN: bbc -pft-test -o %t %s | FileCheck %s
! Test Pre-FIR Tree captures all the intended nodes from the parse-tree
! Coarray and OpenMP related nodes are tested in other files.
! CHECK: Program test_prog
program test_prog
! Check specification part is not part of the tree.
subroutine incr(i)
integer, intent(inout) :: i
end subroutine
end interface
integer :: i, j, k
real, allocatable, target :: x(:)
real :: y(100)
! CHECK-NOT: node
! CHECK: <<DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
do i=1,5
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "hey"
! CHECK: <<DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
do j=1,5
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "hello", i, j
! CHECK: EndDoStmt
end do
! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: EndDoStmt
end do
! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct>>
! CHECK: <<AssociateConstruct>>
! CHECK: AssociateStmt
associate (k => i + j)
! CHECK: AllocateStmt
! CHECK: EndAssociateStmt
end associate
! CHECK: <<End AssociateConstruct>>
! CHECK: <<BlockConstruct!>>
! CHECK: BlockStmt
integer :: k, l
real, pointer :: p(:)
! CHECK: PointerAssignmentStmt
p => x
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
k = size(p)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
l = 1
! CHECK: <<CaseConstruct!>>
! CHECK: SelectCaseStmt
select case (k)
! CHECK: CaseStmt
case (:0)
! CHECK: NullifyStmt
! CHECK: CaseStmt
case (1)
! CHECK: <<IfConstruct>>
! CHECK: IfThenStmt
if (p(1)>0.) then
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "+"
! CHECK: ElseIfStmt
else if (p(1)==0.) then
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "0."
! CHECK: ElseStmt
! CHECK: PrintStmt
print *, "-"
! CHECK: EndIfStmt
end if
! CHECK: <<End IfConstruct>>
! CHECK: CaseStmt
case (2:10)
! CHECK: CaseStmt
case default
! Note: label-do-loop are canonicalized into do constructs
! CHECK: <<DoConstruct!>>
! CHECK: NonLabelDoStmt
do 22 while(l<=k)
! CHECK: IfStmt
if (p(l)<0.) p(l)=cos(p(l))
! CHECK: CallStmt
22 call incr(l)
! CHECK: EndDoStmt
! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct!>>
! CHECK: CaseStmt
case (100:)
! CHECK: EndSelectStmt
end select
! CHECK: <<End CaseConstruct!>>
! CHECK: EndBlockStmt
end block
! CHECK: <<End BlockConstruct!>>
! CHECK-NOT: WhereConstruct
! CHECK: WhereStmt
where (x > 1.) x = x/2.
! CHECK: <<WhereConstruct>>
! CHECK: WhereConstructStmt
where (x == 0.)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
x = 0.01
! CHECK: MaskedElsewhereStmt
elsewhere (x < 0.5)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
x = x*2.
! CHECK: <<WhereConstruct>>
where (y > 0.4)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
y = y/2.
end where
! CHECK: <<End WhereConstruct>>
! CHECK: ElsewhereStmt
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
x = x + 1.
! CHECK: EndWhereStmt
end where
! CHECK: <<End WhereConstruct>>
! CHECK-NOT: ForAllConstruct
! CHECK: ForallStmt
forall (i = 1:5) x(i) = y(i)
! CHECK: <<ForallConstruct>>
! CHECK: ForallConstructStmt
forall (i = 1:5)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
x(i) = x(i) + y(10*i)
! CHECK: EndForallStmt
end forall
! CHECK: <<End ForallConstruct>>
! CHECK: DeallocateStmt
! CHECK: Module test
module test
!! When derived type processing is implemented, remove all instances of:
!! - !![disable]
!! - COM:
!![disable]type :: a_type
!![disable] integer :: x
!![disable]end type
!![disable]type, extends(a_type) :: b_type
!![disable] integer :: y
!![disable]end type
subroutine ss(aa)
! CHECK: CompilerDirective
integer :: aa
end subroutine ss
end interface
! CHECK: Function foo
function foo(x)
real x(..)
integer :: foo
! CHECK: <<SelectRankConstruct!>>
! CHECK: SelectRankStmt
select rank(x)
! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
rank (0)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
foo = 0
! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
rank (*)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
foo = -1
! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
rank (1)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
foo = 1
! CHECK: SelectRankCaseStmt
rank default
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
foo = 2
! CHECK: EndSelectStmt
end select
! CHECK: <<End SelectRankConstruct!>>
end function
! CHECK: Function bar
function bar(x)
class(*) :: x
! CHECK: <<SelectTypeConstruct!>>
! CHECK: SelectTypeStmt
select type(x)
! CHECK: TypeGuardStmt
type is (integer)
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
bar = 0
!![disable]! COM: CHECK: TypeGuardStmt
!![disable]class is (a_type)
!![disable] ! COM: CHECK: AssignmentStmt
!![disable] bar = 1
!![disable] ! COM: CHECK: ReturnStmt
!![disable] return
! CHECK: TypeGuardStmt
class default
! CHECK: AssignmentStmt
bar = -1
! CHECK: EndSelectStmt
end select
! CHECK: <<End SelectTypeConstruct!>>
end function
! CHECK: Subroutine sub
subroutine sub(a)
real(4):: a
! CHECK: CompilerDirective
end subroutine
end module
! CHECK: Subroutine altreturn
subroutine altreturn(i, j, *, *)
! CHECK: <<IfConstruct!>>
if (i>j) then
! CHECK: ReturnStmt
return 1
! CHECK: ReturnStmt
return 2
end if
! CHECK: <<End IfConstruct!>>
end subroutine
! Remaining TODO
! CHECK: Subroutine iostmts
subroutine iostmts(filename, a, b, c)
character(*) :: filename
integer :: length
logical :: file_is_opened
real, a, b ,c
! CHECK: InquireStmt
inquire(file=filename, opened=file_is_opened)
! CHECK: <<IfConstruct>>
if (file_is_opened) then
! CHECK: OpenStmt
open(10, FILE=filename)
end if
! CHECK: <<End IfConstruct>>
! CHECK: ReadStmt
read(10, *) length
! CHECK: RewindStmt
rewind 10
! CHECK-NOT: NamelistStmt
namelist /nlist/ a, b, c
! CHECK: WriteStmt
write(10, NML=nlist)
! CHECK: BackspaceStmt
! CHECK: FormatStmt
1 format (1PE12.4)
! CHECK: WriteStmt
write (10, 1) a
! CHECK: EndfileStmt
endfile 10
! CHECK: FlushStmt
flush 10
! CHECK: WaitStmt
! CHECK: CloseStmt
end subroutine
! CHECK: Subroutine sub2
subroutine sub2()
integer :: i, j, k, l
i = 0
1 j = i
! CHECK: ContinueStmt
2 continue
i = i+1
3 j = j+1
! CHECK: ArithmeticIfStmt
if (j-i) 3, 4, 5
! CHECK: GotoStmt
4 goto 6
! FIXME: is name resolution on assigned goto broken/todo ?
! WILLCHECK: AssignStmt
!55 assign 6 to label
! WILLCHECK: AssignedGotoStmt
!66 go to label (5, 6)
! CHECK: ComputedGotoStmt
go to (5, 6), 1 + mod(i, 2)
5 j = j + 1
6 i = i + j/2
! CHECK: <<DoConstruct!>>
do1: do k=1,10
! CHECK: <<DoConstruct!>>
do2: do l=5,20
! CHECK: CycleStmt
cycle do1
! CHECK: ExitStmt
exit do2
end do do2
! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct!>>
end do do1
! CHECK: <<End DoConstruct!>>
! CHECK: PauseStmt
pause 7
! CHECK: StopStmt
end subroutine
! CHECK: Subroutine sub3
subroutine sub3()
print *, "normal"
! CHECK: EntryStmt
entry sub4entry()
print *, "test"
end subroutine
! CHECK: Subroutine sub4
subroutine sub4()
integer :: i
print*, "test"
data i /1/
end subroutine