! RUN: %flang_fc1 -fdebug-unparse %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
subroutine test_storage_size(n)
function return_char(l)
integer :: l
character(l) :: return_char
end function
end interface
integer n
!CHECK: PRINT *, storage_size(return_char(n))
print*, storage_size(return_char(n))
!CHECK: PRINT *, sizeof(return_char(n))
print*, sizeof(return_char(n))
end subroutine
module pdts
type t(l)
integer, len :: l
character(l) :: c
end type
function return_pdt(n)
type(t(n)) :: return_pdt
end function
subroutine test(k)
! NOTE: flang design for length parametrized derived type
! is to use allocatables for the automatic components. Hence,
! their size is independent from the length parameters and is
! a compile time constant.
!CHECK: PRINT *, 192_4
print *, storage_size(return_pdt(k))
end subroutine
end module
subroutine test_assumed_rank(x)
real :: x(..)
!CHECK: PRINT *, sizeof(x)
print *, sizeof(x)
end subroutine