
# Flang |version| (In-Progress) Release Notes

> **warning**
> These are in-progress notes for the upcoming LLVM |version| release.
> Release notes for previous releases can be found on [the Download
> Page](https://releases.llvm.org/download.html).

## Introduction

This document contains the release notes for the Flang Fortran frontend,
part of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, release |version|. Here we
describe the status of Flang in some detail, including major
improvements from the previous release and new feature work. For the
general LLVM release notes, see [the LLVM
documentation](https://llvm.org/docs/ReleaseNotes.html). All LLVM
releases may be downloaded from the [LLVM releases web

Note that if you are reading this file from a Git checkout, this
document applies to the *next* release, not the current one. To see the
release notes for a specific release, please see the [releases

## Major New Features

## Bug Fixes

## Non-comprehensive list of changes in this release

## New Compiler Flags

## Windows Support

## Fortran Language Changes in Flang

## Build System Changes

## New Issues Found

## Additional Information

Flang's documentation is located in the `flang/docs/` directory in the
LLVM monorepo.

If you have any questions or comments about Flang, please feel free to
contact us on the [Discourse