//===- macho_platform.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains code required to load the rest of the MachO runtime.
#include "macho_platform.h"
#include "bitmask_enum.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "interval_map.h"
#include "jit_dispatch.h"
#include "wrapper_function_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <ios>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <sstream>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "macho_platform"
using namespace orc_rt;
using namespace orc_rt::macho;
// Declare function tags for functions in the JIT process.
struct objc_image_info;
struct mach_header;
// Objective-C registration functions.
// These are weakly imported. If the Objective-C runtime has not been loaded
// then code containing Objective-C sections will generate an error.
extern "C" void
_objc_map_images(unsigned count, const char *const paths[],
const mach_header *const mhdrs[]) ORC_RT_WEAK_IMPORT;
extern "C" void _objc_load_image(const char *path,
const mach_header *mh) ORC_RT_WEAK_IMPORT;
// Libunwind prototypes.
struct unw_dynamic_unwind_sections {
uintptr_t dso_base;
uintptr_t dwarf_section;
size_t dwarf_section_length;
uintptr_t compact_unwind_section;
size_t compact_unwind_section_length;
typedef int (*unw_find_dynamic_unwind_sections)(
uintptr_t addr, struct unw_dynamic_unwind_sections *info);
extern "C" int __unw_add_find_dynamic_unwind_sections(
unw_find_dynamic_unwind_sections find_dynamic_unwind_sections)
extern "C" int __unw_remove_find_dynamic_unwind_sections(
unw_find_dynamic_unwind_sections find_dynamic_unwind_sections)
namespace {
struct MachOJITDylibDepInfo {
bool Sealed = false;
std::vector<ExecutorAddr> DepHeaders;
using MachOJITDylibDepInfoMap =
std::unordered_map<ExecutorAddr, MachOJITDylibDepInfo>;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace orc_rt {
using SPSMachOObjectPlatformSectionsMap =
SPSSequence<SPSTuple<SPSString, SPSExecutorAddrRange>>;
using SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfo = SPSTuple<bool, SPSSequence<SPSExecutorAddr>>;
using SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfoMap =
SPSSequence<SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddr, SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfo>>;
template <>
class SPSSerializationTraits<SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfo, MachOJITDylibDepInfo> {
static size_t size(const MachOJITDylibDepInfo &JDI) {
return SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfo::AsArgList::size(JDI.Sealed, JDI.DepHeaders);
static bool serialize(SPSOutputBuffer &OB, const MachOJITDylibDepInfo &JDI) {
return SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfo::AsArgList::serialize(OB, JDI.Sealed,
static bool deserialize(SPSInputBuffer &IB, MachOJITDylibDepInfo &JDI) {
return SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfo::AsArgList::deserialize(IB, JDI.Sealed,
struct UnwindSectionInfo {
std::vector<ExecutorAddrRange> CodeRanges;
ExecutorAddrRange DwarfSection;
ExecutorAddrRange CompactUnwindSection;
using SPSUnwindSectionInfo =
SPSTuple<SPSSequence<SPSExecutorAddrRange>, SPSExecutorAddrRange,
template <>
class SPSSerializationTraits<SPSUnwindSectionInfo, UnwindSectionInfo> {
static size_t size(const UnwindSectionInfo &USI) {
return SPSUnwindSectionInfo::AsArgList::size(
USI.CodeRanges, USI.DwarfSection, USI.CompactUnwindSection);
static bool serialize(SPSOutputBuffer &OB, const UnwindSectionInfo &USI) {
return SPSUnwindSectionInfo::AsArgList::serialize(
OB, USI.CodeRanges, USI.DwarfSection, USI.CompactUnwindSection);
static bool deserialize(SPSInputBuffer &IB, UnwindSectionInfo &USI) {
return SPSUnwindSectionInfo::AsArgList::deserialize(
IB, USI.CodeRanges, USI.DwarfSection, USI.CompactUnwindSection);
} // namespace orc_rt
namespace {
struct TLVDescriptor {
void *(*Thunk)(TLVDescriptor *) = nullptr;
unsigned long Key = 0;
unsigned long DataAddress = 0;
class MachOPlatformRuntimeState {
// Used internally by MachOPlatformRuntimeState, but made public to enable
// serialization.
enum class MachOExecutorSymbolFlags : uint8_t {
None = 0,
Weak = 1U << 0,
Callable = 1U << 1,
ORC_RT_MARK_AS_BITMASK_ENUM(/* LargestValue = */ Callable)
struct AtExitEntry {
void (*Func)(void *);
void *Arg;
using AtExitsVector = std::vector<AtExitEntry>;
/// Used to manage sections of fixed-sized metadata records (e.g. pointer
/// sections, selector refs, etc.)
template <typename RecordElement> class RecordSectionsTracker {
/// Add a section to the "new" list.
void add(span<RecordElement> Sec) { New.push_back(std::move(Sec)); }
/// Returns true if there are new sections to process.
bool hasNewSections() const { return !New.empty(); }
/// Returns the number of new sections to process.
size_t numNewSections() const { return New.size(); }
/// Process all new sections.
template <typename ProcessSectionFunc>
std::invoke_result_t<ProcessSectionFunc, span<RecordElement>>>>
processNewSections(ProcessSectionFunc &&ProcessSection) {
for (auto &Sec : New)
/// Proces all new sections with a fallible handler.
/// Successfully handled sections will be moved to the Processed
/// list.
template <typename ProcessSectionFunc>
std::is_same_v<Error, std::invoke_result_t<ProcessSectionFunc,
processNewSections(ProcessSectionFunc &&ProcessSection) {
for (size_t I = 0; I != New.size(); ++I) {
if (auto Err = ProcessSection(New[I])) {
for (size_t J = 0; J != I; ++J)
New.erase(New.begin(), New.begin() + I);
return Err;
return Error::success();
/// Move all sections back to New for reprocessing.
void reset() {
New = std::move(Processed);
/// Remove the section with the given range.
bool removeIfPresent(ExecutorAddrRange R) {
if (removeIfPresent(New, R))
return true;
return removeIfPresent(Processed, R);
void moveNewToProcessed() {
if (Processed.empty())
Processed = std::move(New);
else {
Processed.reserve(Processed.size() + New.size());
std::copy(New.begin(), New.end(), std::back_inserter(Processed));
bool removeIfPresent(std::vector<span<RecordElement>> &V,
ExecutorAddrRange R) {
auto RI = std::find_if(
V.rbegin(), V.rend(),
[RS = R.toSpan<RecordElement>()](const span<RecordElement> &E) {
return E.data() == RS.data();
if (RI != V.rend()) {
return true;
return false;
std::vector<span<RecordElement>> Processed;
std::vector<span<RecordElement>> New;
struct UnwindSections {
UnwindSections(const UnwindSectionInfo &USI)
: DwarfSection(USI.DwarfSection.toSpan<char>()),
CompactUnwindSection(USI.CompactUnwindSection.toSpan<char>()) {}
span<char> DwarfSection;
span<char> CompactUnwindSection;
using UnwindSectionsMap =
IntervalMap<char *, UnwindSections, IntervalCoalescing::Disabled>;
struct JITDylibState {
using SymbolTableMap =
std::pair<ExecutorAddr, MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>>;
std::string Name;
void *Header = nullptr;
bool Sealed = false;
size_t LinkedAgainstRefCount = 0;
size_t DlRefCount = 0;
SymbolTableMap SymbolTable;
std::vector<JITDylibState *> Deps;
AtExitsVector AtExits;
const objc_image_info *ObjCImageInfo = nullptr;
std::unordered_map<void *, std::vector<char>> DataSectionContent;
std::unordered_map<void *, size_t> ZeroInitRanges;
UnwindSectionsMap UnwindSections;
RecordSectionsTracker<void (*)()> ModInitsSections;
RecordSectionsTracker<char> ObjCRuntimeRegistrationObjects;
bool referenced() const {
return LinkedAgainstRefCount != 0 || DlRefCount != 0;
static Error create();
static MachOPlatformRuntimeState &get();
static Error destroy();
MachOPlatformRuntimeState() = default;
// Delete copy and move constructors.
MachOPlatformRuntimeState(const MachOPlatformRuntimeState &) = delete;
MachOPlatformRuntimeState &
operator=(const MachOPlatformRuntimeState &) = delete;
MachOPlatformRuntimeState(MachOPlatformRuntimeState &&) = delete;
MachOPlatformRuntimeState &operator=(MachOPlatformRuntimeState &&) = delete;
Error initialize();
Error shutdown();
Error registerJITDylib(std::string Name, void *Header);
Error deregisterJITDylib(void *Header);
Error registerThreadDataSection(span<const char> ThreadDataSection);
Error deregisterThreadDataSection(span<const char> ThreadDataSection);
Error registerObjectSymbolTable(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr,
const std::vector<std::tuple<ExecutorAddr, ExecutorAddr,
MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>> &Entries);
Error deregisterObjectSymbolTable(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr,
const std::vector<std::tuple<ExecutorAddr, ExecutorAddr,
MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>> &Entries);
Error registerObjectPlatformSections(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, std::optional<UnwindSectionInfo> UnwindSections,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, ExecutorAddrRange>> Secs);
Error deregisterObjectPlatformSections(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, std::optional<UnwindSectionInfo> UnwindSections,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, ExecutorAddrRange>> Secs);
const char *dlerror();
void *dlopen(std::string_view Name, int Mode);
int dlupdate(void *DSOHandle, int Mode);
int dlclose(void *DSOHandle);
void *dlsym(void *DSOHandle, const char *Symbol);
int registerAtExit(void (*F)(void *), void *Arg, void *DSOHandle);
void runAtExits(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS);
void runAtExits(void *DSOHandle);
/// Returns the base address of the section containing ThreadData.
Expected<std::pair<const char *, size_t>>
getThreadDataSectionFor(const char *ThreadData);
JITDylibState *getJITDylibStateByHeader(void *DSOHandle);
JITDylibState *getJITDylibStateByName(std::string_view Path);
/// Requests materialization of the given symbols. For each pair, the bool
/// element indicates whether the symbol is required (true) or weakly
/// referenced (false).
Error requestPushSymbols(JITDylibState &JDS,
span<std::pair<std::string_view, bool>> Symbols);
/// Attempts to look up the given symbols locally, requesting a push from the
/// remote if they're not found. Results are written to the Result span, which
/// must have the same size as the Symbols span.
lookupSymbols(JITDylibState &JDS, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
span<std::pair<ExecutorAddr, MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>> Result,
span<std::pair<std::string_view, bool>> Symbols);
bool lookupUnwindSections(void *Addr, unw_dynamic_unwind_sections &Info);
static int findDynamicUnwindSections(uintptr_t addr,
unw_dynamic_unwind_sections *info);
static Error registerEHFrames(span<const char> EHFrameSection);
static Error deregisterEHFrames(span<const char> EHFrameSection);
static Error
registerObjCRegistrationObjects(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS);
static Error runModInits(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS);
Expected<void *> dlopenImpl(std::string_view Path, int Mode);
Error dlopenFull(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS);
Error dlopenInitialize(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS, MachOJITDylibDepInfoMap &DepInfo);
Error dlupdateImpl(void *DSOHandle, int Mode);
Error dlupdateFull(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS);
Error dlupdateInitialize(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS);
Error dlcloseImpl(void *DSOHandle);
Error dlcloseDeinitialize(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
JITDylibState &JDS);
static MachOPlatformRuntimeState *MOPS;
bool UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo = false;
// FIXME: Move to thread-state.
std::string DLFcnError;
// APIMutex guards against concurrent entry into key "dyld" API functions
// (e.g. dlopen, dlclose).
std::recursive_mutex DyldAPIMutex;
// JDStatesMutex guards the data structures that hold JITDylib state.
std::mutex JDStatesMutex;
std::unordered_map<void *, JITDylibState> JDStates;
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, void *> JDNameToHeader;
// ThreadDataSectionsMutex guards thread local data section state.
std::mutex ThreadDataSectionsMutex;
std::map<const char *, size_t> ThreadDataSections;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace orc_rt {
class SPSMachOExecutorSymbolFlags;
template <>
class SPSSerializationTraits<
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::MachOExecutorSymbolFlags> {
using UT = std::underlying_type_t<
static size_t
size(const MachOPlatformRuntimeState::MachOExecutorSymbolFlags &SF) {
return sizeof(UT);
static bool
serialize(SPSOutputBuffer &OB,
const MachOPlatformRuntimeState::MachOExecutorSymbolFlags &SF) {
return SPSArgList<UT>::serialize(OB, static_cast<UT>(SF));
static bool
deserialize(SPSInputBuffer &IB,
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::MachOExecutorSymbolFlags &SF) {
UT Tmp;
if (!SPSArgList<UT>::deserialize(IB, Tmp))
return false;
SF = static_cast<MachOPlatformRuntimeState::MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>(Tmp);
return true;
} // namespace orc_rt
namespace {
MachOPlatformRuntimeState *MachOPlatformRuntimeState::MOPS = nullptr;
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::create() {
assert(!MOPS && "MachOPlatformRuntimeState should be null");
MOPS = new MachOPlatformRuntimeState();
return MOPS->initialize();
MachOPlatformRuntimeState &MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get() {
assert(MOPS && "MachOPlatformRuntimeState not initialized");
return *MOPS;
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::destroy() {
assert(MOPS && "MachOPlatformRuntimeState not initialized");
auto Err = MOPS->shutdown();
delete MOPS;
return Err;
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::initialize() {
UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo = __unw_add_find_dynamic_unwind_sections &&
if (UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo) {
printdbg("__unw_add/remove_find_dynamic_unwind_sections available."
" Using callback-based frame info lookup.\n");
if (__unw_add_find_dynamic_unwind_sections(&findDynamicUnwindSections))
return make_error<StringError>(
"Could not register findDynamicUnwindSections");
} else {
printdbg("__unw_add/remove_find_dynamic_unwind_sections not available."
" Using classic frame info registration.\n");
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::shutdown() {
if (UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo) {
if (__unw_remove_find_dynamic_unwind_sections(&findDynamicUnwindSections)) {
{ printdbg("__unw_remove_find_dynamic_unwind_sections failed.\n"); });
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerJITDylib(std::string Name,
void *Header) {
printdbg("Registering JITDylib %s: Header = %p\n", Name.c_str(), Header);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
if (JDStates.count(Header)) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Duplicate JITDylib registration for header " << Header
<< " (name = " << Name << ")";
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
if (JDNameToHeader.count(Name)) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Duplicate JITDylib registration for header " << Header
<< " (header = " << Header << ")";
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
auto &JDS = JDStates[Header];
JDS.Name = std::move(Name);
JDS.Header = Header;
JDNameToHeader[JDS.Name] = Header;
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::deregisterJITDylib(void *Header) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto I = JDStates.find(Header);
if (I == JDStates.end()) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Attempted to deregister unrecognized header " << Header;
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
// Remove std::string construction once we can use C++20.
auto J = JDNameToHeader.find(
std::string(I->second.Name.data(), I->second.Name.size()));
assert(J != JDNameToHeader.end() &&
"Missing JDNameToHeader entry for JITDylib");
printdbg("Deregistering JITDylib %s: Header = %p\n", I->second.Name.c_str(),
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerThreadDataSection(
span<const char> ThreadDataSection) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(ThreadDataSectionsMutex);
auto I = ThreadDataSections.upper_bound(ThreadDataSection.data());
if (I != ThreadDataSections.begin()) {
auto J = std::prev(I);
if (J->first + J->second > ThreadDataSection.data())
return make_error<StringError>("Overlapping __thread_data sections");
I, std::make_pair(ThreadDataSection.data(), ThreadDataSection.size()));
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::deregisterThreadDataSection(
span<const char> ThreadDataSection) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(ThreadDataSectionsMutex);
auto I = ThreadDataSections.find(ThreadDataSection.data());
if (I == ThreadDataSections.end())
return make_error<StringError>("Attempt to deregister unknown thread data "
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerObjectSymbolTable(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr,
const std::vector<std::tuple<ExecutorAddr, ExecutorAddr,
MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>> &Entries) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
if (!JDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Could not register object platform sections for "
"unrecognized header "
<< HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>();
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
for (auto &[NameAddr, SymAddr, Flags] : Entries)
JDS->SymbolTable[NameAddr.toPtr<const char *>()] = {SymAddr, Flags};
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::deregisterObjectSymbolTable(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr,
const std::vector<std::tuple<ExecutorAddr, ExecutorAddr,
MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>> &Entries) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
if (!JDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Could not register object platform sections for "
"unrecognized header "
<< HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>();
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
for (auto &[NameAddr, SymAddr, Flags] : Entries)
JDS->SymbolTable.erase(NameAddr.toPtr<const char *>());
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerObjectPlatformSections(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, std::optional<UnwindSectionInfo> UnwindInfo,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, ExecutorAddrRange>> Secs) {
// FIXME: Reject platform section registration after the JITDylib is
// sealed?
printdbg("MachOPlatform: Registering object sections for %p.\n",
HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
if (!JDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Could not register object platform sections for "
"unrecognized header "
<< HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>();
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
if (UnwindInfo && UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo) {
printdbg(" Registering new-style unwind info for:\n"
" DWARF: %p -- %p\n"
" Compact-unwind: %p -- %p\n"
" for:\n",
UnwindInfo->DwarfSection.Start.toPtr<void *>(),
UnwindInfo->DwarfSection.End.toPtr<void *>(),
UnwindInfo->CompactUnwindSection.Start.toPtr<void *>(),
UnwindInfo->CompactUnwindSection.End.toPtr<void *>());
for (auto &CodeRange : UnwindInfo->CodeRanges) {
JDS->UnwindSections.insert(CodeRange.Start.toPtr<char *>(),
CodeRange.End.toPtr<char *>(), *UnwindInfo);
printdbg(" [ %p -- %p ]\n", CodeRange.Start.toPtr<void *>(),
CodeRange.End.toPtr<void *>());
for (auto &KV : Secs) {
// FIXME: Validate section ranges?
if (KV.first == "__TEXT,__eh_frame") {
if (!UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo) {
// Use classic libunwind registration.
if (auto Err = registerEHFrames(KV.second.toSpan<const char>()))
return Err;
} else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__data") {
assert(!JDS->DataSectionContent.count(KV.second.Start.toPtr<char *>()) &&
"Address already registered.");
auto S = KV.second.toSpan<char>();
JDS->DataSectionContent[KV.second.Start.toPtr<char *>()] =
std::vector<char>(S.begin(), S.end());
} else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__common") {
JDS->ZeroInitRanges[KV.second.Start.toPtr<char *>()] = KV.second.size();
} else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__thread_data") {
if (auto Err = registerThreadDataSection(KV.second.toSpan<const char>()))
return Err;
} else if (KV.first == "__llvm_jitlink_ObjCRuntimeRegistrationObject")
else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__mod_init_func")
JDS->ModInitsSections.add(KV.second.toSpan<void (*)()>());
else {
// Should this be a warning instead?
return make_error<StringError>(
"Encountered unexpected section " +
std::string(KV.first.data(), KV.first.size()) +
" while registering object platform sections");
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::deregisterObjectPlatformSections(
ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, std::optional<UnwindSectionInfo> UnwindInfo,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, ExecutorAddrRange>> Secs) {
// TODO: Make this more efficient? (maybe unnecessary if removal is rare?)
// TODO: Add a JITDylib prepare-for-teardown operation that clears all
// registered sections, causing this function to take the fast-path.
printdbg("MachOPlatform: Deregistering object sections for %p.\n",
HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
if (!JDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Could not register object platform sections for unrecognized "
"header "
<< HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>();
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
// FIXME: Implement faster-path by returning immediately if JDS is being
// torn down entirely?
// TODO: Make library permanent (i.e. not able to be dlclosed) if it contains
// any Swift or ObjC. Once this happens we can clear (and no longer record)
// data section content, as the library could never be re-initialized.
if (UnwindInfo && UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo) {
printdbg(" Deregistering new-style unwind info for:\n"
" DWARF: %p -- %p\n"
" Compact-unwind: %p -- %p\n"
" for:\n",
UnwindInfo->DwarfSection.Start.toPtr<void *>(),
UnwindInfo->DwarfSection.End.toPtr<void *>(),
UnwindInfo->CompactUnwindSection.Start.toPtr<void *>(),
UnwindInfo->CompactUnwindSection.End.toPtr<void *>());
for (auto &CodeRange : UnwindInfo->CodeRanges) {
JDS->UnwindSections.erase(CodeRange.Start.toPtr<char *>(),
CodeRange.End.toPtr<char *>());
printdbg(" [ %p -- %p ]\n", CodeRange.Start.toPtr<void *>(),
CodeRange.End.toPtr<void *>());
for (auto &KV : Secs) {
// FIXME: Validate section ranges?
if (KV.first == "__TEXT,__eh_frame") {
if (!UseCallbackStyleUnwindInfo) {
// Use classic libunwind registration.
if (auto Err = deregisterEHFrames(KV.second.toSpan<const char>()))
return Err;
} else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__data") {
JDS->DataSectionContent.erase(KV.second.Start.toPtr<char *>());
} else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__common") {
JDS->ZeroInitRanges.erase(KV.second.Start.toPtr<char *>());
} else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__thread_data") {
if (auto Err =
deregisterThreadDataSection(KV.second.toSpan<const char>()))
return Err;
} else if (KV.first == "__llvm_jitlink_ObjCRuntimeRegistrationObject")
else if (KV.first == "__DATA,__mod_init_func")
else {
// Should this be a warning instead?
return make_error<StringError>(
"Encountered unexpected section " +
std::string(KV.first.data(), KV.first.size()) +
" while deregistering object platform sections");
return Error::success();
const char *MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlerror() { return DLFcnError.c_str(); }
void *MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlopen(std::string_view Path, int Mode) {
std::string S(Path.data(), Path.size());
printdbg("MachOPlatform::dlopen(\"%s\")\n", S.c_str());
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> Lock(DyldAPIMutex);
if (auto H = dlopenImpl(Path, Mode))
return *H;
else {
// FIXME: Make dlerror thread safe.
DLFcnError = toString(H.takeError());
return nullptr;
int MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlupdate(void *DSOHandle, int Mode) {
std::string S;
printdbg("MachOPlatform::dlupdate(%p) (%s)\n", DSOHandle, S.c_str());
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> Lock(DyldAPIMutex);
if (auto Err = dlupdateImpl(DSOHandle, Mode)) {
// FIXME: Make dlerror thread safe.
DLFcnError = toString(std::move(Err));
return -1;
return 0;
int MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlclose(void *DSOHandle) {
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(DSOHandle);
std::string DylibName;
if (JDS) {
std::string S;
printdbg("MachOPlatform::dlclose(%p) (%s)\n", DSOHandle, S.c_str());
} else
printdbg("MachOPlatform::dlclose(%p) (%s)\n", DSOHandle,
"invalid handle");
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> Lock(DyldAPIMutex);
if (auto Err = dlcloseImpl(DSOHandle)) {
// FIXME: Make dlerror thread safe.
DLFcnError = toString(std::move(Err));
return -1;
return 0;
void *MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlsym(void *DSOHandle, const char *Symbol) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(DSOHandle);
if (!JDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "In call to dlsym, unrecognized header address " << DSOHandle;
DLFcnError = ErrStream.str();
return nullptr;
std::string MangledName = std::string("_") + Symbol;
std::pair<std::string_view, bool> Lookup(MangledName, false);
std::pair<ExecutorAddr, MachOExecutorSymbolFlags> Result;
if (auto Err = lookupSymbols(*JDS, Lock, {&Result, 1}, {&Lookup, 1})) {
DLFcnError = toString(std::move(Err));
return nullptr;
// Sign callable symbols as functions, to match dyld.
if ((Result.second & MachOExecutorSymbolFlags::Callable) ==
return reinterpret_cast<void *>(Result.first.toPtr<void(void)>());
return Result.first.toPtr<void *>();
int MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerAtExit(void (*F)(void *), void *Arg,
void *DSOHandle) {
// FIXME: Handle out-of-memory errors, returning -1 if OOM.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(DSOHandle);
if (!JDS) {
printdbg("MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerAtExit called with "
"unrecognized dso handle %p\n",
return -1;
JDS->AtExits.push_back({F, Arg});
return 0;
void MachOPlatformRuntimeState::runAtExits(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS) {
auto AtExits = std::move(JDS.AtExits);
// Unlock while running atexits, as they may trigger operations that modify
// JDStates.
while (!AtExits.empty()) {
auto &AE = AtExits.back();
void MachOPlatformRuntimeState::runAtExits(void *DSOHandle) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(DSOHandle);
printdbg("MachOPlatformRuntimeState::runAtExits called on unrecognized "
"dso_handle %p\n",
if (JDS)
runAtExits(Lock, *JDS);
Expected<std::pair<const char *, size_t>>
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::getThreadDataSectionFor(const char *ThreadData) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(ThreadDataSectionsMutex);
auto I = ThreadDataSections.upper_bound(ThreadData);
// Check that we have a valid entry covering this address.
if (I == ThreadDataSections.begin())
return make_error<StringError>("No thread local data section for key");
I = std::prev(I);
if (ThreadData >= I->first + I->second)
return make_error<StringError>("No thread local data section for key");
return *I;
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::JITDylibState *
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::getJITDylibStateByHeader(void *DSOHandle) {
auto I = JDStates.find(DSOHandle);
if (I == JDStates.end()) {
I = JDStates.insert(std::make_pair(DSOHandle, JITDylibState())).first;
I->second.Header = DSOHandle;
return &I->second;
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::JITDylibState *
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::getJITDylibStateByName(std::string_view Name) {
// FIXME: Avoid creating string once we have C++20.
auto I = JDNameToHeader.find(std::string(Name.data(), Name.size()));
if (I != JDNameToHeader.end())
return getJITDylibStateByHeader(I->second);
return nullptr;
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::requestPushSymbols(
JITDylibState &JDS, span<std::pair<std::string_view, bool>> Symbols) {
Error OpErr = Error::success();
if (auto Err = WrapperFunction<SPSError(
SPSExecutorAddr, SPSSequence<SPSTuple<SPSString, bool>>)>::
call(JITDispatch(&__orc_rt_macho_push_symbols_tag), OpErr,
ExecutorAddr::fromPtr(JDS.Header), Symbols)) {
return std::move(Err);
return OpErr;
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::lookupSymbols(
JITDylibState &JDS, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock,
span<std::pair<ExecutorAddr, MachOExecutorSymbolFlags>> Result,
span<std::pair<std::string_view, bool>> Symbols) {
assert(JDStatesLock.owns_lock() &&
"JDStatesLock should be locked at call-site");
assert(Result.size() == Symbols.size() &&
"Results and Symbols span sizes should match");
// Make an initial pass over the local symbol table.
std::vector<size_t> MissingSymbolIndexes;
for (size_t Idx = 0; Idx != Symbols.size(); ++Idx) {
auto I = JDS.SymbolTable.find(Symbols[Idx].first);
if (I != JDS.SymbolTable.end())
Result[Idx] = I->second;
// If everything has been resolved already then bail out early.
if (MissingSymbolIndexes.empty())
return Error::success();
// Otherwise call back to the controller to try to request that the symbol
// be materialized.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, bool>> MissingSymbols;
printdbg("requesting push of %i missing symbols...\n",
for (auto MissingIdx : MissingSymbolIndexes)
if (auto Err = requestPushSymbols(
JDS, {MissingSymbols.data(), MissingSymbols.size()}))
return Err;
// Try to resolve the previously missing symbols locally.
std::vector<size_t> MissingRequiredSymbols;
for (auto MissingIdx : MissingSymbolIndexes) {
auto I = JDS.SymbolTable.find(Symbols[MissingIdx].first);
if (I != JDS.SymbolTable.end())
Result[MissingIdx] = I->second;
else {
if (Symbols[MissingIdx].second)
Result[MissingIdx] = {ExecutorAddr(), {}};
// Error out if any missing symbols could not be resolved.
if (!MissingRequiredSymbols.empty()) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Lookup could not find required symbols: [ ";
for (auto MissingIdx : MissingRequiredSymbols)
ErrStream << "\"" << Symbols[MissingIdx].first << "\" ";
ErrStream << "]";
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
return Error::success();
// eh-frame registration functions.
// We expect these to be available for all processes.
extern "C" void __register_frame(const void *);
extern "C" void __deregister_frame(const void *);
template <typename HandleFDEFn>
void walkEHFrameSection(span<const char> EHFrameSection,
HandleFDEFn HandleFDE) {
const char *CurCFIRecord = EHFrameSection.data();
uint64_t Size = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(CurCFIRecord);
while (CurCFIRecord != EHFrameSection.end() && Size != 0) {
const char *OffsetField = CurCFIRecord + (Size == 0xffffffff ? 12 : 4);
if (Size == 0xffffffff)
Size = *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(CurCFIRecord + 4) + 12;
Size += 4;
uint32_t Offset = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(OffsetField);
if (Offset != 0)
CurCFIRecord += Size;
Size = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(CurCFIRecord);
bool MachOPlatformRuntimeState::lookupUnwindSections(
void *Addr, unw_dynamic_unwind_sections &Info) {
{ printdbg("Tried to lookup unwind-info via new lookup call.\n"); });
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
for (auto &KV : JDStates) {
auto &JD = KV.second;
auto I = JD.UnwindSections.find(reinterpret_cast<char *>(Addr));
if (I != JD.UnwindSections.end()) {
Info.dso_base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(JD.Header);
Info.dwarf_section =
Info.dwarf_section_length = I->second.DwarfSection.size();
Info.compact_unwind_section =
Info.compact_unwind_section_length =
return true;
return false;
int MachOPlatformRuntimeState::findDynamicUnwindSections(
uintptr_t addr, unw_dynamic_unwind_sections *info) {
if (!info)
return 0;
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().lookupUnwindSections((void *)addr,
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerEHFrames(
span<const char> EHFrameSection) {
walkEHFrameSection(EHFrameSection, __register_frame);
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::deregisterEHFrames(
span<const char> EHFrameSection) {
walkEHFrameSection(EHFrameSection, __deregister_frame);
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerObjCRegistrationObjects(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS) {
ORC_RT_DEBUG(printdbg("Registering Objective-C / Swift metadata.\n"));
std::vector<char *> RegObjBases;
[&](span<char> RegObj) { RegObjBases.push_back(RegObj.data()); });
if (RegObjBases.empty())
return Error::success();
if (!_objc_map_images || !_objc_load_image)
return make_error<StringError>(
"Could not register Objective-C / Swift metadata: _objc_map_images / "
"_objc_load_image not found");
// Release the lock while calling out to libobjc in case +load methods cause
// reentering the orc runtime.
std::vector<char *> Paths;
_objc_map_images(RegObjBases.size(), Paths.data(),
reinterpret_cast<mach_header **>(RegObjBases.data()));
for (void *RegObjBase : RegObjBases)
_objc_load_image(nullptr, reinterpret_cast<mach_header *>(RegObjBase));
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::runModInits(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS) {
std::vector<span<void (*)()>> InitSections;
// Copy initializer sections: If the JITDylib is unsealed then the
// initializers could reach back into the JIT and cause more initializers to
// be added.
// FIXME: Skip unlock and run in-place on sealed JITDylibs?
[&](span<void (*)()> Inits) { InitSections.push_back(Inits); });
for (auto InitSec : InitSections)
for (auto *Init : InitSec)
return Error::success();
Expected<void *> MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlopenImpl(std::string_view Path,
int Mode) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
// Try to find JITDylib state by name.
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByName(Path);
if (!JDS)
return make_error<StringError>("No registered JTIDylib for path " +
std::string(Path.data(), Path.size()));
// If this JITDylib is unsealed, or this is the first dlopen then run
// full dlopen path (update deps, push and run initializers, update ref
// counts on all JITDylibs in the dep tree).
if (!JDS->referenced() || !JDS->Sealed) {
if (auto Err = dlopenFull(Lock, *JDS))
return std::move(Err);
// Bump the ref-count on this dylib.
// Return the header address.
return JDS->Header;
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlopenFull(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS) {
// Call back to the JIT to push the initializers.
Expected<MachOJITDylibDepInfoMap> DepInfo((MachOJITDylibDepInfoMap()));
// Unlock so that we can accept the initializer update.
if (auto Err = WrapperFunction<SPSExpected<SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfoMap>(
call(JITDispatch(&__orc_rt_macho_push_initializers_tag), DepInfo,
return Err;
if (!DepInfo)
return DepInfo.takeError();
if (auto Err = dlopenInitialize(JDStatesLock, JDS, *DepInfo))
return Err;
if (!DepInfo->empty()) {
printdbg("Unrecognized dep-info key headers in dlopen of %s\n",
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Encountered unrecognized dep-info key headers "
"while processing dlopen of "
<< JDS.Name;
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlopenInitialize(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS,
MachOJITDylibDepInfoMap &DepInfo) {
// If the header is not present in the dep map then assume that we
// already processed it earlier in the dlopenInitialize traversal and
// return.
// TODO: Keep a visited set instead so that we can error out on missing
// entries?
auto I = DepInfo.find(ExecutorAddr::fromPtr(JDS.Header));
if (I == DepInfo.end())
return Error::success();
auto DI = std::move(I->second);
// We don't need to re-initialize sealed JITDylibs that have already been
// initialized. Just check that their dep-map entry is empty as expected.
if (JDS.Sealed) {
if (!DI.DepHeaders.empty()) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Sealed JITDylib " << JDS.Header
<< " already has registered dependencies";
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
if (JDS.referenced())
return Error::success();
} else
JDS.Sealed = DI.Sealed;
// This is an unsealed or newly sealed JITDylib. Run initializers.
std::vector<JITDylibState *> OldDeps;
std::swap(JDS.Deps, OldDeps);
for (auto DepHeaderAddr : DI.DepHeaders) {
auto *DepJDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(DepHeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
if (!DepJDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "Encountered unrecognized dep header "
<< DepHeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>() << " while initializing "
<< JDS.Name;
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
if (auto Err = dlopenInitialize(JDStatesLock, *DepJDS, DepInfo))
return Err;
// Initialize this JITDylib.
if (auto Err = registerObjCRegistrationObjects(JDStatesLock, JDS))
return Err;
if (auto Err = runModInits(JDStatesLock, JDS))
return Err;
// Decrement old deps.
// FIXME: We should probably continue and just report deinitialize errors
// here.
for (auto *DepJDS : OldDeps) {
if (!DepJDS->referenced())
if (auto Err = dlcloseDeinitialize(JDStatesLock, *DepJDS))
return Err;
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlupdateImpl(void *DSOHandle, int Mode) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
// Try to find JITDylib state by DSOHandle.
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(DSOHandle);
if (!JDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "No registered JITDylib for " << DSOHandle;
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
if (!JDS->referenced())
return make_error<StringError>("dlupdate failed, JITDylib must be open.");
if (!JDS->Sealed) {
if (auto Err = dlupdateFull(Lock, *JDS))
return Err;
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlupdateFull(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS) {
// Call back to the JIT to push the initializers.
Expected<MachOJITDylibDepInfoMap> DepInfo((MachOJITDylibDepInfoMap()));
// Unlock so that we can accept the initializer update.
if (auto Err = WrapperFunction<SPSExpected<SPSMachOJITDylibDepInfoMap>(
call(JITDispatch(&__orc_rt_macho_push_initializers_tag), DepInfo,
return Err;
if (!DepInfo)
return DepInfo.takeError();
if (auto Err = dlupdateInitialize(JDStatesLock, JDS))
return Err;
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlupdateInitialize(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS) {
// Initialize this JITDylib.
if (auto Err = registerObjCRegistrationObjects(JDStatesLock, JDS))
return Err;
if (auto Err = runModInits(JDStatesLock, JDS))
return Err;
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlcloseImpl(void *DSOHandle) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(JDStatesMutex);
// Try to find JITDylib state by header.
auto *JDS = getJITDylibStateByHeader(DSOHandle);
if (!JDS) {
std::ostringstream ErrStream;
ErrStream << "No registered JITDylib for " << DSOHandle;
return make_error<StringError>(ErrStream.str());
// Bump the ref-count.
if (!JDS->referenced())
return dlcloseDeinitialize(Lock, *JDS);
return Error::success();
Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::dlcloseDeinitialize(
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> &JDStatesLock, JITDylibState &JDS) {
runAtExits(JDStatesLock, JDS);
// Reset mod-inits
// Reset data section contents.
for (auto &KV : JDS.DataSectionContent)
memcpy(KV.first, KV.second.data(), KV.second.size());
for (auto &KV : JDS.ZeroInitRanges)
memset(KV.first, 0, KV.second);
// Deinitialize any dependencies.
for (auto *DepJDS : JDS.Deps) {
if (!DepJDS->referenced())
if (auto Err = dlcloseDeinitialize(JDStatesLock, *DepJDS))
return Err;
return Error::success();
class MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager {
void *getInstance(const char *ThreadData);
std::unordered_map<const char *, char *> Instances;
std::unordered_map<const char *, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> AllocatedSections;
void *MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager::getInstance(const char *ThreadData) {
auto I = Instances.find(ThreadData);
if (I != Instances.end())
return I->second;
auto TDS =
if (!TDS) {
return nullptr;
auto &Allocated = AllocatedSections[TDS->first];
if (!Allocated) {
Allocated = std::make_unique<char[]>(TDS->second);
memcpy(Allocated.get(), TDS->first, TDS->second);
size_t ThreadDataDelta = ThreadData - TDS->first;
assert(ThreadDataDelta <= TDS->second && "ThreadData outside section bounds");
char *Instance = Allocated.get() + ThreadDataDelta;
Instances[ThreadData] = Instance;
return Instance;
void destroyMachOTLVMgr(void *MachOTLVMgr) {
delete static_cast<MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager *>(MachOTLVMgr);
Error runWrapperFunctionCalls(std::vector<WrapperFunctionCall> WFCs) {
for (auto &WFC : WFCs)
if (auto Err = WFC.runWithSPSRet<void>())
return Err;
return Error::success();
} // end anonymous namespace
// JIT entry points
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_platform_bootstrap(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSError()>::handle(
ArgData, ArgSize,
[]() { return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::create(); })
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_platform_shutdown(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSError()>::handle(
ArgData, ArgSize,
[]() { return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::destroy(); })
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_register_jitdylib(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(SPSString, SPSExecutorAddr)>::handle(
ArgData, ArgSize,
[](std::string &Name, ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().registerJITDylib(
std::move(Name), HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_deregister_jitdylib(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(SPSExecutorAddr)>::handle(
ArgData, ArgSize,
[](ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().deregisterJITDylib(
HeaderAddr.toPtr<void *>());
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_register_object_platform_sections(char *ArgData,
size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(SPSExecutorAddr,
handle(ArgData, ArgSize,
[](ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, std::optional<UnwindSectionInfo> USI,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, ExecutorAddrRange>>
&Secs) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get()
.registerObjectPlatformSections(HeaderAddr, std::move(USI),
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_register_object_symbol_table(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
using SymtabContainer = std::vector<
std::tuple<ExecutorAddr, ExecutorAddr,
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(
SPSExecutorAddr, SPSSequence<SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddr, SPSExecutorAddr,
handle(ArgData, ArgSize,
[](ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, SymtabContainer &Symbols) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get()
.registerObjectSymbolTable(HeaderAddr, Symbols);
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_deregister_object_symbol_table(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
using SymtabContainer = std::vector<
std::tuple<ExecutorAddr, ExecutorAddr,
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(
SPSExecutorAddr, SPSSequence<SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddr, SPSExecutorAddr,
handle(ArgData, ArgSize,
[](ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, SymtabContainer &Symbols) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get()
.deregisterObjectSymbolTable(HeaderAddr, Symbols);
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_deregister_object_platform_sections(char *ArgData,
size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(SPSExecutorAddr,
handle(ArgData, ArgSize,
[](ExecutorAddr HeaderAddr, std::optional<UnwindSectionInfo> USI,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string_view, ExecutorAddrRange>>
&Secs) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get()
.deregisterObjectPlatformSections(HeaderAddr, std::move(USI),
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_run_wrapper_function_calls(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSError(SPSSequence<SPSWrapperFunctionCall>)>::handle(
ArgData, ArgSize, runWrapperFunctionCalls)
// TLV support
ORC_RT_INTERFACE void *__orc_rt_macho_tlv_get_addr_impl(TLVDescriptor *D) {
auto *TLVMgr = static_cast<MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager *>(
if (!TLVMgr) {
TLVMgr = new MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager();
if (pthread_setspecific(D->Key, TLVMgr)) {
__orc_rt_log_error("Call to pthread_setspecific failed");
return nullptr;
return TLVMgr->getInstance(
reinterpret_cast<char *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(D->DataAddress)));
ORC_RT_INTERFACE orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
__orc_rt_macho_create_pthread_key(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
return WrapperFunction<SPSExpected<uint64_t>(void)>::handle(
ArgData, ArgSize,
[]() -> Expected<uint64_t> {
pthread_key_t Key;
if (int Err = pthread_key_create(&Key, destroyMachOTLVMgr)) {
__orc_rt_log_error("Call to pthread_key_create failed");
return make_error<StringError>(strerror(Err));
return static_cast<uint64_t>(Key);
// cxa_atexit support
int __orc_rt_macho_cxa_atexit(void (*func)(void *), void *arg,
void *dso_handle) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().registerAtExit(func, arg, dso_handle);
void __orc_rt_macho_cxa_finalize(void *dso_handle) {
// JIT'd dlfcn alternatives.
const char *__orc_rt_macho_jit_dlerror() {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().dlerror();
void *__orc_rt_macho_jit_dlopen(const char *path, int mode) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().dlopen(path, mode);
int __orc_rt_macho_jit_dlupdate(void *dso_handle, int mode) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().dlupdate(dso_handle, mode);
int __orc_rt_macho_jit_dlclose(void *dso_handle) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().dlclose(dso_handle);
void *__orc_rt_macho_jit_dlsym(void *dso_handle, const char *symbol) {
return MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().dlsym(dso_handle, symbol);
// MachO Run Program
ORC_RT_INTERFACE int64_t __orc_rt_macho_run_program(const char *JITDylibName,
const char *EntrySymbolName,
int argc, char *argv[]) {
using MainTy = int (*)(int, char *[]);
void *H =
__orc_rt_macho_jit_dlopen(JITDylibName, orc_rt::macho::ORC_RT_RTLD_LAZY);
if (!H) {
return -1;
auto *Main =
reinterpret_cast<MainTy>(__orc_rt_macho_jit_dlsym(H, EntrySymbolName));
if (!Main) {
return -1;
int Result = Main(argc, argv);
if (__orc_rt_macho_jit_dlclose(H) == -1)
return Result;