! RUN: %python %S/../test_errors.py %s %flang -fopenmp
! The ASSOCIATE name preserves the association with the selector established
! in the associate statement. Therefore it is incorrect to change the
! data-sharing attribute of the name.
subroutine assoc_private(x)
integer :: x
associate(z => x)
!ERROR: Variable 'z' in ASSOCIATE cannot be in a PRIVATE clause
!$omp parallel private(z)
!$omp end parallel
end associate
end subroutine
subroutine assoc_firstprivate(x)
integer :: x
associate(z => x)
!ERROR: Variable 'z' in ASSOCIATE cannot be in a FIRSTPRIVATE clause
!$omp parallel firstprivate(z)
!$omp end parallel
end associate
end subroutine
subroutine assoc_lastprivate(x)
integer :: x
associate(z => x)
!ERROR: Variable 'z' in ASSOCIATE cannot be in a LASTPRIVATE clause
!$omp parallel sections lastprivate(z)
!$omp end parallel sections
end associate
end subroutine