
//===- TGParser.cpp - Parser for TableGen Files ---------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Implement the Parser for TableGen.

#include "TGParser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>


// Support Code for the Semantic Actions.

namespace llvm {

struct SubClassReference {};

struct SubMultiClassReference {};

#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void SubMultiClassReference::dump() const {
  errs() << "Multiclass:\n";


  errs() << "Template args:\n";
  for (Init *TA : TemplateArgs)

} // end namespace llvm

static bool checkBitsConcrete(Record &R, const RecordVal &RV) {}

static void checkConcrete(Record &R) {}

/// Return an Init with a qualifier prefix referring
/// to CurRec's name.
static Init *QualifyName(Record &CurRec, Init *Name) {}

static Init *QualifyName(MultiClass *MC, Init *Name) {}

/// Return the qualified version of the implicit 'NAME' template argument.
static Init *QualifiedNameOfImplicitName(Record &Rec) {}

static Init *QualifiedNameOfImplicitName(MultiClass *MC) {}

Init *TGVarScope::getVar(RecordKeeper &Records, MultiClass *ParsingMultiClass,
                         StringInit *Name, SMRange NameLoc,
                         bool TrackReferenceLocs) const {}

bool TGParser::AddValue(Record *CurRec, SMLoc Loc, const RecordVal &RV) {}

/// SetValue -
/// Return true on error, false on success.
bool TGParser::SetValue(Record *CurRec, SMLoc Loc, Init *ValName,
                        ArrayRef<unsigned> BitList, Init *V,
                        bool AllowSelfAssignment, bool OverrideDefLoc) {}

/// AddSubClass - Add SubClass as a subclass to CurRec, resolving its template
/// args as SubClass's template arguments.
bool TGParser::AddSubClass(Record *CurRec, SubClassReference &SubClass) {}

bool TGParser::AddSubClass(RecordsEntry &Entry, SubClassReference &SubClass) {}

/// AddSubMultiClass - Add SubMultiClass as a subclass to
/// CurMC, resolving its template args as SubMultiClass's
/// template arguments.
bool TGParser::AddSubMultiClass(MultiClass *CurMC,
                                SubMultiClassReference &SubMultiClass) {}

/// Add a record, foreach loop, or assertion to the current context.
bool TGParser::addEntry(RecordsEntry E) {}

/// Resolve the entries in \p Loop, going over inner loops recursively
/// and making the given subsitutions of (name, value) pairs.
/// The resulting records are stored in \p Dest if non-null. Otherwise, they
/// are added to the global record keeper.
bool TGParser::resolve(const ForeachLoop &Loop, SubstStack &Substs,
                       bool Final, std::vector<RecordsEntry> *Dest,
                       SMLoc *Loc) {}

/// Resolve the entries in \p Source, going over loops recursively and
/// making the given substitutions of (name, value) pairs.
/// The resulting records are stored in \p Dest if non-null. Otherwise, they
/// are added to the global record keeper.
bool TGParser::resolve(const std::vector<RecordsEntry> &Source,
                       SubstStack &Substs, bool Final,
                       std::vector<RecordsEntry> *Dest, SMLoc *Loc) {}

/// Resolve the record fully and add it to the record keeper.
bool TGParser::addDefOne(std::unique_ptr<Record> Rec) {}

bool TGParser::resolveArguments(Record *Rec, ArrayRef<ArgumentInit *> ArgValues,
                                SMLoc Loc, ArgValueHandler ArgValueHandler) {}

/// Resolve the arguments of class and set them to MapResolver.
/// Returns true if failed.
bool TGParser::resolveArgumentsOfClass(MapResolver &R, Record *Rec,
                                       ArrayRef<ArgumentInit *> ArgValues,
                                       SMLoc Loc) {}

/// Resolve the arguments of multiclass and store them into SubstStack.
/// Returns true if failed.
bool TGParser::resolveArgumentsOfMultiClass(SubstStack &Substs, MultiClass *MC,
                                            ArrayRef<ArgumentInit *> ArgValues,
                                            Init *DefmName, SMLoc Loc) {}

// Parser Code

bool TGParser::consume(tgtok::TokKind K) {}

/// ParseObjectName - If a valid object name is specified, return it. If no
/// name is specified, return the unset initializer. Return nullptr on parse
/// error.
///   ObjectName ::= Value [ '#' Value ]*
///   ObjectName ::= /*empty*/
Init *TGParser::ParseObjectName(MultiClass *CurMultiClass) {}

/// ParseClassID - Parse and resolve a reference to a class name.  This returns
/// null on error.
///    ClassID ::= ID
Record *TGParser::ParseClassID() {}

/// ParseMultiClassID - Parse and resolve a reference to a multiclass name.
/// This returns null on error.
///    MultiClassID ::= ID
MultiClass *TGParser::ParseMultiClassID() {}

/// ParseSubClassReference - Parse a reference to a subclass or a
/// multiclass. This returns a SubClassRefTy with a null Record* on error.
///  SubClassRef ::= ClassID
///  SubClassRef ::= ClassID '<' ArgValueList '>'
SubClassReference TGParser::
ParseSubClassReference(Record *CurRec, bool isDefm) {}

/// ParseSubMultiClassReference - Parse a reference to a subclass or to a
/// templated submulticlass.  This returns a SubMultiClassRefTy with a null
/// Record* on error.
///  SubMultiClassRef ::= MultiClassID
///  SubMultiClassRef ::= MultiClassID '<' ArgValueList '>'
SubMultiClassReference TGParser::
ParseSubMultiClassReference(MultiClass *CurMC) {}

/// ParseSliceElement - Parse subscript or range
///  SliceElement  ::= Value<list<int>>
///  SliceElement  ::= Value<int>
///  SliceElement  ::= Value<int> '...' Value<int>
///  SliceElement  ::= Value<int> '-' Value<int> (deprecated)
///  SliceElement  ::= Value<int> INTVAL(Negative; deprecated)
/// SliceElement is either IntRecTy, ListRecTy, or nullptr
TypedInit *TGParser::ParseSliceElement(Record *CurRec) {}

/// ParseSliceElements - Parse subscripts in square brackets.
///  SliceElements ::= ( SliceElement ',' )* SliceElement ','?
/// SliceElement is either IntRecTy, ListRecTy, or nullptr
/// Returns ListRecTy by defaut.
/// Returns IntRecTy if;
///  - Single=true
///  - SliceElements is Value<int> w/o trailing comma
TypedInit *TGParser::ParseSliceElements(Record *CurRec, bool Single) {}

/// ParseRangePiece - Parse a bit/value range.
///   RangePiece ::= INTVAL
///   RangePiece ::= INTVAL '...' INTVAL
///   RangePiece ::= INTVAL '-' INTVAL
///   RangePiece ::= INTVAL INTVAL 
// The last two forms are deprecated.
bool TGParser::ParseRangePiece(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Ranges,
                               TypedInit *FirstItem) {}

/// ParseRangeList - Parse a list of scalars and ranges into scalar values.
///   RangeList ::= RangePiece (',' RangePiece)*
void TGParser::ParseRangeList(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Result) {}

/// ParseOptionalRangeList - Parse either a range list in <>'s or nothing.
///   OptionalRangeList ::= '<' RangeList '>'
///   OptionalRangeList ::= /*empty*/
bool TGParser::ParseOptionalRangeList(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Ranges) {}

/// ParseOptionalBitList - Parse either a bit list in {}'s or nothing.
///   OptionalBitList ::= '{' RangeList '}'
///   OptionalBitList ::= /*empty*/
bool TGParser::ParseOptionalBitList(SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Ranges) {}

/// ParseType - Parse and return a tblgen type.  This returns null on error.
///   Type ::= STRING                       // string type
///   Type ::= CODE                         // code type
///   Type ::= BIT                          // bit type
///   Type ::= BITS '<' INTVAL '>'          // bits<x> type
///   Type ::= INT                          // int type
///   Type ::= LIST '<' Type '>'            // list<x> type
///   Type ::= DAG                          // dag type
///   Type ::= ClassID                      // Record Type
const RecTy *TGParser::ParseType() {}

/// ParseIDValue
Init *TGParser::ParseIDValue(Record *CurRec, StringInit *Name, SMRange NameLoc,
                             IDParseMode Mode) {}

/// ParseOperation - Parse an operator.  This returns null on error.
/// Operation ::= XOperator ['<' Type '>'] '(' Args ')'
Init *TGParser::ParseOperation(Record *CurRec, const RecTy *ItemType) {}

/// ParseOperatorType - Parse a type for an operator.  This returns
/// null on error.
/// OperatorType ::= '<' Type '>'
const RecTy *TGParser::ParseOperatorType() {}

/// Parse the !substr operation. Return null on error.
/// Substr ::= !substr(string, start-int [, length-int]) => string
Init *TGParser::ParseOperationSubstr(Record *CurRec, const RecTy *ItemType) {}

/// Parse the !find operation. Return null on error.
/// Substr ::= !find(string, string [, start-int]) => int
Init *TGParser::ParseOperationFind(Record *CurRec, const RecTy *ItemType) {}

/// Parse the !foreach and !filter operations. Return null on error.
/// ForEach ::= !foreach(ID, list-or-dag, expr) => list<expr type>
/// Filter  ::= !foreach(ID, list, predicate) ==> list<list type>
Init *TGParser::ParseOperationForEachFilter(Record *CurRec,
                                            const RecTy *ItemType) {}

Init *TGParser::ParseOperationCond(Record *CurRec, const RecTy *ItemType) {}

/// ParseSimpleValue - Parse a tblgen value.  This returns null on error.
///   SimpleValue ::= IDValue
///   SimpleValue ::= INTVAL
///   SimpleValue ::= STRVAL+
///   SimpleValue ::= CODEFRAGMENT
///   SimpleValue ::= '?'
///   SimpleValue ::= '{' ValueList '}'
///   SimpleValue ::= ID '<' ValueListNE '>'
///   SimpleValue ::= '[' ValueList ']'
///   SimpleValue ::= '(' IDValue DagArgList ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= CONCATTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= ADDTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= DIVTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= SUBTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= SHLTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= SRATOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= SRLTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= LISTCONCATTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= LISTSPLATTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= LISTREMOVETOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= RANGE '(' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= RANGE '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= RANGE '(' Value ',' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= STRCONCATTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
///   SimpleValue ::= COND '(' [Value ':' Value,]+ ')'
Init *TGParser::ParseSimpleValue(Record *CurRec, const RecTy *ItemType,
                                 IDParseMode Mode) {}

/// ParseValue - Parse a TableGen value. This returns null on error.
///   Value       ::= SimpleValue ValueSuffix*
///   ValueSuffix ::= '{' BitList '}'
///   ValueSuffix ::= '[' SliceElements ']'
///   ValueSuffix ::= '.' ID
Init *TGParser::ParseValue(Record *CurRec, const RecTy *ItemType,
                           IDParseMode Mode) {}

/// ParseDagArgList - Parse the argument list for a dag literal expression.
///    DagArg     ::= Value (':' VARNAME)?
///    DagArg     ::= VARNAME
///    DagArgList ::= DagArg
///    DagArgList ::= DagArgList ',' DagArg
void TGParser::ParseDagArgList(
    SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<llvm::Init*, StringInit*>> &Result,
    Record *CurRec) {}

/// ParseValueList - Parse a comma separated list of values, returning them
/// in a vector. Note that this always expects to be able to parse at least one
/// value. It returns an empty list if this is not possible.
///   ValueList ::= Value (',' Value)
void TGParser::ParseValueList(SmallVectorImpl<Init *> &Result, Record *CurRec,
                              const RecTy *ItemType) {}

// ParseTemplateArgValueList - Parse a template argument list with the syntax
// shown, filling in the Result vector. The open angle has been consumed.
// An empty argument list is allowed. Return false if okay, true if an
// error was detected.
//   ArgValueList ::= '<' PostionalArgValueList [','] NamedArgValueList '>'
//   PostionalArgValueList ::= [Value {',' Value}*]
//   NamedArgValueList ::= [NameValue '=' Value {',' NameValue '=' Value}*]
bool TGParser::ParseTemplateArgValueList(
    SmallVectorImpl<ArgumentInit *> &Result, Record *CurRec, Record *ArgsRec) {}

/// ParseDeclaration - Read a declaration, returning the name of field ID, or an
/// empty string on error.  This can happen in a number of different contexts,
/// including within a def or in the template args for a class (in which case
/// CurRec will be non-null) and within the template args for a multiclass (in
/// which case CurRec will be null, but CurMultiClass will be set).  This can
/// also happen within a def that is within a multiclass, which will set both
/// CurRec and CurMultiClass.
///  Declaration ::= FIELD? Type ID ('=' Value)?
Init *TGParser::ParseDeclaration(Record *CurRec,
                                       bool ParsingTemplateArgs) {}

/// ParseForeachDeclaration - Read a foreach declaration, returning
/// the name of the declared object or a NULL Init on error.  Return
/// the name of the parsed initializer list through ForeachListName.
///  ForeachDeclaration ::= ID '=' '{' RangeList '}'
///  ForeachDeclaration ::= ID '=' RangePiece
///  ForeachDeclaration ::= ID '=' Value
VarInit *TGParser::ParseForeachDeclaration(Init *&ForeachListValue) {}

/// ParseTemplateArgList - Read a template argument list, which is a non-empty
/// sequence of template-declarations in <>'s.  If CurRec is non-null, these are
/// template args for a class. If null, these are the template args for a
/// multiclass.
///    TemplateArgList ::= '<' Declaration (',' Declaration)* '>'
bool TGParser::ParseTemplateArgList(Record *CurRec) {}

/// ParseBodyItem - Parse a single item within the body of a def or class.
///   BodyItem ::= Declaration ';'
///   BodyItem ::= LET ID OptionalBitList '=' Value ';'
///   BodyItem ::= Defvar
///   BodyItem ::= Dump
///   BodyItem ::= Assert
bool TGParser::ParseBodyItem(Record *CurRec) {}

/// ParseBody - Read the body of a class or def.  Return true on error, false on
/// success.
///   Body     ::= ';'
///   Body     ::= '{' BodyList '}'
///   BodyList BodyItem*
bool TGParser::ParseBody(Record *CurRec) {}

/// Apply the current let bindings to \a CurRec.
/// \returns true on error, false otherwise.
bool TGParser::ApplyLetStack(Record *CurRec) {}

/// Apply the current let bindings to the RecordsEntry.
bool TGParser::ApplyLetStack(RecordsEntry &Entry) {}

/// ParseObjectBody - Parse the body of a def or class.  This consists of an
/// optional ClassList followed by a Body.  CurRec is the current def or class
/// that is being parsed.
///   ObjectBody      ::= BaseClassList Body
///   BaseClassList   ::= /*empty*/
///   BaseClassList   ::= ':' BaseClassListNE
///   BaseClassListNE ::= SubClassRef (',' SubClassRef)*
bool TGParser::ParseObjectBody(Record *CurRec) {}

/// ParseDef - Parse and return a top level or multiclass record definition.
/// Return false if okay, true if error.
///   DefInst ::= DEF ObjectName ObjectBody
bool TGParser::ParseDef(MultiClass *CurMultiClass) {}

/// ParseDefset - Parse a defset statement.
///   Defset ::= DEFSET Type Id '=' '{' ObjectList '}'
bool TGParser::ParseDefset() {}

/// ParseDeftype - Parse a defvar statement.
///   Deftype ::= DEFTYPE Id '=' Type ';'
bool TGParser::ParseDeftype() {}

/// ParseDefvar - Parse a defvar statement.
///   Defvar ::= DEFVAR Id '=' Value ';'
bool TGParser::ParseDefvar(Record *CurRec) {}

/// ParseForeach - Parse a for statement.  Return the record corresponding
/// to it.  This returns true on error.
///   Foreach ::= FOREACH Declaration IN '{ ObjectList '}'
///   Foreach ::= FOREACH Declaration IN Object
bool TGParser::ParseForeach(MultiClass *CurMultiClass) {}

/// ParseIf - Parse an if statement.
///   If ::= IF Value THEN IfBody
///   If ::= IF Value THEN IfBody ELSE IfBody
bool TGParser::ParseIf(MultiClass *CurMultiClass) {}

/// ParseIfBody - Parse the then-clause or else-clause of an if statement.
///   IfBody ::= Object
///   IfBody ::= '{' ObjectList '}'
bool TGParser::ParseIfBody(MultiClass *CurMultiClass, StringRef Kind) {}

/// ParseAssert - Parse an assert statement.
///   Assert ::= ASSERT condition , message ;
bool TGParser::ParseAssert(MultiClass *CurMultiClass, Record *CurRec) {}

/// ParseClass - Parse a tblgen class definition.
///   ClassInst ::= CLASS ID TemplateArgList? ObjectBody
bool TGParser::ParseClass() {}

/// ParseLetList - Parse a non-empty list of assignment expressions into a list
/// of LetRecords.
///   LetList ::= LetItem (',' LetItem)*
///   LetItem ::= ID OptionalRangeList '=' Value
void TGParser::ParseLetList(SmallVectorImpl<LetRecord> &Result) {}

/// ParseTopLevelLet - Parse a 'let' at top level.  This can be a couple of
/// different related productions. This works inside multiclasses too.
///   Object ::= LET LetList IN '{' ObjectList '}'
///   Object ::= LET LetList IN Object
bool TGParser::ParseTopLevelLet(MultiClass *CurMultiClass) {}

/// ParseMultiClass - Parse a multiclass definition.
///  MultiClassInst ::= MULTICLASS ID TemplateArgList?
///                     ':' BaseMultiClassList '{' MultiClassObject+ '}'
///  MultiClassObject ::= Assert
///  MultiClassObject ::= DefInst
///  MultiClassObject ::= DefMInst
///  MultiClassObject ::= Defvar
///  MultiClassObject ::= Foreach
///  MultiClassObject ::= If
///  MultiClassObject ::= LETCommand '{' ObjectList '}'
///  MultiClassObject ::= LETCommand Object
bool TGParser::ParseMultiClass() {}

/// ParseDefm - Parse the instantiation of a multiclass.
///   DefMInst ::= DEFM ID ':' DefmSubClassRef ';'
bool TGParser::ParseDefm(MultiClass *CurMultiClass) {}

/// ParseObject
///   Object ::= ClassInst
///   Object ::= DefInst
///   Object ::= MultiClassInst
///   Object ::= DefMInst
///   Object ::= LETCommand '{' ObjectList '}'
///   Object ::= LETCommand Object
///   Object ::= Defset
///   Object ::= Deftype
///   Object ::= Defvar
///   Object ::= Assert
///   Object ::= Dump
bool TGParser::ParseObject(MultiClass *MC) {}

/// ParseObjectList
///   ObjectList :== Object*
bool TGParser::ParseObjectList(MultiClass *MC) {}

bool TGParser::ParseFile() {}

// Check the types of the template argument values for a class
// inheritance, multiclass invocation, or anonymous class invocation.
// If necessary, replace an argument with a cast to the required type.
// The argument count has already been checked.
bool TGParser::CheckTemplateArgValues(
    SmallVectorImpl<llvm::ArgumentInit *> &Values, SMLoc Loc, Record *ArgsRec) {}

#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void RecordsEntry::dump() const {
  if (Loop)
  if (Rec)

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void ForeachLoop::dump() const {
  errs() << "foreach " << IterVar->getAsString() << " = "
         << ListValue->getAsString() << " in {\n";

  for (const auto &E : Entries)

  errs() << "}\n";

LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void MultiClass::dump() const {
  errs() << "Record:\n";

  errs() << "Defs:\n";
  for (const auto &E : Entries)

bool TGParser::ParseDump(MultiClass *CurMultiClass, Record *CurRec) {}