
; RUN: rm -rf %t
; RUN: split-file %s %t
; RUN: sed -e "s|DSTROOT|%/t|g" %t/inputs.json.in > %t/inputs.json

; RUN: yaml2obj %t/Availability.yaml -o %t/System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Availability

; RUN: clang-installapi \
; RUN: --target=x86_64-apple-macos13 \
; RUN: -install_name /System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Versions/A/Availability \
; RUN: -current_version 1 -compatibility_version 1 \
; RUN: -F %t/System/Library/Frameworks \
; RUN: %t/inputs.json -o %t/output.tbd \
; RUN: --verify-against=%t/System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Availability \
; RUN: --verify-mode=ErrorsOnly --filetype=tbd-v5 2> %t/errors.log
; RUN: FileCheck -allow-empty -check-prefix=ERRORSONLY -input-file %t/errors.log %s

; RUN: clang-installapi \
; RUN: --target=x86_64-apple-macos13 \
; RUN: -install_name /System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Versions/A/Availability \
; RUN: -current_version 1 -compatibility_version 1 \
; RUN: -F %t/System/Library/Frameworks \
; RUN: %t/inputs.json -o %t/output-warnings.tbd \
; RUN: --verify-against=%t/System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Availability \
; RUN: --verify-mode=ErrorsAndWarnings 2> %t/errors.log
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefixes=VIOLATIONS,ERRORSANDWARNINGS -input-file %t/errors.log %s

; RUN: not clang-installapi \
; RUN: --target=x86_64-apple-macos13 \
; RUN: -install_name /System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Versions/A/Availability \
; RUN: -current_version 1 -compatibility_version 1 \
; RUN: -F %t/System/Library/Frameworks \
; RUN: %t/inputs.json -o %t/output-pedantic.tbd \
; RUN: --verify-against=%t/System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Availability \
; RUN: --verify-mode=Pedantic 2> %t/errors.log
; RUN: FileCheck -check-prefixes=VIOLATIONS,PEDANTIC -input-file %t/errors.log %s

; ERRORSONLY-NOT:        error
; ERRORSONLY-NOT:        warning

; VIOLATIONS:            warning: violations found for x86_64-apple-macos
; VIOLATIONS:            declaration 'publicGlobalVariable' is marked unavailable, but symbol is exported in dynamic library
; VIOLATIONS-NEXT:       extern int publicGlobalVariable NS_AVAILABLE
; VIOLATIONS:            declaration 'Foo' is marked unavailable, but symbol is exported in dynamic library
; VIOLATIONS-NEXT:       @interface Foo : NSObject
; VIOLATIONS:            declaration 'publicGlobalVariable3' is marked unavailable, but symbol is exported in dynamic library
; VIOLATIONS-NEXT:       extern int publicGlobalVariable3 __attribute__((unavailable))
; VIOLATIONS:            declaration 'privateGlobalVariable' is marked unavailable, but symbol is exported in dynamic library
; VIOLATIONS-NEXT:       extern int privateGlobalVariable;

; PEDANTIC-NOT:          error

;--- inputs.json.in
  "headers": [ {
    "path" : "DSTROOT/System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Headers/Availability.h",
    "type" : "public"
    "path" : "DSTROOT/System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/PrivateHeaders/AvailabilityPrivate.h",
    "type" : "private"
  "version": "3"

;--- System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Headers/AV_Defines.h
#ifndef AV_DEFINES
#define AV_DEFINES 

#define NS_AVAILABLE __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=NA)))

@interface NSObject 

#endif //AV_DEFINES

;--- System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/PrivateHeaders/AvailabilityPrivate.h
#import <Availability/AV_Defines.h>
// Test private global variable.
extern int privateGlobalVariable;

;--- System/Library/Frameworks/Availability.framework/Headers/Availability.h
#import <Availability/AV_Defines.h>
extern int publicGlobalVariable NS_AVAILABLE;

// Test public ObjC class
@interface Foo : NSObject

// Test unavailable attribute.
#ifdef __i386__
#define UNAVAILABLE_I386 __attribute__((unavailable))
#define UNAVAILABLE_I386
extern int publicGlobalVariable2 UNAVAILABLE_I386;

extern int publicGlobalVariable3 __attribute__((unavailable))
__attribute__((availability(macosx, introduced = 10.9)));

// Test obsoleted with exported variable.
extern int publicGlobalVariable4 __attribute__((availability(
    macosx, introduced = 10.9, deprecated = 10.10, obsoleted = 10.11)));
// Test obsoleted with non-existent variable.
extern int publicGlobalVariable5 __attribute__((availability(
    macosx, introduced = 10.9, deprecated = 10.10, obsoleted = 10.11)));

#ifdef __i386__
#define OBSOLETE_I386 __attribute__((availability(macosx, obsoleted = 10.11)))
#define OBSOLETE_I386
extern int publicGlobalVariable6 OBSOLETE_I386;

/// Created from: 
// int publicGlobalVariable; int privateGlobalVariable;
// @implementation Foo
// @end
// #ifndef __i386__
// int publicGlobalVariable2;
// #endif
// int publicGlobalVariable3;
// int publicGlobalVariable4;
// #ifndef __i386__
// int publicGlobalVariable6;
// #endif
;--- Availability.yaml
--- !mach-o
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      Imm:             1
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    - Opcode:          REBASE_OPCODE_DONE
      Imm:             0
      Imm:             0
      Symbol:          '_OBJC_METACLASS_$_NSObject'
    - Opcode:          BIND_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM
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      Imm:             1
      Symbol:          ''
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      Imm:             0
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    - Opcode:          BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND
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      Imm:             0
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    - Opcode:          BIND_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM
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    - Opcode:          BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND
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      Imm:             0
      Symbol:          '_OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject'
    - Opcode:          BIND_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM
      Imm:             1
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    - Opcode:          BIND_OPCODE_ADD_ADDR_ULEB
      Imm:             0
      ULEBExtraData:   [ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 ]
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      Imm:             0
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    TerminalSize:    0
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    Name:            ''
    Flags:           0x0
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    Other:           0x0
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      - TerminalSize:    0
        NodeOffset:      5
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        Flags:           0x0
        Address:         0x0
        Other:           0x0
        ImportName:      ''
          - TerminalSize:    0
            NodeOffset:      17
            Name:            OBJC_
            Flags:           0x0
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            Other:           0x0
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              - TerminalSize:    3
                NodeOffset:      49
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                Flags:           0x0
                Address:         0x3090
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              - TerminalSize:    3
                NodeOffset:      54
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            Name:            p
            Flags:           0x0
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              - TerminalSize:    3
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                Name:            rivateGlobalVariable
                Flags:           0x0
                Address:         0x30E0
                Other:           0x0
                ImportName:      ''
              - TerminalSize:    3
                NodeOffset:      109
                Name:            ublicGlobalVariable
                Flags:           0x0
                Address:         0x30E4
                Other:           0x0
                ImportName:      ''
                  - TerminalSize:    3
                    NodeOffset:      130
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                    ImportName:      ''
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      n_sect:          7
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      n_type:          0xF
      n_sect:          7
      n_desc:          0
      n_value:         12520
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      n_type:          0xF
      n_sect:          7
      n_desc:          0
      n_value:         12524
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      n_type:          0xF
      n_sect:          7
      n_desc:          0
      n_value:         12528
    - n_strx:          164
      n_type:          0xF
      n_sect:          7
      n_desc:          0
      n_value:         12532
    - n_strx:          187
      n_type:          0xF
      n_sect:          6
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      n_value:         12432
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      n_type:          0xF
      n_sect:          6
      n_desc:          0
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    - n_strx:          227
      n_type:          0x1
      n_sect:          0
      n_desc:          256
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      n_type:          0x1
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      n_desc:          256
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    - ' '
    - '__OBJC_METACLASS_RO_$_Foo'
    - '__OBJC_CLASS_RO_$_Foo'
    - _privateGlobalVariable
    - _publicGlobalVariable
    - _publicGlobalVariable2
    - _publicGlobalVariable3
    - _publicGlobalVariable4
    - _publicGlobalVariable6
    - '_OBJC_METACLASS_$_Foo'
    - '_OBJC_CLASS_$_Foo'
    - '_OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject'
    - '_OBJC_METACLASS_$_NSObject'
    - __objc_empty_cache
    - dyld_stub_binder
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''