// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i686-windows-msvc -emit-llvm -std=c++14 \
// RUN: -fno-threadsafe-statics -fms-extensions -O1 -mconstructor-aliases \
// RUN: -disable-llvm-passes -o - %s -w -fms-compatibility-version=19.00 | \
// RUN: FileCheck %s
struct CtorWithClosure {
__declspec(dllexport) CtorWithClosure(...) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FCtorWithClosure@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
// CHECK: %[[this_addr:.*]] = alloca ptr, align 4
// CHECK: store ptr %this, ptr %[[this_addr]], align 4
// CHECK: %[[this:.*]] = load ptr, ptr %[[this_addr]]
// CHECK: call noundef ptr (ptr, ...) @"??0CtorWithClosure@@QAA@ZZ"(ptr {{[^,]*}} %[[this]])
// CHECK: ret void
struct CtorWithClosureOutOfLine {
__declspec(dllexport) CtorWithClosureOutOfLine(...);
CtorWithClosureOutOfLine::CtorWithClosureOutOfLine(...) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FCtorWithClosureOutOfLine@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
ClassName(ClassName &&) = delete; \
ClassName(ClassName &) = delete; \
~ClassName() = delete; \
ClassName &operator=(ClassName &) = delete
struct __declspec(dllexport) ClassWithClosure {
ClassWithClosure(...) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FClassWithClosure@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
// CHECK: %[[this_addr:.*]] = alloca ptr, align 4
// CHECK: store ptr %this, ptr %[[this_addr]], align 4
// CHECK: %[[this:.*]] = load ptr, ptr %[[this_addr]]
// CHECK: call noundef ptr (ptr, ...) @"??0ClassWithClosure@@QAA@ZZ"(ptr {{[^,]*}} %[[this]])
// CHECK: ret void
template <typename T> struct TemplateWithClosure {
TemplateWithClosure(int x = sizeof(T)) {}
extern template struct TemplateWithClosure<char>;
template struct __declspec(dllexport) TemplateWithClosure<char>;
extern template struct TemplateWithClosure<int>;
template struct __declspec(dllexport) TemplateWithClosure<int>;
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_F?$TemplateWithClosure@D@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @"??0?$TemplateWithClosure@D@@QAE@H@Z"({{.*}}, i32 noundef 1)
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_F?$TemplateWithClosure@H@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @"??0?$TemplateWithClosure@H@@QAE@H@Z"({{.*}}, i32 noundef 4)
template <typename T> struct __declspec(dllexport) ExportedTemplateWithClosure {
ExportedTemplateWithClosure(int x = sizeof(T)) {}
template <> ExportedTemplateWithClosure<int>::ExportedTemplateWithClosure(int); // Don't try to emit the closure for a declaration.
template <> ExportedTemplateWithClosure<int>::ExportedTemplateWithClosure(int) {};
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_F?$ExportedTemplateWithClosure@H@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
// CHECK: call {{.*}} @"??0?$ExportedTemplateWithClosure@H@@QAE@H@Z"({{.*}}, i32 noundef 4)
struct __declspec(dllexport) NestedOuter {
NestedOuter(void *p = 0) {}
struct __declspec(dllexport) NestedInner {
NestedInner(void *p = 0) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FNestedOuter@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FNestedInner@NestedOuter@@QAEXXZ"({{.*}}) {{#[0-9]+}} comdat
struct HasDtor {
int o;
struct HasImplicitDtor1 { HasDtor o; };
struct HasImplicitDtor2 { HasDtor o; };
struct __declspec(dllexport) CtorClosureInline {
CtorClosureInline(const HasImplicitDtor1 &v = {}) {}
struct __declspec(dllexport) CtorClosureOutOfLine {
CtorClosureOutOfLine(const HasImplicitDtor2 &v = {});
CtorClosureOutOfLine::CtorClosureOutOfLine(const HasImplicitDtor2 &v) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FCtorClosureInline@@QAEXXZ"
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr dso_local x86_thiscallcc void @"??1HasImplicitDtor1@@QAE@XZ"
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FCtorClosureOutOfLine@@QAEXXZ"
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr dso_local x86_thiscallcc void @"??1HasImplicitDtor2@@QAE@XZ"
struct SomeStruct {};
constexpr SomeStruct kConstexprStruct;
struct __declspec(dllexport) ConstexprDefaultArg {
ConstexprDefaultArg(SomeStruct = kConstexprStruct) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: define weak_odr dso_local dllexport x86_thiscallcc void @"??_FConstexprDefaultArg@@QAEXXZ"