// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 %s -triple x86_64-linux-gnu -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
struct ThisShouldBeCalled {
ThisShouldBeCalled() {}
template <typename T>
struct ThisShouldBeCalledTPL {
ThisShouldBeCalledTPL() {}
consteval int f () {
return 42;
struct WithConsteval {
WithConsteval(int x = f()) {}
template <typename T>
struct WithConstevalTPL {
WithConstevalTPL(T x = f()) {}
struct Base {
ThisShouldBeCalled y = {};
struct S : Base {
ThisShouldBeCalledTPL<int> A = {};
WithConsteval B = {};
WithConstevalTPL<double> C = {};
void Do(S = S{}) {}
void test() {
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN18ThisShouldBeCalledC2Ev
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN21ThisShouldBeCalledTPLIiEC2Ev
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN13WithConstevalC2Ei
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN16WithConstevalTPLIdEC2Ed
namespace check_arrays {
template <typename T>
struct inner {
inner() {}
struct S {
inner<int> a {};
class C {
S s[1]{};
int f() {
C c;
return 0;
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN12check_arrays5innerIiEC2Ev
namespace check_field_inits_in_base_constructors {
template <typename>
struct ShouldBeODRUsed {
ShouldBeODRUsed() {}
class k {
// The private here is important,
// otherwise it would be aggregate initialized.
ShouldBeODRUsed<k> a = {};
struct b {
k c{};
void test() { b d; }
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN38check_field_inits_in_base_constructors15ShouldBeODRUsedINS_1kEEC2Ev
namespace check_referenced_when_defined_in_default_parameter {
template <typename T>
struct Test {
Test(auto&&) {}
struct Options {
Test<bool(bool x)> identity = [](bool x) -> bool { return x; };
struct Wrapper {
Wrapper(const Options& options = Options());
void Func() { Options options; }
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN50check_referenced_when_defined_in_default_parameter7OptionsC2Ev
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN50check_referenced_when_defined_in_default_parameter4TestIFbbEEC1INS_7Options8identityMUlbE_EEEOT_
// CHECK-LABEL: @_ZN50check_referenced_when_defined_in_default_parameter4TestIFbbEEC2INS_7Options8identityMUlbE_EEEOT_
namespace lambda_body {
template <typename a>
int templated_func() {
return 0;
struct test_body {
int mem = templated_func<int>();
struct test_capture {
int mem = templated_func<double>();
struct S {
int a = [_ = test_capture{}] { (void)test_body{}; return 0;}();
void test() {
S s;
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} @_ZN11lambda_body14templated_funcIdEEiv
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} @_ZNK11lambda_body1S1aMUlvE_clEv
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} @_ZN11lambda_body14templated_funcIiEEiv