// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11 %s
namespace PR15360 {
template<typename R, typename U, R F>
U f() { return &F; } // expected-error{{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'int (*)(int)'}} expected-error{{cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'int *'}}
void test() {
f<int(int), int(*)(int), nullptr>(); // expected-note{{in instantiation of}}
f<int[3], int*, nullptr>(); // expected-note{{in instantiation of}}
namespace CanonicalNullptr {
template<typename T> struct get { typedef T type; };
struct X {};
template<typename T, typename get<T *>::type P = nullptr> struct A {};
template<typename T, typename get<decltype((T(), nullptr))>::type P = nullptr> struct B {};
template<typename T, typename get<T X::*>::type P = nullptr> struct C {};
template<typename T> A<T> MakeA();
template<typename T> B<T> MakeB();
template<typename T> C<T> MakeC();
A<int> a = MakeA<int>();
B<int> b = MakeB<int>();
C<int> c = MakeC<int>();
namespace Auto {
template<auto> struct A { }; // expected-error {{until C++17}}
namespace check_conversion_early {
struct X {};
template<int> struct A {};
template<X &x> struct A<x> {}; // expected-error {{not implicitly convertible}}
struct Y { constexpr operator int() const { return 0; } };
template<Y &y> struct A<y> {}; // expected-error {{cannot be deduced}} expected-note {{'y'}}
namespace ReportCorrectParam {
template <int a, unsigned b, int c>
void TempFunc() {}
void Useage() {
//expected-error@+2 {{no matching function}}
//expected-note@-4 {{candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for template parameter 'b'}}
TempFunc<1, -1, 1>();
namespace PR42513 {
template<typename X, int Ret = WidgetCtor((X*)nullptr)> void f();
constexpr int WidgetCtor(struct X1*);
struct X1 {
friend constexpr int WidgetCtor(X1*);
template<typename X1>
struct StandardWidget {
friend constexpr int WidgetCtor(X1*) {
return 0;
template struct StandardWidget<X1>;
void use() { f<X1>(); }
namespace ReferenceToConstexpr {
struct A { const char *str = "hello"; };
constexpr A a;
template<const A &r, typename T> struct B {
static_assert(__builtin_strcmp(r.str, "hello") == 0, "");
template<const A &r> struct C {
template<typename T> void f(B<r, T>, T) {}
void f(C<a> ca) { ca.f({}, 0); }
using FourChars = const char[4];
constexpr FourChars kEta = "Eta";
constexpr const char kDes[4] = "Des";
constexpr const char *kNull = "Phi";
constexpr const char **kZero[] = {};
template <const char *, typename T> class Column {};
template <const char[], typename T> class Dolumn {};
template <const char (*)[4], typename T> class Folumn {};
template <FourChars *, typename T> class Golumn {};
template <const char *const *, typename T> class Holumn {};
template <const char *const *const *, typename T> class Jolumn {};
template <const char **const (*)[0], typename T> class Iolumn {};
class container {
int a;
template <int container::*> class Kolumn {};
void lookup() {
Column<kEta, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<kEta,}}
Column<kDes, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<kDes,}}
Column<nullptr, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<nullptr,}}
Dolumn<kEta, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<kEta,}}
Dolumn<kDes, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<kDes,}}
Folumn<&kEta, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<&kEta,}}
Folumn<&kDes, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<&kDes,}}
Golumn<&kEta, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<&kEta,}}
Golumn<&kDes, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<&kDes,}}
Holumn<&kNull, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<&kNull,}}
Jolumn<kZero, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<kZero,}}
Iolumn<&kZero, double>().ls(); // expected-error {{<&kZero,}}
Kolumn<&container::a>().ls(); // expected-error {{<&container::a}}
Kolumn<nullptr>().ls(); // expected-error {{<nullptr}}