// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: split-file %s %t
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu1.cpp \
// RUN: -o %t/M_PartImpl.pcm
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu2.cpp \
// RUN: -fmodule-file=M:PartImpl=%t/M_PartImpl.pcm -o %t/M.pcm -verify
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu3.cpp \
// RUN: -o %t/M_Part.pcm
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu4.cpp \
// RUN: -fmodule-file=M:Part=%t/M_Part.pcm -o %t/M.pcm
// Test again with reduced BMI.
// RUN: rm %t/M_PartImpl.pcm %t/M.pcm %t/M_Part.pcm
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-reduced-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu1.cpp \
// RUN: -o %t/M_PartImpl.pcm
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-reduced-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu2.cpp \
// RUN: -fmodule-file=M:PartImpl=%t/M_PartImpl.pcm -o %t/M.pcm -verify
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-reduced-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu3.cpp \
// RUN: -o %t/M_Part.pcm
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++20 -emit-reduced-module-interface %t/std10-3-ex1-tu4.cpp \
// RUN: -fmodule-file=M:Part=%t/M_Part.pcm -o %t/M.pcm
//--- std10-3-ex1-tu1.cpp
module M:PartImpl;
// expected-no-diagnostics
//--- std10-3-ex1-tu2.cpp
export module M;
// error: exported partition :Part is an implementation unit
export import :PartImpl; // expected-error {{module partition implementations cannot be exported}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{importing an implementation partition unit in a module interface is not recommended.}}
//--- std10-3-ex1-tu3.cpp
export module M:Part;
// expected-no-diagnostics
//--- std10-3-ex1-tu4.cpp
export module M;
export import :Part;
// expected-no-diagnostics