
! Offloading test checking interaction of two
! explicit arrau member maps with bounds from
! two nested derived types
! REQUIRES: flang, amdgpu

! RUN: %libomptarget-compile-fortran-run-and-check-generic
program main
    type :: bottom_layer
      real(8) :: i2
      real(4) :: array_i2(10)
      real(4) :: array_j2(10)
    end type bottom_layer

    type :: top_layer
      real(4) :: i
      integer(4) :: array_i(10)
      real(4) :: j
      type(bottom_layer) :: nested
      integer, allocatable :: array_j(:)
      integer(4) :: k
    end type top_layer

    type(top_layer) :: top_dtype
    type(top_layer) :: top_dtype2

!$omp target map(tofrom: top_dtype%nested%array_i2(4:8), top_dtype2%nested%array_j2(4:8))
    do i = 4, 8
      top_dtype%nested%array_i2(i) = i * 2
    end do

    do i = 4, 8
      top_dtype2%nested%array_j2(i) = i * 2
    end do
!$omp end target

  print *, top_dtype%nested%array_i2
  print *, top_dtype2%nested%array_j2
end program main

!CHECK: 0. 0. 0. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 0. 0.
!CHECK: 0. 0. 0. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 0. 0.