
//===- VPlanCFG.h - GraphTraits for VP blocks -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// Specializations of GraphTraits that allow VPBlockBase graphs to be
/// treated as proper graphs for generic algorithms;


#include "VPlan.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"

namespace llvm {

// GraphTraits specializations for VPlan Hierarchical Control-Flow Graphs     //

/// Iterator to traverse all successors of a VPBlockBase node. This includes the
/// entry node of VPRegionBlocks. Exit blocks of a region implicitly have their
/// parent region's successors. This ensures all blocks in a region are visited
/// before any blocks in a successor region when doing a reverse post-order
// traversal of the graph. Region blocks themselves traverse only their entries
// directly and not their successors. Those will be traversed when a region's
// exiting block is traversed
template <typename BlockPtrTy>
class VPAllSuccessorsIterator
    : public iterator_facade_base<VPAllSuccessorsIterator<BlockPtrTy>,
                                  VPBlockBase> {};

/// Helper for GraphTraits specialization that traverses through VPRegionBlocks.
template <typename BlockTy> class VPBlockDeepTraversalWrapper {};

/// GraphTraits specialization to recursively traverse VPBlockBase nodes,
/// including traversing through VPRegionBlocks.  Exit blocks of a region
/// implicitly have their parent region's successors. This ensures all blocks in
/// a region are visited before any blocks in a successor region when doing a
/// reverse post-order traversal of the graph.
template <> struct GraphTraits<VPBlockDeepTraversalWrapper<VPBlockBase *>> {};

template <>
struct GraphTraits<VPBlockDeepTraversalWrapper<const VPBlockBase *>> {};

/// Helper for GraphTraits specialization that does not traverses through
/// VPRegionBlocks.
template <typename BlockTy> class VPBlockShallowTraversalWrapper {};

template <> struct GraphTraits<VPBlockShallowTraversalWrapper<VPBlockBase *>> {};

template <>
struct GraphTraits<VPBlockShallowTraversalWrapper<const VPBlockBase *>> {};

/// Returns an iterator range to traverse the graph starting at \p G in
/// depth-first order. The iterator won't traverse through region blocks.
inline iterator_range<
    df_iterator<VPBlockShallowTraversalWrapper<VPBlockBase *>>>
vp_depth_first_shallow(VPBlockBase *G) {}
inline iterator_range<
    df_iterator<VPBlockShallowTraversalWrapper<const VPBlockBase *>>>
vp_depth_first_shallow(const VPBlockBase *G) {}

/// Returns an iterator range to traverse the graph starting at \p G in
/// depth-first order while traversing through region blocks.
inline iterator_range<df_iterator<VPBlockDeepTraversalWrapper<VPBlockBase *>>>
vp_depth_first_deep(VPBlockBase *G) {}
inline iterator_range<
    df_iterator<VPBlockDeepTraversalWrapper<const VPBlockBase *>>>
vp_depth_first_deep(const VPBlockBase *G) {}

// The following set of template specializations implement GraphTraits to treat
// any VPBlockBase as a node in a graph of VPBlockBases. It's important to note
// that VPBlockBase traits don't recurse into VPRegioBlocks, i.e., if the
// VPBlockBase is a VPRegionBlock, this specialization provides access to its
// successors/predecessors but not to the blocks inside the region.

template <> struct GraphTraits<VPBlockBase *> {};

template <> struct GraphTraits<const VPBlockBase *> {};

/// Inverse graph traits are not implemented yet.
/// TODO: Implement a version of VPBlockNonRecursiveTraversalWrapper to traverse
/// predecessors recursively through regions.
template <> struct GraphTraits<Inverse<VPBlockBase *>> {};

template <> struct GraphTraits<VPlan *> {};

} // namespace llvm