
//===- TextStubV5.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Implements Text Stub JSON mappings.
#include "TextStubCommon.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include <utility>

// clang-format off

JSON Format specification.

All library level keys, accept target values and are defaulted if not specified. 

"tapi_tbd_version": 5,                            # Required: TBD version for all documents in file
"main_library": {                                 # Required: top level library
  "target_info": [                                # Required: target information 
      "target": "x86_64-macos",
      "min_deployment": "10.14"                   # Optional: minOS defaults to 0
      "target": "arm64-macos",
      "min_deployment": "10.14"
      "target": "arm64-maccatalyst",
      "min_deployment": "12.1"
  "flags":[{"attributes": ["flat_namespace"]}],     # Optional:
  "install_names":[{"name":"/S/L/F/Foo.fwk/Foo"}],  # Required: library install name 
  "current_versions":[{"version": "1.2"}],          # Optional: defaults to 1
  "compatibility_versions":[{ "version": "1.1"}],   # Optional: defaults to 1
  "rpaths": [                                       # Optional: 
      "targets": ["x86_64-macos"],                  # Optional: defaults to targets in `target-info`
      "paths": ["@executable_path/.../Frameworks"]
  "parent_umbrellas": [{"umbrella": "System"}],
  "allowable_clients": [{"clients": ["ClientA"]}],
  "reexported_libraries": [{"names": ["/u/l/l/foo.dylib"]}],
  "exported_symbols": [{                            # List of export symbols section
      "targets": ["x86_64-macos", "arm64-macos"],   # Optional: defaults to targets in `target-info`
        "text": {                                   # List of Text segment symbols 
          "global": [ "_func" ],
          "weak": [],
          "thread_local": []
        "data": { ... },                            # List of Data segment symbols
  "reexported_symbols": [{  ... }],                 # List of reexported symbols section
  "undefined_symbols": [{ ... }]                    # List of undefined symbols section
"libraries": [                                      # Optional: Array of inlined libraries
  {...}, {...}, {...}
// clang-format on


namespace {
struct JSONSymbol {};


enum TBDKey : size_t {};

std::array<StringRef, 64> Keys =;

static llvm::SmallString<128> getParseErrorMsg(TBDKey Key) {}

static llvm::SmallString<128> getSerializeErrorMsg(TBDKey Key) {}

class JSONStubError : public llvm::ErrorInfo<llvm::json::ParseError> {};

template <typename JsonT, typename StubT = JsonT>
Expected<StubT> getRequiredValue(
    TBDKey Key, const Object *Obj,
    std::function<std::optional<JsonT>(const Object *, StringRef)> GetValue,
    std::function<std::optional<StubT>(JsonT)> Validate = nullptr) {}

template <typename JsonT, typename StubT = JsonT>
Expected<StubT> getRequiredValue(
    TBDKey Key, const Object *Obj,
    std::function<std::optional<JsonT>(const Object *, StringRef)> const
    StubT DefaultValue, function_ref<std::optional<StubT>(JsonT)> Validate) {}

Error collectFromArray(TBDKey Key, const Object *Obj,
                       function_ref<void(StringRef)> Append,
                       bool IsRequired = false) {}

namespace StubParser {

Expected<FileType> getVersion(const Object *File) {}

Expected<TargetList> getTargets(const Object *Section) {}

Expected<TargetList> getTargetsSection(const Object *Section) {}

Error collectSymbolsFromSegment(const Object *Segment, TargetsToSymbols &Result,
                                SymbolFlags SectionFlag) {}

Expected<StringRef> getNameSection(const Object *File) {}

Expected<TargetsToSymbols> getSymbolSection(const Object *File, TBDKey Key,
                                            TargetList &Targets) {}

Expected<AttrToTargets> getLibSection(const Object *File, TBDKey Key,
                                      TBDKey SubKey,
                                      const TargetList &Targets) {}

Expected<AttrToTargets> getUmbrellaSection(const Object *File,
                                           const TargetList &Targets) {}

Expected<uint8_t> getSwiftVersion(const Object *File) {}

Expected<PackedVersion> getPackedVersion(const Object *File, TBDKey Key) {}

Expected<TBDFlags> getFlags(const Object *File) {}

Expected<IFPtr> parseToInterfaceFile(const Object *File) {}

Expected<std::vector<IFPtr>> getInlinedLibs(const Object *File) {}

} // namespace StubParser
} // namespace

MachO::getInterfaceFileFromJSON(StringRef JSON) {}

namespace {

template <typename ContainerT = Array>
bool insertNonEmptyValues(Object &Obj, TBDKey Key, ContainerT &&Contents) {}

std::string getFormattedStr(const MachO::Target &Targ) {}

template <typename AggregateT>
std::vector<std::string> serializeTargets(const AggregateT Targets,
                                          const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {}

Array serializeTargetInfo(const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {}

template <typename ValueT, typename EntryT = ValueT>
Array serializeScalar(TBDKey Key, ValueT Value, ValueT Default = ValueT()) {}


template <typename AggregateT = TargetsToValuesMap>
Array serializeAttrToTargets(AggregateT &Entries, TBDKey Key) {}

template <typename ValueT = std::string,
          typename AggregateT = std::vector<std::pair<MachO::Target, ValueT>>>
Array serializeField(TBDKey Key, const AggregateT &Values,
                     const TargetList &ActiveTargets, bool IsArray = true) {}

Array serializeField(TBDKey Key, const std::vector<InterfaceFileRef> &Values,
                     const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {}

struct SymbolFields {};

Array serializeSymbols(InterfaceFile::const_filtered_symbol_range Symbols,
                       const TargetList &ActiveTargets) {}

Array serializeFlags(const InterfaceFile *File) {}

Expected<Object> serializeIF(const InterfaceFile *File) {}

Expected<Object> getJSON(const InterfaceFile *File, const FileType FileKind) {}

} // namespace

Error MachO::serializeInterfaceFileToJSON(raw_ostream &OS,
                                          const InterfaceFile &File,
                                          const FileType FileKind,
                                          bool Compact) {}