
//=-- lsan_common.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file is a part of LeakSanitizer.
// Implementation of common leak checking functionality.

#include "lsan_common.h"

#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_flag_parser.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_flags.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_placement_new.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_procmaps.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_report_decorator.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stackdepot.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_suppressions.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_thread_registry.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_tls_get_addr.h"


// https://github.com/apple-oss-distributions/objc4/blob/8701d5672d3fd3cd817aeb84db1077aafe1a1604/runtime/objc-runtime-new.h#L127
#    else
#    endif
#  endif

namespace __lsan {

// This mutex is used to prevent races between DoLeakCheck and IgnoreObject, and
// also to protect the global list of root regions.
static Mutex global_mutex;

void LockGlobal() SANITIZER_ACQUIRE(global_mutex) {}
void UnlockGlobal() SANITIZER_RELEASE(global_mutex) {}

Flags lsan_flags;

void DisableCounterUnderflow() {}

void Flags::SetDefaults() {}

void RegisterLsanFlags(FlagParser *parser, Flags *f) {}

#define LOG_POINTERS(...)

#define LOG_THREADS(...)

class LeakSuppressionContext {};

alignas(64) static char suppression_placeholder[sizeof(LeakSuppressionContext)];
static LeakSuppressionContext *suppression_ctx =;
static const char kSuppressionLeak[] =;
static const char *kSuppressionTypes[] =;
static const char kStdSuppressions[] =// For more details refer to the SANITIZER_SUPPRESS_LEAK_ON_PTHREAD_EXIT
    // definition.
    // For Darwin and os_log/os_trace: https://reviews.llvm.org/D35173
#  endif
    // TLS leak in some glibc versions, described in
    // https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12650.

void InitializeSuppressions() {}

void LeakSuppressionContext::LazyInit() {}

Suppression *LeakSuppressionContext::GetSuppressionForAddr(uptr addr) {}

static uptr GetCallerPC(const StackTrace &stack) {}

// Several pointers in the Objective-C runtime (method cache and class_rw_t,
// for example) are tagged with additional bits we need to strip.
static inline void *TransformPointer(void *p) {
  uptr ptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(p);
  return reinterpret_cast<void *>(ptr & OBJC_DATA_MASK);
#  endif

// On Linux, treats all chunks allocated from ld-linux.so as reachable, which
// covers dynamically allocated TLS blocks, internal dynamic loader's loaded
// modules accounting etc.
// Dynamic TLS blocks contain the TLS variables of dynamically loaded modules.
// They are allocated with a __libc_memalign() call in allocate_and_init()
// (elf/dl-tls.c). Glibc won't tell us the address ranges occupied by those
// blocks, but we can make sure they come from our own allocator by intercepting
// __libc_memalign(). On top of that, there is no easy way to reach them. Their
// addresses are stored in a dynamically allocated array (the DTV) which is
// referenced from the static TLS. Unfortunately, we can't just rely on the DTV
// being reachable from the static TLS, and the dynamic TLS being reachable from
// the DTV. This is because the initial DTV is allocated before our interception
// mechanism kicks in, and thus we don't recognize it as allocated memory. We
// can't special-case it either, since we don't know its size.
// Our solution is to include in the root set all allocations made from
// ld-linux.so (which is where allocate_and_init() is implemented). This is
// guaranteed to include all dynamic TLS blocks (and possibly other allocations
// which we don't care about).
// On all other platforms, this simply checks to ensure that the caller pc is
// valid before reporting chunks as leaked.
bool LeakSuppressionContext::SuppressInvalid(const StackTrace &stack) {}

bool LeakSuppressionContext::SuppressByRule(const StackTrace &stack,
                                            uptr hit_count, uptr total_size) {}

bool LeakSuppressionContext::Suppress(u32 stack_trace_id, uptr hit_count,
                                      uptr total_size) {}

static LeakSuppressionContext *GetSuppressionContext() {}

void InitCommonLsan() {}

class Decorator : public __sanitizer::SanitizerCommonDecorator {};

static inline bool MaybeUserPointer(uptr p) {}

// Scans the memory range, looking for byte patterns that point into allocator
// chunks. Marks those chunks with |tag| and adds them to |frontier|.
// There are two usage modes for this function: finding reachable chunks
// (|tag| = kReachable) and finding indirectly leaked chunks
// (|tag| = kIndirectlyLeaked). In the second case, there's no flood fill,
// so |frontier| = 0.
void ScanRangeForPointers(uptr begin, uptr end, Frontier *frontier,
                          const char *region_type, ChunkTag tag) {}

// Scans a global range for pointers
void ScanGlobalRange(uptr begin, uptr end, Frontier *frontier) {}

void ScanExtraStackRanges(const InternalMmapVector<Range> &ranges,
                          Frontier *frontier) {}


// Fuchsia handles all threads together with its own callback.
static void ProcessThreads(SuspendedThreadsList const &, Frontier *, tid_t,
                           uptr) {}

#  else

// FIXME: Move this out into *libcdep.cpp
extern "C" SANITIZER_WEAK_ATTRIBUTE void __libc_iterate_dynamic_tls(
    pid_t, void (*cb)(void *, void *, uptr, void *), void *);
#    endif

static void ProcessThreadRegistry(Frontier *frontier) {}

// Scans thread data (stacks and TLS) for heap pointers.
static void ProcessThreads(SuspendedThreadsList const &suspended_threads,
                           Frontier *frontier, tid_t caller_tid,
                           uptr caller_sp) {}


// A map that contains [region_begin, region_end) pairs.

static RootRegions &GetRootRegionsLocked() {}

bool HasRootRegions() {}

void ScanRootRegions(Frontier *frontier,
                     const InternalMmapVectorNoCtor<Region> &mapped_regions) {}

// Scans root regions for heap pointers.
static void ProcessRootRegions(Frontier *frontier) {}

static void FloodFillTag(Frontier *frontier, ChunkTag tag) {}

// ForEachChunk callback. If the chunk is marked as leaked, marks all chunks
// which are reachable from it as indirectly leaked.
static void MarkIndirectlyLeakedCb(uptr chunk, void *arg) {}

static void IgnoredSuppressedCb(uptr chunk, void *arg) {}

// ForEachChunk callback. If chunk is marked as ignored, adds its address to
// frontier.
static void CollectIgnoredCb(uptr chunk, void *arg) {}

// Sets the appropriate tag on each chunk.
static void ClassifyAllChunks(SuspendedThreadsList const &suspended_threads,
                              Frontier *frontier, tid_t caller_tid,
                              uptr caller_sp) {}

// ForEachChunk callback. Resets the tags to pre-leak-check state.
static void ResetTagsCb(uptr chunk, void *arg) {}

// ForEachChunk callback. Aggregates information about unreachable chunks into
// a LeakReport.
static void CollectLeaksCb(uptr chunk, void *arg) {}

void LeakSuppressionContext::PrintMatchedSuppressions() {}


// Fuchsia provides a libc interface that guarantees all threads are
// covered, and SuspendedThreadList is never really used.
static bool ReportUnsuspendedThreads(const SuspendedThreadsList &) {
  return true;


static bool ReportUnsuspendedThreads(
    const SuspendedThreadsList &suspended_threads) {}


static void CheckForLeaksCallback(const SuspendedThreadsList &suspended_threads,
                                  void *arg) {}

static bool PrintResults(LeakReport &report) {}

static bool CheckForLeaksOnce() {}

static bool CheckForLeaks() {}

static bool has_reported_leaks =;
bool HasReportedLeaks() {}

void DoLeakCheck() {}

static int DoRecoverableLeakCheck() {}

void DoRecoverableLeakCheckVoid() {}

///// LeakReport implementation. /////

// A hard limit on the number of distinct leaks, to avoid quadratic complexity
// in LeakReport::AddLeakedChunk(). We don't expect to ever see this many leaks
// in real-world applications.
// FIXME: Get rid of this limit by moving logic into DedupLeaks.
const uptr kMaxLeaksConsidered =;

void LeakReport::AddLeakedChunks(const LeakedChunks &chunks) {}

static bool LeakComparator(const Leak &leak1, const Leak &leak2) {}

void LeakReport::ReportTopLeaks(uptr num_leaks_to_report) {}

void LeakReport::PrintReportForLeak(uptr index) {}

void LeakReport::PrintLeakedObjectsForLeak(uptr index) {}

void LeakReport::PrintSummary() {}

uptr LeakReport::ApplySuppressions() {}

uptr LeakReport::UnsuppressedLeakCount() {}

uptr LeakReport::IndirectUnsuppressedLeakCount() {}

}  // namespace __lsan
namespace __lsan {
void InitCommonLsan() {}
void DoLeakCheck() {}
void DoRecoverableLeakCheckVoid() {}
void DisableInThisThread() {}
void EnableInThisThread() {}
}  // namespace __lsan


extern "C" {
void __lsan_ignore_object(const void *p) {}

void __lsan_register_root_region(const void *begin, uptr size) {}

void __lsan_unregister_root_region(const void *begin, uptr size) {}

void __lsan_disable() {}

void __lsan_enable() {}

void __lsan_do_leak_check() {}

int __lsan_do_recoverable_leak_check() {}

SANITIZER_INTERFACE_WEAK_DEF(const char *, __lsan_default_options, void) {}

SANITIZER_INTERFACE_WEAK_DEF(int, __lsan_is_turned_off, void) {
  return 0;

SANITIZER_INTERFACE_WEAK_DEF(const char *, __lsan_default_suppressions, void) {
  return "";
}  // extern "C"