

libcxx_generated_include_dir = "$root_build_dir/include/c++/v1"

# This is a bit weird. For now, we assume that __config_site is identical
# in all toolchains, and only copy it (and all other libcxx headers)
# to 'include' in the root build dir, so that it's the same for all toolchains.
# Maybe we want to make this per-toolchain eventually (and then use root_out_dir
# in libcxx_generated_include_dir) -- e.g. for cross-builds that for example
# use for-linux-configured libc++ for the host build but for-windows-configured
# libc++ for the target build.
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
  write_cmake_config("write_config_site") {
    input = "__config_site.in"
    output = "$libcxx_generated_include_dir/__config_site"

    values = [
    if (libcxx_abi_version != 1) {
      values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=$libcxx_abi_version" ]
    } else {
      values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=" ]
    if (libcxx_abi_namespace != "") {
      values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_NAMESPACE=$libcxx_abi_namespace" ]
    } else {
      values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_NAMESPACE=__" + libcxx_abi_version ]
    if (!libcxx_enable_time_zone_database) {
      values += [ "_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_TIME_ZONE_DATABASE=1" ]
    } else {
      values += [ "_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_TIME_ZONE_DATABASE=" ]

  # This uses write_cmake_config() instead of a normal copy() rule because
  # copy() uses `sources`, and if there's more than one `sources` in a file,
  # sync_source_lists_from_cmake.py can't auto-sync changes.
  write_cmake_config("write_assertion_handler") {
    input = "//libcxx/vendor/llvm/default_assertion_handler.in"
    output = "$libcxx_generated_include_dir/__assertion_handler"
    values = []

  copy("copy_headers") {
    sources = [
    deps = [
    if (target_os != "mac" && target_os != "win") {
      # libcxx/cmake/Modules/HandleLibCXXABI.cmake sets
      # LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_HEADER_TARGET if the libcxx abi library either of
      # "libstdc++", "libsupc++", "libcxxabi", "libcxxrt", but not if it's "none",
      # "default", or "vcruntime". So on Windows, these don't get copied due to
      # LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_HEADER_TARGET not being set.
      # On macOS, libcxx/CMakeLists.txt sets LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_SYSTEM to 1, which
      # causes an empty header list to be passed to setup_abi_lib, so these
      # don't get copied on macOS due to that.
      deps += [ "//libcxxabi/include" ]
    outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/include/c++/v1/{{source_target_relative}}" ]

config("include_config") {
  include_dirs = [ libcxx_generated_include_dir ]

group("include") {
  deps = [ ":copy_headers($default_toolchain)" ]
  public_configs = [ ":include_config" ]