
## Show that CREATE/CREATETHIN overwrite existing files appropriately.

# RUN: rm -rf %t
# RUN: split-file %s %t
# RUN: cd %t

## Show that an existing file that is not an archive is overwritten by CREATE.
# RUN: touch test.a
# RUN: llvm-ar -M < create.mri
# RUN: FileCheck --input-file=test.a %s --check-prefixes=ARCH,TWO

## Show that an existing file that is not an archive is overwritten by CREATETHIN.
# RUN: rm -f test.a
# RUN: touch test.a
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu -M < createthin.mri
# RUN: FileCheck --input-file=test.a %s --check-prefixes=THIN,TWO

## Show that an existing regular archive is overwritten by CREATE.
# RUN: rm -f test.a
# RUN: llvm-ar cr test.a 1.txt
# RUN: llvm-ar -M < create.mri
# RUN: llvm-ar tv test.a
# RUN: FileCheck --input-file=test.a %s --check-prefixes=ARCH,TWO --implicit-check-not=1.txt

## Show that an existing regular archive is overwritten by CREATETHIN.
# RUN: rm -f test.a
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu cr test.a 1.txt
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu -M < createthin.mri
# RUN: FileCheck --input-file=test.a %s --check-prefixes=THIN,TWO --implicit-check-not=1.txt

## Show that an existing thin archive is overwritten by CREATE.
# RUN: rm -f test.a
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu crT test.a 1.txt
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu -M < create.mri
# RUN: FileCheck --input-file=test.a %s --check-prefixes=ARCH,TWO --implicit-check-not=1.txt

## Show that an existing thin archive is overwritten by CREATETHIN.
# RUN: rm -f test.a
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu crT test.a 1.txt
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu -M < createthin.mri
# RUN: FileCheck --input-file=test.a %s --check-prefixes=THIN,TWO --implicit-check-not=1.txt

## Show that the output is not overwritten without a SAVE.
# RUN: rm -f test.a
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu crT test.a 1.txt
# RUN: llvm-ar --format=gnu -M < nosave.mri
# RUN: FileCheck --input-file=test.a %s --check-prefixes=THIN,ONE --implicit-check-not=2.txt

# ARCH: {{!<arch>|<bigaf>}}
# THIN: !<thin>
# ONE:  1.txt
# TWO:  2.txt

#--- 1.txt

#--- 2.txt

#--- create.mri
CREATE test.a
ADDMOD 2.txt

#--- createthin.mri
ADDMOD 2.txt

#--- nosave.mri
CREATE test.a
ADDMOD 2.txt