
//===-- AttrTypeBase.td - Base Attr/Type definition file ---*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains the base set of constructs for defining Attribute and
// Type classes.


include "mlir/IR/CommonAttrConstraints.td"
include "mlir/IR/CommonTypeConstraints.td"
include "mlir/IR/Constraints.td"
include "mlir/IR/DialectBase.td"
include "mlir/IR/Traits.td"

// AttrTrait definitions

// These classes are used to define attribute specific traits.

// Specify attribute specific declarations and definitions in `extraAttrDeclaration`
// and `extraAttrDefinition` template arguments.
class NativeAttrTrait<string name,
                      code extraAttrDeclaration = [{}],
                      code extraAttrDefinition = [{}]>
    : NativeTrait<name, "Attribute", extraAttrDeclaration, extraAttrDefinition>;

class ParamNativeAttrTrait<string prop, string params>
    : ParamNativeTrait<prop, params, "Attribute">;
class GenInternalAttrTrait<string prop> : GenInternalTrait<prop, "Attribute">;
class PredAttrTrait<string descr, Pred pred> : PredTrait<descr, pred>;

// TypeTrait definitions

// These classes are used to define type specific traits.

// Specify type specific declarations and definitions in `extraTypeDeclaration`
// and `extraTypeDefinition` template arguments.
class NativeTypeTrait<string name,
                      code extraTypeDeclaration = [{}],
                      code extraTypeDefinition = [{}]>
    : NativeTrait<name, "Type", extraTypeDeclaration, extraTypeDefinition>;

class ParamNativeTypeTrait<string prop, string params>
    : ParamNativeTrait<prop, params, "Type">;
class GenInternalTypeTrait<string prop> : GenInternalTrait<prop, "Type">;
class PredTypeTrait<string descr, Pred pred> : PredTrait<descr, pred>;

// Builders

// Class for defining a custom getter.
// TableGen generates several generic getter methods for each attribute and type
// by default, corresponding to the specified dag parameters. If the default
// generated ones cannot cover some use case, custom getters can be defined
// using instances of this class.
// The signature of the `get` is always either:
// ```c++
// static <ClassName> get(MLIRContext *context, <other-parameters>...) {
//   <body>...
// }
// ```
// or:
// ```c++
// static <ClassName> get(MLIRContext *context, <parameters>...);
// ```
// To define a custom getter, the parameter list and body should be passed
// in as separate template arguments to this class. The parameter list is a
// TableGen DAG with `ins` operation with named arguments, which has either:
//   - string initializers ("Type":$name) to represent a typed parameter, or
//   - CArg-typed initializers (CArg<"Type", "default">:$name) to represent a
//     typed parameter that may have a default value.
// The type string is used verbatim to produce code and, therefore, must be a
// valid C++ type. It is used inside the C++ namespace of the parent Type's
// dialect; explicit namespace qualification like `::mlir` may be necessary if
// Types are not placed inside the `mlir` namespace. The default value string is
// used verbatim to produce code and must be a valid C++ initializer the given
// type. For example, the following signature specification
// ```
// AttrOrTypeBuilder<(ins "int":$integerArg, CArg<"float", "3.0f">:$floatArg)>
// ```
// has an integer parameter and a float parameter with a default value.
// If an empty string is passed in for `body`, then *only* the builder
// declaration will be generated; this provides a way to define complicated
// builders entirely in C++. If a `body` string is provided, the `Base::get`
// method should be invoked using `$_get`, e.g.:
// ```
// AttrOrTypeBuilder<(ins "int":$integerArg, CArg<"float", "3.0f">:$floatArg), [{
//   return $_get($_ctxt, integerArg, floatArg);
// }]>
// ```
// This is necessary because the `body` is also used to generate `getChecked`
// methods, which have a different underlying `Base::get*` call.
class AttrOrTypeBuilder<dag parameters, code bodyCode = "",
                        string returnTypeStr = ""> {
  dag dagParams = parameters;
  code body = bodyCode;

  // Change the return type of the builder. By default, it is the type of the
  // attribute or type.
  string returnType = returnTypeStr;

  // The context parameter can be inferred from one of the other parameters and
  // is not implicitly added to the parameter list.
  bit hasInferredContextParam = 0;
class AttrBuilder<dag parameters, code bodyCode = "", string returnType = "">
  : AttrOrTypeBuilder<parameters, bodyCode, returnType>;
class TypeBuilder<dag parameters, code bodyCode = "", string returnType = "">
  : AttrOrTypeBuilder<parameters, bodyCode, returnType>;

// A class of AttrOrTypeBuilder that is able to infer the MLIRContext parameter
// from one of the other builder parameters. Instances of this builder do not
// have `MLIRContext *` implicitly added to the parameter list.
class AttrOrTypeBuilderWithInferredContext<dag parameters, code bodyCode = "",
                                           string returnType = "">
  : TypeBuilder<parameters, bodyCode, returnType> {
  let hasInferredContextParam = 1;
class AttrBuilderWithInferredContext<dag parameters, code bodyCode = "",
                                     string returnType = "">
  : AttrOrTypeBuilderWithInferredContext<parameters, bodyCode, returnType>;
class TypeBuilderWithInferredContext<dag parameters, code bodyCode = "",
                                     string returnType = "">
  : AttrOrTypeBuilderWithInferredContext<parameters, bodyCode, returnType>;

// Definitions

// Define a new attribute or type, named `name`, that inherits from the given
// C++ base class.
class AttrOrTypeDef<string valueType, string name, list<Trait> defTraits,
                    string baseCppClass> {
  // The name of the C++ base class to use for this def.
  string cppBaseClassName = baseCppClass;

  // Additional, longer human-readable description of what the def does.
  string description = "";

  // Name of storage class to generate or use.
  string storageClass = name # valueType # "Storage";

  // Namespace (withing dialect c++ namespace) in which the storage class
  // resides.
  string storageNamespace = "detail";

  // Specify if the storage class is to be generated.
  bit genStorageClass = 1;

  // Specify that the generated storage class has a constructor which is written
  // in C++.
  bit hasStorageCustomConstructor = 0;

  // The list of parameters for this type. Parameters will become both
  // parameters to the get() method and storage class member variables.
  // The format of this dag is:
  //    (ins
  //        "<c++ type>":$param1Name,
  //        "<c++ type>":$param2Name,
  //        AttrOrTypeParameter<"c++ type", "param description">:$param3Name)
  // AttrOrTypeParameters (or more likely one of their subclasses) are required
  // to add more information about the parameter, specifically:
  //  - Documentation
  //  - Code to allocate the parameter (if allocation is needed in the storage
  //    class constructor)
  // For example:
  //    (ins "int":$width,
  //         ArrayRefParameter<"bool", "list of bools">:$yesNoArray)
  // (ArrayRefParameter is a subclass of AttrOrTypeParameter which has
  // allocation code for re-allocating ArrayRefs. It is defined below.)
  dag parameters = (ins);

  // Custom builder methods.
  // In addition to the custom builders provided here, and unless
  // skipDefaultBuilders is set, a default builder is generated with the
  // following signature:
  // ```c++
  // static <ClassName> get(MLIRContext *, <parameters>);
  // ```
  // Note that builders should only be provided when a def has parameters.
  list<AttrOrTypeBuilder> builders = ?;

  // The list of traits attached to this def.
  list<Trait> traits = defTraits;

  // Use the lowercased name as the keyword for parsing/printing. Specify only
  // if you want tblgen to generate declarations and/or definitions of
  // the printer/parser. If specified and the Attribute or Type contains
  // parameters, `assemblyFormat` or `hasCustomAssemblyFormat` must also be
  // specified.
  string mnemonic = ?;

  // Custom assembly format. Requires 'mnemonic' to be specified. Cannot be
  // specified at the same time as 'hasCustomAssemblyFormat'. The generated
  // printer requires 'genAccessors' to be true.
  string assemblyFormat = ?;
  /// This field indicates that the attribute or type has a custom assembly format
  /// implemented in C++. When set to `1` a `parse` and `print` method are generated
  /// on the generated class. The attribute or type should implement these methods to
  /// support the custom format.
  bit hasCustomAssemblyFormat = 0;

  // If set, generate accessors for each parameter.
  bit genAccessors = 1;

  // Avoid generating default get/getChecked functions. Custom get methods must
  // be provided.
  bit skipDefaultBuilders = 0;

  // Generate the verify and getChecked methods.
  bit genVerifyDecl = 0;

  // Extra code to include in the class declaration.
  code extraClassDeclaration = [{}];

  // Additional code that will be added to the generated source file. The
  // generated code is placed inside the class's C++ namespace. `$cppClass` is
  // replaced by the class name.
  code extraClassDefinition = [{}];

// Define a new attribute, named `name`, belonging to `dialect` that inherits
// from the given C++ base class.
class AttrDef<Dialect dialect, string name, list<Trait> traits = [],
              string baseCppClass = "::mlir::Attribute">
    : DialectAttr<dialect, CPred<"">, /*descr*/"">,
      AttrOrTypeDef<"Attr", name, traits, baseCppClass> {
  // The name of the C++ Attribute class.
  string cppClassName = name # "Attr";
  let storageType = dialect.cppNamespace # "::" # cppClassName;

  // The underlying C++ value type
  let returnType = dialect.cppNamespace # "::" # cppClassName;

  // Make it possible to use such attributes as parameters for other attributes.
  string cppType = dialect.cppNamespace # "::" # cppClassName;

  // The unique attribute name.
  string attrName = dialect.name # "." # mnemonic;

  // The call expression to convert from the storage type to the return
  // type. For example, an enum can be stored as an int but returned as an
  // enum class.
  // Format: $_self will be expanded to the attribute.
  // For example, `$_self.getValue().getSExtValue()` for `IntegerAttr val` will
  // expand to `getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("val").getValue().getSExtValue()`.
  let convertFromStorage = "::llvm::cast<" # cppType # ">($_self)";

  // The predicate for when this def is used as a constraint.
  let predicate = CPred<"::llvm::isa<" # cppType # ">($_self)">;

// Provide a LocationAttrDef for dialects to provide their own locations
// that subclass LocationAttr.
class LocationAttrDef<Dialect dialect, string name, list<Trait> traits = []>
    : AttrDef<dialect, name, traits # [NativeAttrTrait<"IsLocation">],

// Define a new type, named `name`, belonging to `dialect` that inherits from
// the given C++ base class.
class TypeDef<Dialect dialect, string name, list<Trait> traits = [],
              string baseCppClass = "::mlir::Type">
    : DialectType<dialect, CPred<"">, /*descr*/"", name # "Type">,
      AttrOrTypeDef<"Type", name, traits, baseCppClass> {
  // The name of the C++ Type class.
  string cppClassName = name # "Type";

  // Make it possible to use such type as parameters for other types.
  string cppType = dialect.cppNamespace # "::" # cppClassName;

  // The unique type name.
  string typeName = dialect.name # "." # mnemonic;

  // A constant builder provided when the type has no parameters.
  let builderCall = !if(!empty(parameters),
                           "$_builder.getType<" # cppType # ">()",

  // The predicate for when this def is used as a constraint.
  let predicate = CPred<"::llvm::isa<" # cppType # ">($_self)">;

// Parameters

// 'Parameters' should be subclasses of this or simple strings (which is a
// shorthand for AttrOrTypeParameter<"C++Type">).
class AttrOrTypeParameter<string type, string desc, string accessorType = ""> {
  // Custom memory allocation code for storage constructor.
  code allocator = ?;
  // Comparator used to compare two instances for equality. By default, it uses
  // the C++ equality operator.
  code comparator = ?;
  // The C++ type of this parameter.
  string cppType = type;
  // The C++ type of the accessor for this parameter.
  string cppAccessorType = !if(!empty(accessorType), type, accessorType);
  // The C++ storage type of this parameter if it is a reference, e.g.
  // `std::string` for `StringRef` or `SmallVector` for `ArrayRef`.
  string cppStorageType = cppType;
  // The C++ code to convert from the storage type to the parameter type.
  string convertFromStorage = "$_self";
  // One-line human-readable description of the argument.
  string summary = desc;
  // The format string for the asm syntax (documentation only).
  string syntax = ?;
  // The default parameter parser is `::mlir::FieldParser<T>::parse($_parser)`,
  // which returns `FailureOr<T>`. Specialize `FieldParser` to support parsing
  // for your type. Or you can provide a customer printer. For attributes,
  // "$_type" will be replaced with the required attribute type.
  string parser = ?;
  // The default parameter printer is `$_printer << $_self`. Overload the stream
  // operator of `AsmPrinter` as necessary to print your type. Or you can
  // provide a custom printer.
  string printer = ?;
  // Provide a default value for the parameter. Parameters with default values
  // are considered optional. If a value was not parsed for the parameter, it
  // will be set to the default value. Parameters equal to their default values
  // are elided when printing. Equality is checked using the `comparator` field,
  // which by default is the C++ equality operator. The current MLIR context is
  // made available through `$_ctxt`, e.g., for constructing default values for
  // attributes and types.
  string defaultValue = "";
class AttrParameter<string type, string desc, string accessorType = "">
 : AttrOrTypeParameter<type, desc, accessorType>;
class TypeParameter<string type, string desc, string accessorType = "">
 : AttrOrTypeParameter<type, desc, accessorType>;

// An optional parameter.
class OptionalParameter<string type, string desc = ""> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<type, desc> {
  let defaultValue = cppStorageType # "()";

// A parameter with a default value.
class DefaultValuedParameter<string type, string value, string desc = ""> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<type, desc> {
  let defaultValue = value;

// For StringRefs, which require allocation.
class StringRefParameter<string desc = "", string value = ""> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<"::llvm::StringRef", desc> {
  let allocator = [{$_dst = $_allocator.copyInto($_self);}];
  let printer = [{$_printer.printString($_self);}];
  let cppStorageType = "std::string";
  let defaultValue = value;

// For APFloats, which require comparison.
class APFloatParameter<string desc> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<"::llvm::APFloat", desc> {
  let comparator = "$_lhs.bitwiseIsEqual($_rhs)";

// For standard ArrayRefs, which require allocation.
class ArrayRefParameter<string arrayOf, string desc = ""> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<"::llvm::ArrayRef<" # arrayOf # ">", desc> {
  let allocator = [{$_dst = $_allocator.copyInto($_self);}];
  let cppStorageType = "::llvm::SmallVector<" # arrayOf # ">";

// Regular array parameters cannot be parsed when empty. This optional array
// parameter can be used with optional groups to be parsed when empty.
class OptionalArrayRefParameter<string arrayOf, string desc = ""> :
    OptionalParameter<"::llvm::ArrayRef<" # arrayOf # ">", desc> {
  let allocator = [{$_dst = $_allocator.copyInto($_self);}];
  let cppStorageType = "::llvm::SmallVector<" # arrayOf # ">";
  let comparator = cppType # "($_lhs) == " # cppType # "($_rhs)";

// For classes which require allocation and have their own allocateInto method.
class SelfAllocationParameter<string type, string desc> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<type, desc> {
  let allocator = [{$_dst = $_self.allocateInto($_allocator);}];

// For ArrayRefs which contain things which allocate themselves.
class ArrayRefOfSelfAllocationParameter<string arrayOf, string desc> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<"::llvm::ArrayRef<" # arrayOf # ">", desc> {
  let allocator = [{
    llvm::SmallVector<}] # arrayOf # [{, 4> tmpFields;
    for (size_t i = 0, e = $_self.size(); i < e; ++i)
    $_dst = $_allocator.copyInto(ArrayRef<}] # arrayOf # [{>(tmpFields));

// This is a special attribute parameter that represents the "self" type of the
// attribute. It is specially handled by the assembly format generator to derive
// its value from the optional trailing type after each attribute.
// By default, the self type parameter is optional and has a default value of
// `none`. If a derived type other than `::mlir::Type` is specified, the
// parameter loses its default value unless another one is specified by
// `typeBuilder`.
class AttributeSelfTypeParameter<string desc,
                                 string derivedType = "::mlir::Type",
                                 string typeBuilder = ""> :
    AttrOrTypeParameter<derivedType, desc> {
  let defaultValue = !if(!and(!empty(typeBuilder),
                              !eq(derivedType, "::mlir::Type")),
                         "::mlir::NoneType::get($_ctxt)", typeBuilder);

// ArrayOfAttr

/// This class defines an attribute that contains an array of elements. The
/// elements can be any type, but if they are attributes, the nested elements
/// are parsed and printed using the custom attribute syntax.
class ArrayOfAttr<Dialect dialect, string name, string attrMnemonic,
                  string eltName, list<Trait> traits = []>
    : AttrDef<dialect, name, traits> {
  let parameters = (ins OptionalArrayRefParameter<eltName>:$value);
  let mnemonic = attrMnemonic;
  let assemblyFormat = "`[` (`]`) : ($value^ `]`)?";

  let returnType = "::llvm::ArrayRef<" # eltName # ">";
  let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getAttr<" # name # "Attr>($0)";
  let convertFromStorage = "$_self.getValue()";

  let extraClassDeclaration = [{
    auto begin() const { return getValue().begin(); }
    auto end() const { return getValue().end(); }
    bool empty() const { return getValue().empty(); }
    size_t size() const { return getValue().size(); }
    auto &front() const { return getValue().front(); }
    auto &back() const { return getValue().back(); }
    auto &operator[](size_t index) { return getValue()[index]; }
    operator }] # returnType # [{() const { return getValue(); }