//===-- SideEffectInterfaceBase.td - Side Effect Base ------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains base class definitions for side effect interfaces, i.e.
// the customizable interfaces that provide information about which effects are
// applied by an operation.
include "mlir/IR/OpBase.td"
// Resource Bindings
// A generic resource that can be attached to a general base side effect.
class Resource<string resourceName> {
/// The resource that the associated effect is being applied to.
string name = resourceName;
// An intrinsic resource that lives in the ::mlir::SideEffects namespace.
class IntrinsicResource<string resourceName> :
Resource<!strconcat("::mlir::SideEffects::", resourceName)> {
// A link to the DefaultResource class.
def DefaultResource : IntrinsicResource<"DefaultResource">;
// A link to the AutomaticAllocationScopeResource class.
def AutomaticAllocationScopeResource :
// EffectOpInterface
// A base interface used to query information about the side effects applied to
// an operation. This template class takes the name of the derived interface
// class, as well as the name of the base effect class.
class EffectOpInterfaceBase<string name, string baseEffect>
: OpInterface<name> {
let methods = [
Collects all of the operation's effects into `effects`.
"void", "getEffects",
(ins "::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::SideEffects::EffectInstance<"
# baseEffect # ">> &":$effects)
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
/// Collect all of the effect instances that correspond to the given
/// `Effect` and place them in 'effects'.
template <typename Effect> void getEffects(
}] # baseEffect # [{>> &effects) {
::llvm::erase_if(effects, [&](auto &it) {
return !::llvm::isa<Effect>(it.getEffect());
/// Returns true if this operation exhibits the given effect.
template <typename Effect> bool hasEffect() {
}] # baseEffect # [{>, 4> effects;
return ::llvm::any_of(effects, [](const auto &it) {
return ::llvm::isa<Effect>(it.getEffect());
/// Returns true if this operation only has the given effect.
template <typename Effect> bool onlyHasEffect() {
}] # baseEffect # [{>, 4> effects;
return !effects.empty() && ::llvm::all_of(effects, [](const auto &it) {
return ::llvm::isa<Effect>(it.getEffect());
/// Returns true if this operation has no effects.
bool hasNoEffect() {
}] # baseEffect # [{>, 4> effects;
return effects.empty();
/// Collect all of the effect instances that operate on the provided value
/// and place them in 'effects'.
void getEffectsOnValue(::mlir::Value value,
}] # baseEffect # [{>> & effects) {
::llvm::erase_if(effects, [&](auto &it) { return it.getValue() != value; });
/// Return the effect of the given type `Effect` that is applied to the
/// given value, or std::nullopt if no effect exists.
template <typename Effect>
::std::optional<::mlir::SideEffects::EffectInstance<}] # baseEffect # [{>>
getEffectOnValue(::mlir::Value value) {
}] # baseEffect # [{>, 4> effects;
auto it = ::llvm::find_if(effects, [&](auto &it) {
return ::llvm::isa<Effect>(it.getEffect()) && it.getValue() == value;
if (it == effects.end())
return std::nullopt;
return *it;
/// Collect all of the effect instances that operate on the provided symbol
/// reference and place them in 'effects'.
void getEffectsOnSymbol(::mlir::SymbolRefAttr value,
}] # baseEffect # [{>> & effects) {
::llvm::erase_if(effects, [&](auto &it) {
return it.getSymbolRef() != value;
/// Collect all of the effect instances that operate on the provided
/// resource and place them in 'effects'.
void getEffectsOnResource(::mlir::SideEffects::Resource *resource,
}] # baseEffect # [{>> & effects) {
::llvm::erase_if(effects, [&](auto &it) {
return it.getResource() != resource;
// The base effect name of this interface.
string baseEffectName = baseEffect;
class EffectRange <bits<1> val> {
bits<1> Value = val;
def FullEffect : EffectRange<1>;
def PartialEffect : EffectRange<0>;
// This class is the general base side effect class. This is used by derived
// effect interfaces to define their effects.
class SideEffect<EffectOpInterfaceBase interface, string effectName,
Resource resourceReference, int effectStage, EffectRange range>
: OpVariableDecorator {
/// The name of the base effects class.
string baseEffectName = interface.baseEffectName;
/// The parent interface that the effect belongs to.
string interfaceTrait = interface.trait;
/// The cpp namespace of the interface trait.
string cppNamespace = interface.cppNamespace;
/// The derived effect that is being applied.
string effect = effectName;
/// The resource that the effect is being applied to.
string resource = resourceReference.name;
/// The stage of side effects, we use it to describe the sequence in which
/// effects occur.
int stage = effectStage;
// Does this side effect act on every single value of resource.
bit effectOnFullRegion = range.Value;
// This class is the base used for specifying effects applied to an operation.
class SideEffectsTraitBase<EffectOpInterfaceBase parentInterface,
list<SideEffect> staticEffects>
: OpInterfaceTrait<""> {
/// The name of the interface trait to use.
let trait = parentInterface.trait;
/// The cpp namespace of the interface trait.
string cppNamespace = parentInterface.cppNamespace;
/// The name of the base effects class.
string baseEffectName = parentInterface.baseEffectName;
/// The derived effects being applied.
list<SideEffect> effects = staticEffects;