
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics

// pdl::ApplyNativeConstraintOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"

  // expected-error@below {{expected at least one argument}}
  "pdl.apply_native_constraint"() {name = "foo"} : () -> ()
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

// pdl::ApplyNativeRewriteOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op {
    // expected-error@below {{expected at least one argument}}
    "pdl.apply_native_rewrite"() {name = "foo"} : () -> ()

// -----

// pdl::AttributeOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %type = type

  // expected-error@below {{expected only one of [`type`, `value`] to be set}}
  %attr = attribute : %type = 10

  %op = operation "foo.op" {"attr" = %attr} -> (%type : !pdl.type)
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op {
    %type = type

    // expected-error@below {{expected constant value when specified within a `pdl.rewrite`}}
    %attr = attribute : %type

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op {
    // expected-error@below {{expected constant value when specified within a `pdl.rewrite`}}
    %attr = attribute

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-error@below {{expected a bindable user when defined in the matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`}}
  %unused = attribute

  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

// pdl::OperandOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-error@below {{expected a bindable user when defined in the matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`}}
  %unused = operand

  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

// pdl::OperandsOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-error@below {{expected a bindable user when defined in the matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`}}
  %unused = operands

  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

// pdl::OperationOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op {
    // expected-error@below {{must have an operation name when nested within a `pdl.rewrite`}}
    %newOp = operation

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-error@below {{expected the same number of attribute values and attribute names, got 1 names and 0 values}}
  %op = "pdl.operation"() {
    attributeValueNames = ["attr"],
    operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 0, 0, 0>
  } : () -> (!pdl.operation)
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op {
    %type = type

    // expected-error@below {{op must have inferable or constrained result types when nested within `pdl.rewrite`}}
    // expected-note@below {{result type #0 was not constrained}}
    %newOp = operation "builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast" -> (%type : !pdl.type)

// -----

// Unused operation only necessary to ensure the func dialect is loaded.
func.func private @unusedOpToLoadFuncDialect()

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op {
    // expected-error@below {{op must have inferable or constrained result types when nested within `pdl.rewrite`}}
    // expected-note@below {{operation is created in a non-inferrable context, but 'func.constant' does not implement InferTypeOpInterface}}
    %newOp = operation "func.constant"

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-error@below {{expected a bindable user when defined in the matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`}}
  %unused = operation "foo.op"

  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

// pdl::PatternOp

// expected-error@below {{expected body to terminate with `pdl.rewrite`}}
pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-note@below {{see terminator defined here}}
  "test.finish" () : () -> ()

// -----

// expected-error@below {{the pattern must contain at least one `pdl.operation`}}
pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  rewrite with "foo"

// -----
// expected-error@below {{expected only `pdl` operations within the pattern body}}
pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-note@below {{see non-`pdl` operation defined here}}
  "test.foo.other_op"() : () -> ()

  %root = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %root with "foo"

// -----
// expected-error@below {{the operations must form a connected component}}
pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op1 = operation "foo.op"
  %op2 = operation "bar.op"
  // expected-note@below {{see a disconnected value / operation here}}
  %val = result 0 of %op2
  rewrite %op1 with "foo"(%val : !pdl.value)

// -----
// expected-error@below {{the operations must form a connected component}}
pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %type = type
  %op1 = operation "foo.op" -> (%type : !pdl.type)
  %val = result 0 of %op1
  %op2 = operation "bar.op"(%val : !pdl.value)
  // expected-note@below {{see a disconnected value / operation here}}
  %op3 = operation "baz.op"
  rewrite {
    erase %op1
    erase %op2
    erase %op3

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %type = type : i32
  %root = operation "foo.op" -> (%type : !pdl.type)
  rewrite %root {
    %newOp = operation "foo.op" -> (%type : !pdl.type)
    %newResult = result 0 of %newOp

    // expected-error@below {{expected no replacement values to be provided when the replacement operation is present}}
    "pdl.replace"(%root, %newOp, %newResult) {
      operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 1, 1, 1>
    } : (!pdl.operation, !pdl.operation, !pdl.value) -> ()

// -----

// pdl::RangeOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %operand = pdl.operand
  %resultType = pdl.type
  %root = pdl.operation "baz.op"(%operand : !pdl.value) -> (%resultType : !pdl.type)

  rewrite %root {
    // expected-error @below {{expected operand to have element type '!pdl.value', but got '!pdl.type'}}
    %range = pdl.range %operand, %resultType : !pdl.value, !pdl.type

// -----

// pdl::ResultsOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %root = operation "foo.op"
  // expected-error@below {{expected `pdl.range<value>` result type when no index is specified, but got: '!pdl.value'}}
  %results = "pdl.results"(%root) : (!pdl.operation) -> !pdl.value
  rewrite %root with "rewriter"

// -----

// pdl::RewriteOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"

  // expected-error@below {{expected rewrite region to be non-empty if external name is not specified}}
  "pdl.rewrite"(%op) ({}) {
    operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 1,0>
  } : (!pdl.operation) -> ()

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"

  // expected-error@below {{expected no external arguments when the rewrite is specified inline}}
  "pdl.rewrite"(%op, %op) ({
  }) {
    operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 1, 1>
  }: (!pdl.operation, !pdl.operation) -> ()

// -----

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  %op = operation "foo.op"

  // expected-error@below {{expected rewrite region to be empty when rewrite is external}}
  "pdl.rewrite"(%op) ({
  }) {
    name = "foo",
    operandSegmentSizes = array<i32: 1,0>
  } : (!pdl.operation) -> ()

// -----

// pdl::TypeOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-error@below {{expected a bindable user when defined in the matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`}}
  %unused = type

  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"

// -----

// pdl::TypesOp

pdl.pattern : benefit(1) {
  // expected-error@below {{expected a bindable user when defined in the matcher body of a `pdl.pattern`}}
  %unused = types

  %op = operation "foo.op"
  rewrite %op with "rewriter"