// RUN: mlir-opt %s -pass-pipeline='builtin.module(func.func(canonicalize{test-convergence}))' -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
func.func @single_iteration_some(%A: memref<?x?x?xi32>) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%c3 = arith.constant 3 : index
%c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
%c7 = arith.constant 7 : index
%c10 = arith.constant 10 : index
scf.parallel (%i0, %i1, %i2) = (%c0, %c3, %c7) to (%c1, %c6, %c10) step (%c1, %c2, %c3) {
%c42 = arith.constant 42 : i32
memref.store %c42, %A[%i0, %i1, %i2] : memref<?x?x?xi32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @single_iteration_some(
// CHECK-SAME: [[ARG0:%.*]]: memref<?x?x?xi32>) {
// CHECK-DAG: [[C42:%.*]] = arith.constant 42 : i32
// CHECK-DAG: [[C7:%.*]] = arith.constant 7 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C6:%.*]] = arith.constant 6 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C3:%.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C2:%.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK: scf.parallel ([[V0:%.*]]) = ([[C3]]) to ([[C6]]) step ([[C2]]) {
// CHECK: memref.store [[C42]], [[ARG0]]{{\[}}[[C0]], [[V0]], [[C7]]] : memref<?x?x?xi32>
// CHECK: scf.reduce
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return
// -----
func.func @single_iteration_all(%A: memref<?x?x?xi32>) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c3 = arith.constant 3 : index
%c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
%c7 = arith.constant 7 : index
%c10 = arith.constant 10 : index
scf.parallel (%i0, %i1, %i2) = (%c0, %c3, %c7) to (%c1, %c6, %c10) step (%c1, %c3, %c3) {
%c42 = arith.constant 42 : i32
memref.store %c42, %A[%i0, %i1, %i2] : memref<?x?x?xi32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @single_iteration_all(
// CHECK-SAME: [[ARG0:%.*]]: memref<?x?x?xi32>) {
// CHECK-DAG: [[C42:%.*]] = arith.constant 42 : i32
// CHECK-DAG: [[C7:%.*]] = arith.constant 7 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C3:%.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK-NOT: scf.parallel
// CHECK: memref.store [[C42]], [[ARG0]]{{\[}}[[C0]], [[C3]], [[C7]]] : memref<?x?x?xi32>
// CHECK-NOT: scf.reduce
// CHECK: return
// -----
func.func @single_iteration_reduce(%A: index, %B: index) -> (index, index) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%c3 = arith.constant 3 : index
%c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
%0:2 = scf.parallel (%i0, %i1) = (%c1, %c3) to (%c2, %c6) step (%c1, %c3) init(%A, %B) -> (index, index) {
scf.reduce(%i0, %i1 : index, index) {
^bb0(%lhs: index, %rhs: index):
%1 = arith.addi %lhs, %rhs : index
scf.reduce.return %1 : index
}, {
^bb0(%lhs: index, %rhs: index):
%2 = arith.muli %lhs, %rhs : index
scf.reduce.return %2 : index
return %0#0, %0#1 : index, index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @single_iteration_reduce(
// CHECK-SAME: [[ARG0:%.*]]: index, [[ARG1:%.*]]: index)
// CHECK-DAG: [[C3:%.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C1:%.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK-NOT: scf.parallel
// CHECK-NOT: scf.reduce
// CHECK-NOT: scf.reduce.return
// CHECK-NOT: scf.yield
// CHECK: [[V0:%.*]] = arith.addi [[ARG0]], [[C1]]
// CHECK: [[V1:%.*]] = arith.muli [[ARG1]], [[C3]]
// CHECK: return [[V0]], [[V1]]
// -----
func.func @nested_parallel(%0: memref<?x?x?xf64>) -> memref<?x?x?xf64> {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%1 = memref.dim %0, %c0 : memref<?x?x?xf64>
%2 = memref.dim %0, %c1 : memref<?x?x?xf64>
%3 = memref.dim %0, %c2 : memref<?x?x?xf64>
%4 = memref.alloc(%1, %2, %3) : memref<?x?x?xf64>
scf.parallel (%arg1) = (%c0) to (%1) step (%c1) {
scf.parallel (%arg2) = (%c0) to (%2) step (%c1) {
scf.parallel (%arg3) = (%c0) to (%3) step (%c1) {
%5 = memref.load %0[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<?x?x?xf64>
memref.store %5, %4[%arg1, %arg2, %arg3] : memref<?x?x?xf64>
return %4 : memref<?x?x?xf64>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @nested_parallel(
// CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C1:%.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C2:%.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
// CHECK: [[B0:%.*]] = memref.dim {{.*}}, [[C0]]
// CHECK: [[B1:%.*]] = memref.dim {{.*}}, [[C1]]
// CHECK: [[B2:%.*]] = memref.dim {{.*}}, [[C2]]
// CHECK: scf.parallel ([[V0:%.*]], [[V1:%.*]], [[V2:%.*]]) = ([[C0]], [[C0]], [[C0]]) to ([[B0]], [[B1]], [[B2]]) step ([[C1]], [[C1]], [[C1]])
// CHECK: memref.load {{.*}}{{\[}}[[V0]], [[V1]], [[V2]]]
// CHECK: memref.store {{.*}}{{\[}}[[V0]], [[V1]], [[V2]]]
// -----
func.func private @side_effect()
func.func @one_unused(%cond: i1) -> (index) {
%0, %1 = scf.if %cond -> (index, index) {
func.call @side_effect() : () -> ()
%c0 = "test.value0"() : () -> (index)
%c1 = "test.value1"() : () -> (index)
scf.yield %c0, %c1 : index, index
} else {
%c2 = "test.value2"() : () -> (index)
%c3 = "test.value3"() : () -> (index)
scf.yield %c2, %c3 : index, index
return %1 : index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @one_unused
// CHECK: [[V0:%.*]] = scf.if %{{.*}} -> (index) {
// CHECK: call @side_effect() : () -> ()
// CHECK: [[C1:%.*]] = "test.value1"
// CHECK: scf.yield [[C1]] : index
// CHECK: } else
// CHECK: [[C3:%.*]] = "test.value3"
// CHECK: scf.yield [[C3]] : index
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return [[V0]] : index
// -----
func.func private @side_effect()
func.func @nested_unused(%cond1: i1, %cond2: i1) -> (index) {
%0, %1 = scf.if %cond1 -> (index, index) {
%2, %3 = scf.if %cond2 -> (index, index) {
func.call @side_effect() : () -> ()
%c0 = "test.value0"() : () -> (index)
%c1 = "test.value1"() : () -> (index)
scf.yield %c0, %c1 : index, index
} else {
%c2 = "test.value2"() : () -> (index)
%c3 = "test.value3"() : () -> (index)
scf.yield %c2, %c3 : index, index
scf.yield %2, %3 : index, index
} else {
%c0 = "test.value0_2"() : () -> (index)
%c1 = "test.value1_2"() : () -> (index)
scf.yield %c0, %c1 : index, index
return %1 : index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @nested_unused
// CHECK: [[V0:%.*]] = scf.if {{.*}} -> (index) {
// CHECK: [[V1:%.*]] = scf.if {{.*}} -> (index) {
// CHECK: call @side_effect() : () -> ()
// CHECK: [[C1:%.*]] = "test.value1"
// CHECK: scf.yield [[C1]] : index
// CHECK: } else
// CHECK: [[C3:%.*]] = "test.value3"
// CHECK: scf.yield [[C3]] : index
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: scf.yield [[V1]] : index
// CHECK: } else
// CHECK: [[C1_2:%.*]] = "test.value1_2"
// CHECK: scf.yield [[C1_2]] : index
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return [[V0]] : index
// -----
func.func private @side_effect()
func.func @all_unused(%cond: i1) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%0, %1 = scf.if %cond -> (index, index) {
func.call @side_effect() : () -> ()
scf.yield %c0, %c1 : index, index
} else {
func.call @side_effect() : () -> ()
scf.yield %c0, %c1 : index, index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @all_unused
// CHECK: scf.if %{{.*}} {
// CHECK: call @side_effect() : () -> ()
// CHECK: } else
// CHECK: call @side_effect() : () -> ()
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return
// -----
func.func @empty_if1(%cond: i1) {
scf.if %cond {
// CHECK-LABEL: func @empty_if1
// CHECK-NOT: scf.if
// CHECK: return
// -----
func.func @empty_if2(%cond: i1) {
scf.if %cond {
} else {
// CHECK-LABEL: func @empty_if2
// CHECK-NOT: scf.if
// CHECK: return
// -----
func.func @empty_else(%cond: i1, %v : memref<i1>) {
scf.if %cond {
memref.store %cond, %v[] : memref<i1>
} else {
// CHECK-LABEL: func @empty_else
// CHECK: scf.if
// CHECK-NOT: else
// -----
func.func @to_select1(%cond: i1) -> index {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%0 = scf.if %cond -> index {
scf.yield %c0 : index
} else {
scf.yield %c1 : index
return %0 : index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @to_select1
// CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C1:%.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK: [[V0:%.*]] = arith.select {{.*}}, [[C0]], [[C1]]
// CHECK: return [[V0]] : index
// -----
func.func @to_select_same_val(%cond: i1) -> (index, index) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%0, %1 = scf.if %cond -> (index, index) {
scf.yield %c0, %c1 : index, index
} else {
scf.yield %c1, %c1 : index, index
return %0, %1 : index, index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @to_select_same_val
// CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C1:%.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK: [[V0:%.*]] = arith.select {{.*}}, [[C0]], [[C1]]
// CHECK: return [[V0]], [[C1]] : index, index
// -----
func.func @to_select_with_body(%cond: i1) -> index {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%0 = scf.if %cond -> index {
"test.op"() : () -> ()
scf.yield %c0 : index
} else {
scf.yield %c1 : index
return %0 : index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @to_select_with_body
// CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C1:%.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK: [[V0:%.*]] = arith.select {{.*}}, [[C0]], [[C1]]
// CHECK: scf.if {{.*}} {
// CHECK: "test.op"() : () -> ()
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return [[V0]] : index
// -----
func.func @to_select2(%cond: i1) -> (index, index) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%c3 = arith.constant 3 : index
%0, %1 = scf.if %cond -> (index, index) {
scf.yield %c0, %c1 : index, index
} else {
scf.yield %c2, %c3 : index, index
return %0, %1 : index, index
// CHECK-LABEL: func @to_select2
// CHECK-DAG: [[C0:%.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C1:%.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C2:%.*]] = arith.constant 2 : index
// CHECK-DAG: [[C3:%.*]] = arith.constant 3 : index
// CHECK: [[V0:%.*]] = arith.select {{.*}}, [[C0]], [[C2]]
// CHECK: [[V1:%.*]] = arith.select {{.*}}, [[C1]], [[C3]]
// CHECK: return [[V0]], [[V1]] : index
// -----
func.func private @make_i32() -> i32
func.func @for_yields_2(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) -> i32 {
%a = call @make_i32() : () -> (i32)
%b = scf.for %i = %lb to %ub step %step iter_args(%0 = %a) -> i32 {
scf.yield %0 : i32
return %b : i32
// CHECK-LABEL: func @for_yields_2
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[R:.*]] = call @make_i32() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[R]] : i32
// -----
func.func private @make_i32() -> i32
func.func @for_yields_3(%lb : index, %ub : index, %step : index) -> (i32, i32, i32) {
%a = call @make_i32() : () -> (i32)
%b = call @make_i32() : () -> (i32)
%r:3 = scf.for %i = %lb to %ub step %step iter_args(%0 = %a, %1 = %a, %2 = %b) -> (i32, i32, i32) {
%c = func.call @make_i32() : () -> (i32)
scf.yield %0, %c, %2 : i32, i32, i32
} {some_attr}
return %r#0, %r#1, %r#2 : i32, i32, i32
// CHECK-LABEL: func @for_yields_3
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[a:.*]] = call @make_i32() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[b:.*]] = call @make_i32() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[r1:.*]] = scf.for {{.*}} iter_args(%arg4 = %[[a]]) -> (i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[c:.*]] = func.call @make_i32() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[c]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } {some_attr}
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[a]], %[[r1]], %[[b]] : i32, i32, i32
// -----
// Test that an empty loop which iterates at least once and only returns
// values defined outside of the loop is folded away.
func.func @for_yields_4() -> i32 {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%a = arith.constant 3 : i32
%b = arith.constant 4 : i32
%r = scf.for %i = %c0 to %c2 step %c1 iter_args(%0 = %a) -> i32 {
scf.yield %b : i32
return %r : i32
// CHECK-LABEL: func @for_yields_4
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[b:.*]] = arith.constant 4 : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[b]] : i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_true_if
func.func @replace_true_if() {
%true = arith.constant true
// CHECK-NOT: scf.if
// CHECK: "test.op"
scf.if %true {
"test.op"() : () -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @remove_false_if
func.func @remove_false_if() {
%false = arith.constant false
// CHECK-NOT: scf.if
// CHECK-NOT: "test.op"
scf.if %false {
"test.op"() : () -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_true_if_with_values
func.func @replace_true_if_with_values() {
%true = arith.constant true
// CHECK-NOT: scf.if
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.op"
%0 = scf.if %true -> (i32) {
%1 = "test.op"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %1 : i32
} else {
%2 = "test.other_op"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %2 : i32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[VAL]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (i32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_false_if_with_values
func.func @replace_false_if_with_values() {
%false = arith.constant false
// CHECK-NOT: scf.if
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.other_op"
%0 = scf.if %false -> (i32) {
%1 = "test.op"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %1 : i32
} else {
%2 = "test.other_op"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %2 : i32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[VAL]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (i32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @merge_nested_if
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: i1, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i1)
func.func @merge_nested_if(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) {
// CHECK: %[[COND:.*]] = arith.andi %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]
// CHECK: scf.if %[[COND]] {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.op"()
scf.if %arg0 {
scf.if %arg1 {
"test.op"() : () -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @merge_yielding_nested_if
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: i1, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i1)
func.func @merge_yielding_nested_if(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) -> (i32, f32, i32, i8) {
// CHECK: %[[PRE0:.*]] = "test.op"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[PRE1:.*]] = "test.op1"() : () -> f32
// CHECK: %[[PRE2:.*]] = "test.op2"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[PRE3:.*]] = "test.op3"() : () -> i8
// CHECK: %[[COND:.*]] = arith.andi %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]]:2 = scf.if %[[COND]] -> (f32, i32)
// CHECK: %[[IN0:.*]] = "test.inop"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[IN1:.*]] = "test.inop1"() : () -> f32
// CHECK: scf.yield %[[IN1]], %[[IN0]] : f32, i32
// CHECK: } else {
// CHECK: scf.yield %[[PRE1]], %[[PRE2]] : f32, i32
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return %[[PRE0]], %[[RES]]#0, %[[RES]]#1, %[[PRE3]] : i32, f32, i32, i8
%0 = "test.op"() : () -> (i32)
%1 = "test.op1"() : () -> (f32)
%2 = "test.op2"() : () -> (i32)
%3 = "test.op3"() : () -> (i8)
%r:4 = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32, f32, i32, i8) {
%a:2 = scf.if %arg1 -> (i32, f32) {
%i = "test.inop"() : () -> (i32)
%i1 = "test.inop1"() : () -> (f32)
scf.yield %i, %i1 : i32, f32
} else {
scf.yield %2, %1 : i32, f32
scf.yield %0, %a#1, %a#0, %3 : i32, f32, i32, i8
} else {
scf.yield %0, %1, %2, %3 : i32, f32, i32, i8
return %r#0, %r#1, %r#2, %r#3 : i32, f32, i32, i8
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @merge_yielding_nested_if_nv1
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: i1, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i1)
func.func @merge_yielding_nested_if_nv1(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) {
// CHECK: %[[PRE0:.*]] = "test.op"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[PRE1:.*]] = "test.op1"() : () -> f32
// CHECK: %[[COND:.*]] = arith.andi %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]
// CHECK: scf.if %[[COND]]
// CHECK: %[[IN0:.*]] = "test.inop"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[IN1:.*]] = "test.inop1"() : () -> f32
// CHECK: }
%0 = "test.op"() : () -> (i32)
%1 = "test.op1"() : () -> (f32)
scf.if %arg0 {
%a:2 = scf.if %arg1 -> (i32, f32) {
%i = "test.inop"() : () -> (i32)
%i1 = "test.inop1"() : () -> (f32)
scf.yield %i, %i1 : i32, f32
} else {
scf.yield %0, %1 : i32, f32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @merge_yielding_nested_if_nv2
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: i1, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i1)
func.func @merge_yielding_nested_if_nv2(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) -> i32 {
// CHECK: %[[PRE0:.*]] = "test.op"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[PRE1:.*]] = "test.op1"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[COND:.*]] = arith.andi %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = arith.select %[[ARG0]], %[[PRE0]], %[[PRE1]]
// CHECK: scf.if %[[COND]]
// CHECK: "test.run"() : () -> ()
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]
%0 = "test.op"() : () -> (i32)
%1 = "test.op1"() : () -> (i32)
%r = scf.if %arg0 -> i32 {
scf.if %arg1 {
"test.run"() : () -> ()
scf.yield %0 : i32
} else {
scf.yield %1 : i32
return %r : i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @merge_fail_yielding_nested_if
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG0:.*]]: i1, %[[ARG1:.*]]: i1)
func.func @merge_fail_yielding_nested_if(%arg0: i1, %arg1: i1) -> (i32, f32, i32, i8) {
// CHECK-NOT: andi
%0 = "test.op"() : () -> (i32)
%1 = "test.op1"() : () -> (f32)
%2 = "test.op2"() : () -> (i32)
%3 = "test.op3"() : () -> (i8)
%r:4 = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32, f32, i32, i8) {
%a:2 = scf.if %arg1 -> (i32, f32) {
%i = "test.inop"() : () -> (i32)
%i1 = "test.inop1"() : () -> (f32)
scf.yield %i, %i1 : i32, f32
} else {
scf.yield %0, %1 : i32, f32
scf.yield %0, %a#1, %a#0, %3 : i32, f32, i32, i8
} else {
scf.yield %0, %1, %2, %3 : i32, f32, i32, i8
return %r#0, %r#1, %r#2, %r#3 : i32, f32, i32, i8
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @if_condition_swap
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = scf.if %arg0 -> (index) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[i1:.+]] = "test.origFalse"() : () -> index
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[i1]] : index
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[i2:.+]] = "test.origTrue"() : () -> index
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[i2]] : index
func.func @if_condition_swap(%cond: i1) -> index {
%true = arith.constant true
%not = arith.xori %cond, %true : i1
%0 = scf.if %not -> (index) {
%1 = "test.origTrue"() : () -> index
scf.yield %1 : index
} else {
%1 = "test.origFalse"() : () -> index
scf.yield %1 : index
return %0 : index
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @remove_zero_iteration_loop
func.func @remove_zero_iteration_loop() {
%c42 = arith.constant 42 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK: %[[INIT:.*]] = "test.init"
%init = "test.init"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NOT: scf.for
%0 = scf.for %i = %c42 to %c1 step %c1 iter_args(%arg = %init) -> (i32) {
%1 = "test.op"(%i, %arg) : (index, i32) -> i32
scf.yield %1 : i32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[INIT]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (i32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @remove_zero_iteration_loop_vals
func.func @remove_zero_iteration_loop_vals(%arg0: index) {
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
// CHECK: %[[INIT:.*]] = "test.init"
%init = "test.init"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NOT: scf.for
// CHECK-NOT: test.op
%0 = scf.for %i = %arg0 to %arg0 step %c2 iter_args(%arg = %init) -> (i32) {
%1 = "test.op"(%i, %arg) : (index, i32) -> i32
scf.yield %1 : i32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[INIT]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (i32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_single_iteration_loop_1
func.func @replace_single_iteration_loop_1() {
// CHECK: %[[LB:.*]] = arith.constant 42
%c42 = arith.constant 42 : index
%c43 = arith.constant 43 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK: %[[INIT:.*]] = "test.init"
%init = "test.init"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NOT: scf.for
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.op"(%[[LB]], %[[INIT]])
%0 = scf.for %i = %c42 to %c43 step %c1 iter_args(%arg = %init) -> (i32) {
%1 = "test.op"(%i, %arg) : (index, i32) -> i32
scf.yield %1 : i32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[VAL]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (i32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_single_iteration_loop_2
func.func @replace_single_iteration_loop_2() {
// CHECK: %[[LB:.*]] = arith.constant 5
%c5 = arith.constant 5 : index
%c6 = arith.constant 6 : index
%c11 = arith.constant 11 : index
// CHECK: %[[INIT:.*]] = "test.init"
%init = "test.init"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NOT: scf.for
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.op"(%[[LB]], %[[INIT]])
%0 = scf.for %i = %c5 to %c11 step %c6 iter_args(%arg = %init) -> (i32) {
%1 = "test.op"(%i, %arg) : (index, i32) -> i32
scf.yield %1 : i32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[VAL]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (i32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_single_iteration_loop_non_unit_step
func.func @replace_single_iteration_loop_non_unit_step() {
// CHECK: %[[LB:.*]] = arith.constant 42
%c42 = arith.constant 42 : index
%c47 = arith.constant 47 : index
%c5 = arith.constant 5 : index
// CHECK: %[[INIT:.*]] = "test.init"
%init = "test.init"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NOT: scf.for
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.op"(%[[LB]], %[[INIT]])
%0 = scf.for %i = %c42 to %c47 step %c5 iter_args(%arg = %init) -> (i32) {
%1 = "test.op"(%i, %arg) : (index, i32) -> i32
scf.yield %1 : i32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[VAL]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (i32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @replace_single_iteration_const_diff(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A0:.*]]: index)
func.func @replace_single_iteration_const_diff(%arg0 : index) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[CST:.*]] = arith.constant 2
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
%5 = arith.addi %arg0, %c1 : index
// CHECK-NOT: scf.for
scf.for %arg2 = %arg0 to %5 step %c1 {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[MUL:.*]] = arith.muli %[[A0]], %[[CST]]
%7 = arith.muli %c2, %arg2 : index
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.consume"(%[[MUL]])
"test.consume"(%7) : (index) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @remove_empty_parallel_loop
func.func @remove_empty_parallel_loop(%lb: index, %ub: index, %s: index) {
// CHECK: %[[INIT:.*]] = "test.init"
%init = "test.init"() : () -> f32
// CHECK-NOT: scf.parallel
// CHECK-NOT: test.produce
// CHECK-NOT: test.transform
%0 = scf.parallel (%i, %j, %k) = (%lb, %ub, %lb) to (%ub, %ub, %ub) step (%s, %s, %s) init(%init) -> f32 {
%1 = "test.produce"() : () -> f32
scf.reduce(%1 : f32) {
^bb0(%lhs: f32, %rhs: f32):
%2 = "test.transform"(%lhs, %rhs) : (f32, f32) -> f32
scf.reduce.return %2 : f32
// CHECK: "test.consume"(%[[INIT]])
"test.consume"(%0) : (f32) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: fold_away_iter_with_no_use_and_yielded_input
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A0:[0-9a-z]*]]: i32
func.func @fold_away_iter_with_no_use_and_yielded_input(%arg0 : i32,
%ub : index, %lb : index, %step : index) -> (i32, i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[C32:.*]] = arith.constant 32 : i32
%cst = arith.constant 32 : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[FOR_RES:.*]] = scf.for {{.*}} iter_args({{.*}} = %[[A0]]) -> (i32) {
%0:2 = scf.for %arg1 = %lb to %ub step %step iter_args(%arg2 = %arg0, %arg3 = %cst)
-> (i32, i32) {
%1 = arith.addi %arg2, %cst : i32
scf.yield %1, %cst : i32, i32
// CHECK: return %[[FOR_RES]], %[[C32]] : i32, i32
return %0#0, %0#1 : i32, i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: fold_away_iter_and_result_with_no_use
// CHECK-SAME: %[[A0:[0-9a-z]*]]: i32
func.func @fold_away_iter_and_result_with_no_use(%arg0 : i32,
%ub : index, %lb : index, %step : index) -> (i32) {
%cst = arith.constant 32 : i32
// CHECK: %[[FOR_RES:.*]] = scf.for {{.*}} iter_args({{.*}} = %[[A0]]) -> (i32) {
%0:2 = scf.for %arg1 = %lb to %ub step %step iter_args(%arg2 = %arg0, %arg3 = %cst)
-> (i32, i32) {
%1 = arith.addi %arg2, %cst : i32
scf.yield %1, %1 : i32, i32
// CHECK: return %[[FOR_RES]] : i32
return %0#0 : i32
// -----
func.func private @do(%arg0: tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
func.func @matmul_on_tensors(%t0: tensor<32x1024xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32> {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c32 = arith.constant 32 : index
%c1024 = arith.constant 1024 : index
%0 = tensor.cast %t0 : tensor<32x1024xf32> to tensor<?x?xf32>
%1 = scf.for %i = %c0 to %c1024 step %c32 iter_args(%iter_t0 = %0) -> (tensor<?x?xf32>) {
%2 = func.call @do(%iter_t0) : (tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
scf.yield %2 : tensor<?x?xf32>
} {some_attr}
return %1 : tensor<?x?xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: matmul_on_tensors
// CHECK-SAME: %[[T0:[0-9a-z]*]]: tensor<32x1024xf32>
// CHECK-NOT: tensor.cast
// CHECK: %[[FOR_RES:.*]] = scf.for {{.*}} iter_args(%[[ITER_T0:.*]] = %[[T0]]) -> (tensor<32x1024xf32>) {
// CHECK: %[[CAST:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[ITER_T0]] : tensor<32x1024xf32> to tensor<?x?xf32>
// CHECK: %[[DONE:.*]] = func.call @do(%[[CAST]]) : (tensor<?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?xf32>
// CHECK: %[[UNCAST:.*]] = tensor.cast %[[DONE]] : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<32x1024xf32>
// CHECK: scf.yield %[[UNCAST]] : tensor<32x1024xf32>
// CHECK: } {some_attr}
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = tensor.cast
// CHECK: return %[[RES]] : tensor<?x?xf32>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @cond_prop
func.func @cond_prop(%arg0 : i1) -> index {
%res = scf.if %arg0 -> index {
%res1 = scf.if %arg0 -> index {
%v1 = "test.get_some_value1"() : () -> index
scf.yield %v1 : index
} else {
%v2 = "test.get_some_value2"() : () -> index
scf.yield %v2 : index
scf.yield %res1 : index
} else {
%res2 = scf.if %arg0 -> index {
%v3 = "test.get_some_value3"() : () -> index
scf.yield %v3 : index
} else {
%v4 = "test.get_some_value4"() : () -> index
scf.yield %v4 : index
scf.yield %res2 : index
return %res : index
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[if:.+]] = scf.if %arg0 -> (index) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[c1:.+]] = "test.get_some_value1"() : () -> index
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[c1]] : index
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[c4:.+]] = "test.get_some_value4"() : () -> index
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[c4]] : index
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[if]] : index
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_if_with_cond1
func.func @replace_if_with_cond1(%arg0 : i1) -> (i32, i1) {
%true = arith.constant true
%false = arith.constant false
%res:2 = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32, i1) {
%v = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v, %true : i32, i1
} else {
%v2 = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2, %false : i32, i1
return %res#0, %res#1 : i32, i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[if:.+]] = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[sv1:.+]] = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[sv1]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[sv2:.+]] = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[sv2]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[if]], %arg0 : i32, i1
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_if_with_cond2
func.func @replace_if_with_cond2(%arg0 : i1) -> (i32, i1) {
%true = arith.constant true
%false = arith.constant false
%res:2 = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32, i1) {
%v = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v, %false : i32, i1
} else {
%v2 = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2, %true : i32, i1
return %res#0, %res#1 : i32, i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %true = arith.constant true
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[toret:.+]] = arith.xori %arg0, %true : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[if:.+]] = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[sv1:.+]] = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[sv1]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[sv2:.+]] = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[sv2]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[if]], %[[toret]] : i32, i1
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @replace_if_with_cond3
func.func @replace_if_with_cond3(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) -> (i32, i64) {
%res:2 = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32, i64) {
%v = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v, %arg2 : i32, i64
} else {
%v2 = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2, %arg2 : i32, i64
return %res#0, %res#1 : i32, i64
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[if:.+]] = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[sv1:.+]] = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[sv1]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[sv2:.+]] = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[sv2]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[if]], %arg1 : i32, i64
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_cond_true
func.func @while_cond_true() -> i1 {
%0 = scf.while () : () -> i1 {
%condition = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
scf.condition(%condition) %condition : i1
} do {
^bb0(%arg0: i1):
"test.use"(%arg0) : (i1) -> ()
return %0 : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[true:.+]] = arith.constant true
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.+}} = scf.while : () -> i1 {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[cmp:.+]] = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.condition(%[[cmp]]) %[[cmp]] : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: } do {
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb0(%arg0: i1):
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.use"(%[[true]]) : (i1) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @invariant_loop_args_in_same_order
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[FUNC_ARG0:.*]]: tensor<i32>)
func.func @invariant_loop_args_in_same_order(%f_arg0: tensor<i32>) -> (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) {
%cst_0 = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<i32>
%cst_1 = arith.constant dense<1> : tensor<i32>
%cst_42 = arith.constant dense<42> : tensor<i32>
%0:5 = scf.while (%arg0 = %cst_0, %arg1 = %f_arg0, %arg2 = %cst_1, %arg3 = %cst_1, %arg4 = %cst_0) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) {
%1 = arith.cmpi slt, %arg0, %cst_42 : tensor<i32>
%2 = tensor.extract %1[] : tensor<i1>
scf.condition(%2) %arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %arg3, %arg4 : tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>
} do {
^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>, %arg2: tensor<i32>, %arg3: tensor<i32>, %arg4: tensor<i32>): // no predecessors
// %arg1 here will get replaced by %cst_1
%1 = arith.addi %arg0, %arg1 : tensor<i32>
%2 = arith.addi %arg2, %arg3 : tensor<i32>
scf.yield %1, %arg1, %2, %2, %arg4 : tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>
return %0#0, %0#1, %0#2, %0#3, %0#4 : tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>
// CHECK: %[[ZERO:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0>
// CHECK: %[[ONE:.*]] = arith.constant dense<1>
// CHECK: %[[CST42:.*]] = arith.constant dense<42>
// CHECK: %[[WHILE:.*]]:3 = scf.while (%[[ARG0:.*]] = %[[ZERO]], %[[ARG2:.*]] = %[[ONE]], %[[ARG3:.*]] = %[[ONE]])
// CHECK: arith.cmpi slt, %[[ARG0]], %{{.*}}
// CHECK: tensor.extract %{{.*}}[]
// CHECK: scf.condition(%{{.*}}) %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG2]], %[[ARG3]]
// CHECK: } do {
// CHECK: ^{{.*}}(%[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<i32>, %[[ARG2:.*]]: tensor<i32>, %[[ARG3:.*]]: tensor<i32>):
// CHECK: %[[VAL0:.*]] = arith.addi %[[ARG0]], %[[FUNC_ARG0]]
// CHECK: %[[VAL1:.*]] = arith.addi %[[ARG2]], %[[ARG3]]
// CHECK: scf.yield %[[VAL0]], %[[VAL1]], %[[VAL1]]
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return %[[WHILE]]#0, %[[FUNC_ARG0]], %[[WHILE]]#1, %[[WHILE]]#2, %[[ZERO]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_loop_invariant_argument_different_order
func.func @while_loop_invariant_argument_different_order(%arg : tensor<i32>) -> (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) {
%cst_0 = arith.constant dense<0> : tensor<i32>
%cst_1 = arith.constant dense<1> : tensor<i32>
%cst_42 = arith.constant dense<42> : tensor<i32>
%0:6 = scf.while (%arg0 = %cst_0, %arg1 = %cst_1, %arg2 = %cst_1, %arg3 = %cst_1, %arg4 = %cst_0) : (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) -> (tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>) {
%1 = arith.cmpi slt, %arg0, %arg : tensor<i32>
%2 = tensor.extract %1[] : tensor<i1>
scf.condition(%2) %arg1, %arg0, %arg2, %arg0, %arg3, %arg4 : tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>
} do {
^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i32>, %arg1: tensor<i32>, %arg2: tensor<i32>, %arg3: tensor<i32>, %arg4: tensor<i32>, %arg5: tensor<i32>): // no predecessors
%1 = arith.addi %arg0, %cst_1 : tensor<i32>
%2 = arith.addi %arg2, %arg3 : tensor<i32>
scf.yield %arg3, %arg1, %2, %2, %arg4 : tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>
return %0#0, %0#1, %0#2, %0#3, %0#4, %0#5 : tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>, tensor<i32>
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[ARG:.+]]: tensor<i32>)
// CHECK: %[[ZERO:.*]] = arith.constant dense<0>
// CHECK: %[[ONE:.*]] = arith.constant dense<1>
// CHECK: %[[WHILE:.*]]:2 = scf.while (%[[ARG1:.*]] = %[[ONE]], %[[ARG4:.*]] = %[[ZERO]])
// CHECK: arith.cmpi sgt, %[[ARG]], %[[ZERO]]
// CHECK: tensor.extract %{{.*}}[]
// CHECK: scf.condition(%{{.*}}) %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG4]]
// CHECK: } do {
// CHECK: ^{{.*}}(%{{.*}}: tensor<i32>, %{{.*}}: tensor<i32>):
// CHECK: scf.yield %[[ZERO]], %[[ONE]]
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return %[[WHILE]]#0, %[[ZERO]], %[[ONE]], %[[ZERO]], %[[ONE]], %[[WHILE]]#1
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_unused_result
func.func @while_unused_result() -> i32 {
%0:2 = scf.while () : () -> (i32, i64) {
%condition = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
%v1 = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
%v2 = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i64
scf.condition(%condition) %v1, %v2 : i32, i64
} do {
^bb0(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i64):
"test.use"(%arg0) : (i32) -> ()
return %0#0 : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[res:.*]] = scf.while : () -> i32 {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[cmp:.*]] = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[val:.*]] = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = "test.get_some_value"() : () -> i64
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.condition(%[[cmp]]) %[[val]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } do {
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb0(%[[arg:.*]]: i32):
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.use"(%[[arg]]) : (i32) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[res]] : i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_cmp_lhs
func.func @while_cmp_lhs(%arg0 : i32) {
%0 = scf.while () : () -> i32 {
%val = "test.val"() : () -> i32
%condition = arith.cmpi ne, %val, %arg0 : i32
scf.condition(%condition) %val : i32
} do {
^bb0(%val2: i32):
%condition2 = arith.cmpi ne, %val2, %arg0 : i32
%negcondition2 = arith.cmpi eq, %val2, %arg0 : i32
"test.use"(%condition2, %negcondition2, %val2) : (i1, i1, i32) -> ()
// CHECK-DAG: %[[true:.+]] = arith.constant true
// CHECK-DAG: %[[false:.+]] = arith.constant false
// CHECK-DAG: %{{.+}} = scf.while : () -> i32 {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[val:.+]] = "test.val"
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[cmp:.+]] = arith.cmpi ne, %[[val]], %arg0 : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.condition(%[[cmp]]) %[[val]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } do {
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb0(%arg1: i32):
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.use"(%[[true]], %[[false]], %arg1) : (i1, i1, i32) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_cmp_rhs
func.func @while_cmp_rhs(%arg0 : i32) {
%0 = scf.while () : () -> i32 {
%val = "test.val"() : () -> i32
%condition = arith.cmpi ne, %arg0, %val : i32
scf.condition(%condition) %val : i32
} do {
^bb0(%val2: i32):
%condition2 = arith.cmpi ne, %arg0, %val2 : i32
%negcondition2 = arith.cmpi eq, %arg0, %val2 : i32
"test.use"(%condition2, %negcondition2, %val2) : (i1, i1, i32) -> ()
// CHECK-DAG: %[[true:.+]] = arith.constant true
// CHECK-DAG: %[[false:.+]] = arith.constant false
// CHECK-DAG: %{{.+}} = scf.while : () -> i32 {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[val:.+]] = "test.val"
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[cmp:.+]] = arith.cmpi ne, %arg0, %[[val]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.condition(%[[cmp]]) %[[val]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } do {
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb0(%arg1: i32):
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.use"(%[[true]], %[[false]], %arg1) : (i1, i1, i32) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_duplicated_res
func.func @while_duplicated_res() -> (i32, i32) {
%0:2 = scf.while () : () -> (i32, i32) {
%val = "test.val"() : () -> i32
%condition = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
scf.condition(%condition) %val, %val : i32, i32
} do {
^bb0(%val2: i32, %val3: i32):
"test.use"(%val2, %val3) : (i32, i32) -> ()
return %0#0, %0#1: i32, i32
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = scf.while : () -> i32 {
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.val"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[COND:.*]] = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
// CHECK: scf.condition(%[[COND]]) %[[VAL]] : i32
// CHECK: } do {
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG:.*]]: i32):
// CHECK: "test.use"(%[[ARG]], %[[ARG]]) : (i32, i32) -> ()
// CHECK: scf.yield
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return %[[RES]], %[[RES]] : i32, i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_unused_arg1
func.func @while_unused_arg1(%x : i32, %y : f64) -> i32 {
%0 = scf.while (%arg1 = %x, %arg2 = %y) : (i32, f64) -> (i32) {
%condition = "test.condition"(%arg1) : (i32) -> i1
scf.condition(%condition) %arg1 : i32
} do {
^bb0(%arg1: i32):
%next = "test.use"(%arg1) : (i32) -> (i32)
scf.yield %next, %y : i32, f64
return %0 : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[res:.*]] = scf.while (%[[arg2:.*]] = %{{.*}}) : (i32) -> i32 {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[cmp:.*]] = "test.condition"(%[[arg2]]) : (i32) -> i1
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.condition(%[[cmp]]) %[[arg2]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } do {
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb0(%[[post:.*]]: i32):
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[next:.*]] = "test.use"(%[[post]]) : (i32) -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[next]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[res]] : i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @while_unused_arg2
func.func @while_unused_arg2(%val0: i32) -> i32 {
%0 = scf.while (%val1 = %val0) : (i32) -> i32 {
%val = "test.val"() : () -> i32
%condition = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
scf.condition(%condition) %val: i32
} do {
^bb0(%val2: i32):
"test.use"(%val2) : (i32) -> ()
%val1 = "test.val1"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %val1 : i32
return %0 : i32
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = scf.while : () -> i32 {
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.val"() : () -> i32
// CHECK: %[[COND:.*]] = "test.condition"() : () -> i1
// CHECK: scf.condition(%[[COND]]) %[[VAL]] : i32
// CHECK: } do {
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG:.*]]: i32):
// CHECK: "test.use"(%[[ARG]]) : (i32) -> ()
// CHECK: scf.yield
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return %[[RES]] : i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @test_align_args
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]]:3 = scf.while (%[[ARG0:.*]] = %{{.*}}, %[[ARG1:.*]] = %{{.*}}, %[[ARG2:.*]] = %{{.*}}) : (f32, i32, i64) -> (f32, i32, i64) {
// CHECK: scf.condition(%{{.*}}) %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG2]] : f32, i32, i64
// CHECK: ^bb0(%[[ARG3:.*]]: f32, %[[ARG4:.*]]: i32, %[[ARG5:.*]]: i64):
// CHECK: %[[R1:.*]] = "test.test"(%[[ARG5]]) : (i64) -> f32
// CHECK: %[[R2:.*]] = "test.test"(%[[ARG3]]) : (f32) -> i32
// CHECK: %[[R3:.*]] = "test.test"(%[[ARG4]]) : (i32) -> i64
// CHECK: scf.yield %[[R1]], %[[R2]], %[[R3]] : f32, i32, i64
// CHECK: return %[[RES]]#2, %[[RES]]#0, %[[RES]]#1
func.func @test_align_args() -> (i64, f32, i32) {
%0 = "test.test"() : () -> (f32)
%1 = "test.test"() : () -> (i32)
%2 = "test.test"() : () -> (i64)
%3:3 = scf.while (%arg0 = %0, %arg1 = %1, %arg2 = %2) : (f32, i32, i64) -> (i64, f32, i32) {
%cond = "test.test"() : () -> (i1)
scf.condition(%cond) %arg2, %arg0, %arg1 : i64, f32, i32
} do {
^bb0(%arg3: i64, %arg4: f32, %arg5: i32):
%4 = "test.test"(%arg3) : (i64) -> (f32)
%5 = "test.test"(%arg4) : (f32) -> (i32)
%6 = "test.test"(%arg5) : (i32) -> (i64)
scf.yield %4, %5, %6 : f32, i32, i64
return %3#0, %3#1, %3#2 : i64, f32, i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @combineIfs
func.func @combineIfs(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) -> (i32, i32) {
%res = scf.if %arg0 -> i32 {
%v = "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v : i32
} else {
%v2 = "test.firstCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2 : i32
%res2 = scf.if %arg0 -> i32 {
%v = "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v : i32
} else {
%v2 = "test.secondCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2 : i32
return %res, %res2 : i32, i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[res:.+]]:2 = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32, i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[tval0:.+]] = "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[tval:.+]] = "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[tval0]], %[[tval]] : i32, i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[fval0:.+]] = "test.firstCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[fval:.+]] = "test.secondCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[fval0]], %[[fval]] : i32, i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[res]]#0, %[[res]]#1 : i32, i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @combineIfs2
func.func @combineIfs2(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) -> i32 {
scf.if %arg0 {
"test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
%res = scf.if %arg0 -> i32 {
%v = "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v : i32
} else {
%v2 = "test.secondCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2 : i32
return %res : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[res:.+]] = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[tval:.+]] = "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[tval]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[fval:.+]] = "test.secondCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[fval]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[res]] : i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @combineIfs3
func.func @combineIfs3(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) -> i32 {
%res = scf.if %arg0 -> i32 {
%v = "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v : i32
} else {
%v2 = "test.firstCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2 : i32
scf.if %arg0 {
"test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
return %res : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[res:.+]] = scf.if %arg0 -> (i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[tval:.+]] = "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[tval]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[fval:.+]] = "test.firstCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[fval]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[res]] : i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @combineIfs4
func.func @combineIfs4(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) {
scf.if %arg0 {
"test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
scf.if %arg0 {
"test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.if %arg0 {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @combineIfsUsed
// CHECK-SAME: %[[arg0:.+]]: i1
func.func @combineIfsUsed(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) -> (i32, i32) {
%res = scf.if %arg0 -> i32 {
%v = "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v : i32
} else {
%v2 = "test.firstCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
scf.yield %v2 : i32
%res2 = scf.if %arg0 -> i32 {
%v = "test.secondCodeTrue"(%res) : (i32) -> i32
scf.yield %v : i32
} else {
%v2 = "test.secondCodeFalse"(%res) : (i32) -> i32
scf.yield %v2 : i32
return %res, %res2 : i32, i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[res:.+]]:2 = scf.if %[[arg0]] -> (i32, i32) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[tval0:.+]] = "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[tval:.+]] = "test.secondCodeTrue"(%[[tval0]]) : (i32) -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[tval0]], %[[tval]] : i32, i32
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[fval0:.+]] = "test.firstCodeFalse"() : () -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[fval:.+]] = "test.secondCodeFalse"(%[[fval0]]) : (i32) -> i32
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.yield %[[fval0]], %[[fval]] : i32, i32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[res]]#0, %[[res]]#1 : i32, i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @combineIfsNot
// CHECK-SAME: %[[arg0:.+]]: i1
func.func @combineIfsNot(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) {
%true = arith.constant true
%not = arith.xori %arg0, %true : i1
scf.if %arg0 {
"test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
scf.if %not {
"test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.if %[[arg0]] {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @combineIfsNot2
// CHECK-SAME: %[[arg0:.+]]: i1
func.func @combineIfsNot2(%arg0 : i1, %arg2: i64) {
%true = arith.constant true
%not = arith.xori %arg0, %true : i1
scf.if %not {
"test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
scf.if %arg0 {
"test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: scf.if %[[arg0]] {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.secondCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: } else {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.firstCodeTrue"() : () -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @propagate_into_execute_region
func.func @propagate_into_execute_region() {
%cond = arith.constant 0 : i1
affine.for %i = 0 to 100 {
"test.foo"() : () -> ()
%v = scf.execute_region -> i64 {
cf.cond_br %cond, ^bb1, ^bb2
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : i64
cf.br ^bb3(%c1 : i64)
%c2 = arith.constant 2 : i64
cf.br ^bb3(%c2 : i64)
^bb3(%x : i64):
scf.yield %x : i64
"test.bar"(%v) : (i64) -> ()
// CHECK: %[[C2:.*]] = arith.constant 2 : i64
// CHECK: "test.foo"
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.bar"(%[[C2]]) : (i64) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @execute_region_elim
func.func @execute_region_elim() {
affine.for %i = 0 to 100 {
"test.foo"() : () -> ()
%v = scf.execute_region -> i64 {
%x = "test.val"() : () -> i64
scf.yield %x : i64
"test.bar"(%v) : (i64) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: affine.for %arg0 = 0 to 100 {
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.foo"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VAL:.*]] = "test.val"() : () -> i64
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.bar"(%[[VAL]]) : (i64) -> ()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @func_execute_region_elim
func.func @func_execute_region_elim() {
"test.foo"() : () -> ()
%v = scf.execute_region -> i64 {
%c = "test.cmp"() : () -> i1
cf.cond_br %c, ^bb2, ^bb3
%x = "test.val1"() : () -> i64
cf.br ^bb4(%x : i64)
%y = "test.val2"() : () -> i64
cf.br ^bb4(%y : i64)
^bb4(%z : i64):
scf.yield %z : i64
"test.bar"(%v) : (i64) -> ()
// CHECK-NOT: execute_region
// CHECK: "test.foo"
// CHECK: %[[cmp:.+]] = "test.cmp"
// CHECK: cf.cond_br %[[cmp]], ^[[bb1:.+]], ^[[bb2:.+]]
// CHECK: ^[[bb1]]:
// CHECK: %[[x:.+]] = "test.val1"
// CHECK: cf.br ^[[bb3:.+]](%[[x]] : i64)
// CHECK: ^[[bb2]]:
// CHECK: %[[y:.+]] = "test.val2"
// CHECK: cf.br ^[[bb3]](%[[y:.+]] : i64)
// CHECK: ^[[bb3]](%[[z:.+]]: i64):
// CHECK: "test.bar"(%[[z]])
// CHECK: return
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @func_execute_region_elim_multi_yield
func.func @func_execute_region_elim_multi_yield() {
"test.foo"() : () -> ()
%v = scf.execute_region -> i64 {
%c = "test.cmp"() : () -> i1
cf.cond_br %c, ^bb2, ^bb3
%x = "test.val1"() : () -> i64
scf.yield %x : i64
%y = "test.val2"() : () -> i64
scf.yield %y : i64
"test.bar"(%v) : (i64) -> ()
// CHECK-NOT: execute_region
// CHECK: "test.foo"
// CHECK: %[[cmp:.+]] = "test.cmp"
// CHECK: cf.cond_br %[[cmp]], ^[[bb1:.+]], ^[[bb2:.+]]
// CHECK: ^[[bb1]]:
// CHECK: %[[x:.+]] = "test.val1"
// CHECK: cf.br ^[[bb3:.+]](%[[x]] : i64)
// CHECK: ^[[bb2]]:
// CHECK: %[[y:.+]] = "test.val2"
// CHECK: cf.br ^[[bb3]](%[[y:.+]] : i64)
// CHECK: ^[[bb3]](%[[z:.+]]: i64):
// CHECK: "test.bar"(%[[z]])
// CHECK: return
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @canonicalize_parallel_insert_slice_indices(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[arg0:.*]]: tensor<1x5xf32>, %[[arg1:.*]]: tensor<?x?xf32>
func.func @canonicalize_parallel_insert_slice_indices(
%arg0 : tensor<1x5xf32>, %arg1: tensor<?x?xf32>, %num_threads : index) -> index
// CHECK: %[[c1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%2 = scf.forall (%tidx) in (%num_threads) shared_outs(%o = %arg1) -> (tensor<?x?xf32>) {
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %arg0 into %o[%tidx, 0] [1, 5] [1, 1] : tensor<1x5xf32> into tensor<?x?xf32>
// CHECK: %[[dim:.*]] = tensor.dim %[[arg1]], %[[c1]]
%dim = tensor.dim %2, %c1 : tensor<?x?xf32>
// CHECK: return %[[dim]]
return %dim : index
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: func @forall_fold_control_operands
func.func @forall_fold_control_operands(
%arg0 : tensor<?x10xf32>, %arg1: tensor<?x10xf32>) -> tensor<?x10xf32> {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%dim0 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c0 : tensor<?x10xf32>
%dim1 = tensor.dim %arg0, %c1 : tensor<?x10xf32>
%result = scf.forall (%i, %j) = (%c0, %c0) to (%dim0, %dim1)
step (%c1, %c1) shared_outs(%o = %arg1) -> (tensor<?x10xf32>) {
%slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg1[%i, %j] [1, 1] [1, 1]
: tensor<?x10xf32> to tensor<1x1xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %slice into %o[%i, %j] [1, 1] [1, 1]
: tensor<1x1xf32> into tensor<?x10xf32>
return %result : tensor<?x10xf32>
// CHECK: forall (%{{.*}}, %{{.*}}) in (%{{.*}}, 10)
// -----
func.func @inline_forall_loop(%in: tensor<8x8xf32>) -> tensor<8x8xf32> {
%c8 = arith.constant 8 : index
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x8xf32>
%1 = scf.forall (%i, %j) = (%c0, %c0) to (%c1, %c1)
step (%c8, %c8) shared_outs (%out_ = %0) -> (tensor<8x8xf32>) {
%slice = tensor.extract_slice %out_[%i, %j] [2, 3] [1, 1]
: tensor<8x8xf32> to tensor<2x3xf32>
%fill = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%slice : tensor<2x3xf32>)
-> tensor<2x3xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %fill into %out_[%i, %j] [2, 3] [1, 1]
: tensor<2x3xf32> into tensor<8x8xf32>
return %1 : tensor<8x8xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @inline_forall_loop
// CHECK-NOT: scf.forall
// CHECK: %[[OUT:.*]] = tensor.empty
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[SLICE:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[OUT]]
// CHECK-SAME: : tensor<8x8xf32> to tensor<2x3xf32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[FILL:.*]] = linalg.fill
// CHECK-SAME: outs(%[[SLICE]]
// CHECK-NEXT: tensor.insert_slice %[[FILL]]
// CHECK-SAME: : tensor<2x3xf32> into tensor<8x8xf32>
// -----
func.func @do_not_inline_distributed_forall_loop(
%in: tensor<8x8xf32>) -> tensor<8x8xf32> {
%cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x8xf32>
%1 = scf.forall (%i, %j) = (0, 0) to (1, 1) step (8, 8)
shared_outs (%out_ = %0) -> (tensor<8x8xf32>) {
%slice = tensor.extract_slice %out_[%i, %j] [2, 3] [1, 1]
: tensor<8x8xf32> to tensor<2x3xf32>
%fill = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%slice : tensor<2x3xf32>)
-> tensor<2x3xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %fill into %out_[%i, %j] [2, 3] [1, 1]
: tensor<2x3xf32> into tensor<8x8xf32>
}{ mapping = [#gpu.thread<y>, #gpu.thread<x>] }
return %1 : tensor<8x8xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @do_not_inline_distributed_forall_loop
// CHECK: scf.forall
// -----
func.func @inline_empty_loop_with_empty_mapping(
%in: tensor<16xf32>) -> tensor<16xf32> {
%cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<16xf32>
%1 = scf.forall () in () shared_outs (%out_ = %0) -> (tensor<16xf32>) {
%slice = tensor.extract_slice %out_[0] [16] [1]
: tensor<16xf32> to tensor<16xf32>
%generic = linalg.generic {
indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>, affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>],
iterator_types = ["parallel"]}
ins(%slice : tensor<16xf32>) outs(%0 : tensor<16xf32>) {
^bb0(%b0 : f32, %b1 : f32):
%2 = arith.addf %b0, %b0 : f32
linalg.yield %2 : f32
} -> tensor<16xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %generic into %out_[0] [16] [1]
: tensor<16xf32> into tensor<16xf32>
}{ mapping = [] }
return %1 : tensor<16xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @inline_empty_loop_with_empty_mapping
// CHECK-NOT: scf.forall
// -----
func.func @collapse_one_dim_parallel(%in: tensor<8x8xf32>) -> tensor<8x8xf32> {
%c8 = arith.constant 8 : index
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c16 = arith.constant 16 : index
%cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x8xf32>
%1 = scf.forall (%i, %j) = (0, %c0) to (1, %c16)
step (8, %c8) shared_outs (%out_ = %0) -> (tensor<8x8xf32>) {
%fill = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%out_ : tensor<8x8xf32>)
-> tensor<8x8xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %fill into %out_[%i, %j] [8, 8] [1, 1]
: tensor<8x8xf32> into tensor<8x8xf32>
return %1 : tensor<8x8xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @collapse_one_dim_parallel
// CHECK: scf.forall (%[[ARG:.*]]) = (0) to (16) step (8)
// CHECK: linalg.fill
// CHECK: tensor.parallel_insert_slice
// -----
func.func @remove_empty_forall(%in: tensor<8x8xf32>) -> tensor<8x8xf32> {
%c8 = arith.constant 8 : index
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%c16 = arith.constant 16 : index
%cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<8x8xf32>
%1 = scf.forall (%i, %j) = (%c0, %c16) to (%c1, %c16)
step (%c8, %c8) shared_outs (%out_ = %0) -> (tensor<8x8xf32>) {
%fill = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%out_ : tensor<8x8xf32>)
-> tensor<8x8xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %fill into %out_[%i, %j] [8, 8] [1, 1]
: tensor<8x8xf32> into tensor<8x8xf32>
return %1 : tensor<8x8xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @remove_empty_forall
// CHECK-NOT: scf.forall
// CHECK: %[[EMPTY:.*]] = tensor.empty
// CHECK: return %[[EMPTY]]
// -----
func.func @fold_tensor_cast_into_forall(
%in: tensor<2xi32>, %out: tensor<2xi32>) -> tensor<2xi32> {
%cst = arith.constant dense<[100500]> : tensor<1xi32>
%out_cast = tensor.cast %out : tensor<2xi32> to tensor<?xi32>
%result = scf.forall (%i) = (0) to (2) step (1)
shared_outs (%out_ = %out_cast) -> tensor<?xi32> {
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %cst into %out_[%i] [1] [1]
: tensor<1xi32> into tensor<?xi32>
%result_cast = tensor.cast %result : tensor<?xi32> to tensor<2xi32>
func.return %result_cast : tensor<2xi32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @fold_tensor_cast_into_forall
// CHECK-NOT: tensor.cast
// CHECK: parallel_insert_slice
// CHECK-SAME: : tensor<1xi32> into tensor<2xi32>
// CHECK-NOT: tensor.cast
// -----
func.func @do_not_fold_tensor_cast_from_dynamic_to_static_type_into_forall(
%in: tensor<?xi32>, %out: tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32> {
%cst = arith.constant dense<[100500]> : tensor<1xi32>
%out_cast = tensor.cast %out : tensor<?xi32> to tensor<2xi32>
%result = scf.forall (%i) = (0) to (2) step (1)
shared_outs (%out_ = %out_cast) -> tensor<2xi32> {
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %cst into %out_[%i] [1] [1]
: tensor<1xi32> into tensor<2xi32>
%result_cast = tensor.cast %result : tensor<2xi32> to tensor<?xi32>
func.return %result_cast : tensor<?xi32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @do_not_fold_tensor_cast_
// CHECK: tensor.cast
// CHECK: parallel_insert_slice
// CHECK-SAME: : tensor<1xi32> into tensor<2xi32>
// CHECK: tensor.cast
// -----
#map = affine_map<()[s0, s1] -> (s0 ceildiv s1)>
#map1 = affine_map<(d0)[s0] -> (d0 * s0)>
#map2 = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (-(d0 * s1) + s0, s1)>
module {
func.func @fold_iter_args_not_being_modified_within_scfforall(%arg0: index, %arg1: tensor<?xf32>, %arg2: tensor<?xf32>) -> (tensor<?xf32>, tensor<?xf32>) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%cst = arith.constant 4.200000e+01 : f32
%0 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%arg1 : tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
%dim = tensor.dim %arg1, %c0 : tensor<?xf32>
%1 = affine.apply #map()[%dim, %arg0]
%2:2 = scf.forall (%arg3) in (%1) shared_outs(%arg4 = %arg1, %arg5 = %arg2) -> (tensor<?xf32>, tensor<?xf32>) {
%3 = affine.apply #map1(%arg3)[%arg0]
%4 = affine.min #map2(%arg3)[%dim, %arg0]
%extracted_slice0 = tensor.extract_slice %arg4[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
%extracted_slice1 = tensor.extract_slice %arg5[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
%5 = linalg.elemwise_unary ins(%extracted_slice0 : tensor<?xf32>) outs(%extracted_slice1 : tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %5 into %arg5[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
return %2#0, %2#1 : tensor<?xf32>, tensor<?xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @fold_iter_args_not_being_modified_within_scfforall
// CHECK-SAME: (%{{.*}}: index, %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<?xf32>, %[[ARG2:.*]]: tensor<?xf32>) -> (tensor<?xf32>, tensor<?xf32>) {
// CHECK: %[[RESULT:.*]] = scf.forall
// CHECK-SAME: shared_outs(%[[ITER_ARG_5:.*]] = %[[ARG2]]) -> (tensor<?xf32>) {
// CHECK: %[[OPERAND0:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[ARG1]]
// CHECK: %[[OPERAND1:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[ITER_ARG_5]]
// CHECK: %[[ELEM:.*]] = linalg.elemwise_unary ins(%[[OPERAND0]] : tensor<?xf32>) outs(%[[OPERAND1]] : tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
// CHECK: scf.forall.in_parallel {
// CHECK-NEXT: tensor.parallel_insert_slice %[[ELEM]] into %[[ITER_ARG_5]]
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[ARG1]], %[[RESULT]]
// -----
#map = affine_map<()[s0, s1] -> (s0 ceildiv s1)>
#map1 = affine_map<(d0)[s0] -> (d0 * s0)>
#map2 = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (-(d0 * s1) + s0, s1)>
module {
func.func @fold_iter_args_with_no_use_of_result_scfforall(%arg0: index, %arg1: tensor<?xf32>, %arg2: tensor<?xf32>, %arg3: tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
%cst = arith.constant 4.200000e+01 : f32
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%0 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%arg1 : tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
%dim = tensor.dim %arg1, %c0 : tensor<?xf32>
%1 = affine.apply #map()[%dim, %arg0]
%2:3 = scf.forall (%arg4) in (%1) shared_outs(%arg5 = %arg1, %arg6 = %arg2, %arg7 = %arg3) -> (tensor<?xf32>, tensor<?xf32>, tensor<?xf32>) {
%3 = affine.apply #map1(%arg4)[%arg0]
%4 = affine.min #map2(%arg4)[%dim, %arg0]
%extracted_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg5[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
%extracted_slice_0 = tensor.extract_slice %arg6[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
%extracted_slice_1 = tensor.extract_slice %arg7[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
%extracted_slice_2 = tensor.extract_slice %0[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
%5 = linalg.elemwise_unary ins(%extracted_slice : tensor<?xf32>) outs(%extracted_slice_1 : tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
scf.forall.in_parallel {
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %5 into %arg6[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %extracted_slice into %arg5[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %extracted_slice_0 into %arg7[%3] [%4] [1] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
tensor.parallel_insert_slice %5 into %arg7[%4] [%3] [1] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
return %2#1 : tensor<?xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: @fold_iter_args_with_no_use_of_result_scfforall
// CHECK-SAME: (%{{.*}}: index, %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<?xf32>, %[[ARG2:.*]]: tensor<?xf32>, %[[ARG3:.*]]: tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[RESULT:.*]] = scf.forall
// CHECK-SAME: shared_outs(%[[ITER_ARG_6:.*]] = %[[ARG2]]) -> (tensor<?xf32>) {
// CHECK: %[[OPERAND0:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[ARG1]]
// CHECK: %[[OPERAND1:.*]] = tensor.extract_slice %[[ARG3]]
// CHECK: %[[ELEM:.*]] = linalg.elemwise_unary ins(%[[OPERAND0]] : tensor<?xf32>) outs(%[[OPERAND1]] : tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
// CHECK: scf.forall.in_parallel {
// CHECK-NEXT: tensor.parallel_insert_slice %[[ELEM]] into %[[ITER_ARG_6]]
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[RESULT]]
// -----
func.func @index_switch_fold() -> (f32, f32) {
%switch_cst = arith.constant 1: index
%0 = scf.index_switch %switch_cst -> f32
case 1 {
%y = arith.constant 1.0 : f32
scf.yield %y : f32
default {
%y = arith.constant 42.0 : f32
scf.yield %y : f32
%switch_cst_2 = arith.constant 2: index
%1 = scf.index_switch %switch_cst_2 -> f32
case 0 {
%y = arith.constant 0.0 : f32
scf.yield %y : f32
default {
%y = arith.constant 42.0 : f32
scf.yield %y : f32
return %0, %1 : f32, f32
// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @index_switch_fold()
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[c1:.*]] = arith.constant 1.000000e+00 : f32
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[c42:.*]] = arith.constant 4.200000e+01 : f32
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[c1]], %[[c42]] : f32, f32
// -----
func.func @index_switch_fold_no_res() {
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
scf.index_switch %c1
case 0 {
default {
"test.op"() : () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @index_switch_fold_no_res()
// CHECK-NEXT: "test.op"() : () -> ()