// RUN: mlir-opt \
// RUN: --pass-pipeline="builtin.module(func.func(mesh-spmdization,test-constant-fold))" \
// RUN: %s | FileCheck %s
mesh.mesh @mesh_1d(shape = 2)
// CHECK-LABEL: func @full_replication
func.func @full_replication(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<2xi8>
%arg0: tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<2xi8> {
) -> tensor<2xi8> {
%s0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%0 = mesh.shard %arg0 to %s0 : tensor<2xi8>
%s1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%1 = mesh.shard %0 to %s1 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: return %[[ARG]] : tensor<2xi8>
return %1 : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @sharding_triplet
func.func @sharding_triplet(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<1xf32>
%arg0: tensor<2xf32>
// CHECK-SAME: ) -> tensor<2xf32> {
) -> tensor<2xf32> {
// CHECK: %[[ALL_GATHER:.*]] = mesh.all_gather %[[ARG]] on @mesh_1d mesh_axes = [0] gather_axis = 0 : tensor<1xf32> -> tensor<2xf32>
%ssharding_annotated = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated = mesh.shard %arg0 to %ssharding_annotated : tensor<2xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_0 = mesh.shard %sharding_annotated to %ssharding_annotated_0 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_1 = mesh.shard %sharding_annotated_0 to %ssharding_annotated_1 : tensor<2xf32>
// CHECK: return %[[ALL_GATHER]] : tensor<2xf32>
return %sharding_annotated_1 : tensor<2xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @move_split_axis
func.func @move_split_axis(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<1x2xi8>
%arg0: tensor<2x2xi8>
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<2x1xi8> {
) -> tensor<2x2xi8> {
// CHECK: %[[ALL_TO_ALL:.*]] = mesh.all_to_all %[[ARG]] on @mesh_1d
// CHECK-SAME: mesh_axes = [0] split_axis = 1 concat_axis = 0 : tensor<1x2xi8> -> tensor<2x1xi8>
%s0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%0 = mesh.shard %arg0 to %s0 : tensor<2x2xi8>
%s1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[], [0]] : !mesh.sharding
%1 = mesh.shard %0 to %s1 annotate_for_users : tensor<2x2xi8>
// CHECK: return %[[ALL_TO_ALL]] : tensor<2x1xi8>
return %1 : tensor<2x2xi8>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @non_tensor_value
func.func @non_tensor_value(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: i8
%arg0: i8
// CHECK-SAME: -> i8 {
) -> i8 {
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = arith.addi %[[ARG]], %[[ARG]] : i8
%0 = arith.addi %arg0, %arg0 : i8
// CHECK: return %[[RES]] : i8
return %0 : i8
// CHECK-LABEL: func @unary_elementwise
func.func @unary_elementwise(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<1xi8>
%arg0: tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<1xi8> {
) -> tensor<2xi8> {
%s0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%0 = mesh.shard %arg0 to %s0 : tensor<2xi8>
%s1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%1 = mesh.shard %0 to %s1 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = tosa.abs %[[ARG]] : (tensor<1xi8>) -> tensor<1xi8>
%2 = tosa.abs %1 : (tensor<2xi8>) -> tensor<2xi8>
%s3 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%3 = mesh.shard %2 to %s3 : tensor<2xi8>
%s4 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%4 = mesh.shard %3 to %s4 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: return %[[RES]] : tensor<1xi8>
return %4 : tensor<2xi8>
// full replication -> shard axis -> abs -> shard axis -> full replication
// CHECK-LABEL: func @unary_elementwise_with_resharding
func.func @unary_elementwise_with_resharding(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<2xi8>
%arg0: tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<2xi8> {
) -> tensor<2xi8> {
// CHECK: %[[SLICE:.*]] = mesh.all_slice %[[ARG]] on @mesh_1d mesh_axes = [0] slice_axis = 0
// CHECK-SAME: tensor<2xi8> -> tensor<1xi8>
%s0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%0 = mesh.shard %arg0 to %s0 : tensor<2xi8>
%s1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%1 = mesh.shard %0 to %s1 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[ABS:.*]] = tosa.abs %[[SLICE]] : (tensor<1xi8>) -> tensor<1xi8>
%2 = tosa.abs %1 : (tensor<2xi8>) -> tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = mesh.all_gather %[[ABS]] on @mesh_1d
// CHECK-SAME: mesh_axes = [0] gather_axis = 0 : tensor<1xi8> -> tensor<2xi8>
%s3 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%3 = mesh.shard %2 to %s3 : tensor<2xi8>
%s4 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%4 = mesh.shard %3 to %s4 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: return %[[RES]] : tensor<2xi8>
return %4 : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @binary_elementwise
func.func @binary_elementwise(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: tensor<1xi8>,
%arg0: tensor<2xi8>,
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG1:.*]]: tensor<1xi8>
%arg1: tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<1xi8> {
) -> tensor<2xi8> {
%sarg0_sharded = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%arg0_sharded = mesh.shard %arg0 to %sarg0_sharded : tensor<2xi8>
%sop_arg0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%op_arg0 = mesh.shard %arg0_sharded to %sop_arg0 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
%sarg1_sharded = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%arg1_sharded = mesh.shard %arg1 to %sarg1_sharded : tensor<2xi8>
%sop_arg1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%op_arg1 = mesh.shard %arg1_sharded to %sop_arg1 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = tosa.add %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]] : (tensor<1xi8>, tensor<1xi8>) -> tensor<1xi8>
%op_res = tosa.add %op_arg0, %op_arg1 : (tensor<2xi8>, tensor<2xi8>) -> tensor<2xi8>
%sop_res_sharded = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%op_res_sharded = mesh.shard %op_res to %sop_res_sharded : tensor<2xi8>
%sres = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%res = mesh.shard %op_res_sharded to %sres annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: return %[[RES]] : tensor<1xi8>
return %res : tensor<2xi8>
// reshard
// abs
// reshard
// abs
// reshard
// CHECK-LABEL: func @multiple_chained_ops
func.func @multiple_chained_ops(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<2xi8>
%arg0: tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<1xi8> {
) -> tensor<2xi8> {
// CHECK: %[[RESHARD1:.*]] = mesh.all_slice %[[ARG]] on @mesh_1d mesh_axes = [0] slice_axis = 0
// CHECK-SAME: tensor<2xi8> -> tensor<1xi8>
%s0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%0 = mesh.shard %arg0 to %s0 : tensor<2xi8>
%s1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%1 = mesh.shard %0 to %s1 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[ABS1:.*]] = tosa.abs %[[RESHARD1]] : (tensor<1xi8>) -> tensor<1xi8>
%2 = tosa.abs %1 : (tensor<2xi8>) -> tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[RESHARD2:.*]] = mesh.all_gather %[[ABS1]] on @mesh_1d
// CHECK-SAME: mesh_axes = [0] gather_axis = 0 : tensor<1xi8> -> tensor<2xi8>
%s3 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%3 = mesh.shard %2 to %s3 : tensor<2xi8>
%s4 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%4 = mesh.shard %3 to %s4 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[ABS2:.*]] = tosa.abs %[[RESHARD2]] : (tensor<2xi8>) -> tensor<2xi8>
%5 = tosa.abs %4 : (tensor<2xi8>) -> tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: %[[RESHARD3:.*]] = mesh.all_slice %[[ABS2]] on @mesh_1d mesh_axes = [0] slice_axis = 0 :
// CHECK-SAME: tensor<2xi8> -> tensor<1xi8>
%s6 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[]] : !mesh.sharding
%6 = mesh.shard %5 to %s6 : tensor<2xi8>
%s7 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%7 = mesh.shard %6 to %s7 annotate_for_users : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK: return %[[RESHARD3]] : tensor<1xi8>
return %7 : tensor<2xi8>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @incomplete_sharding
func.func @incomplete_sharding(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG:.*]]: tensor<4x16xf32>
%arg0: tensor<8x16xf32>
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<4x16xf32> {
) -> tensor<8x16xf32> {
%s0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%0 = mesh.shard %arg0 to %s0 annotate_for_users : tensor<8x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[RES:.*]] = tosa.sigmoid %[[ARG]] : (tensor<4x16xf32>) -> tensor<4x16xf32>
%1 = tosa.sigmoid %0 : (tensor<8x16xf32>) -> tensor<8x16xf32>
%s2 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d split_axes = [[0]] : !mesh.sharding
%2 = mesh.shard %1 to %s2 : tensor<8x16xf32>
// CHECK: return %[[RES]] : tensor<4x16xf32>
return %2 : tensor<8x16xf32>
mesh.mesh @mesh_1d_4(shape = 4)
// CHECK-LABEL: func @ew_chain_with_halo
func.func @ew_chain_with_halo(
// CHECK-SAME: %[[IN1:[A-Za-z0-9_]+]]: tensor<5x16xf32>
%arg0: tensor<8x16xf32>)
// CHECK-SAME: -> tensor<5x16xf32>
-> tensor<8x16xf32> {
%ssharding_annotated = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d_4 split_axes = [[0]] halo_sizes = [2, 1] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated = mesh.shard %arg0 to %ssharding_annotated annotate_for_users : tensor<8x16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[TMP1:.*]] = tosa.tanh %[[IN1]] : (tensor<5x16xf32>) -> tensor<5x16xf32>
%0 = tosa.tanh %sharding_annotated : (tensor<8x16xf32>) -> tensor<8x16xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_0 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d_4 split_axes = [[0]] halo_sizes = [2, 1] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_0 = mesh.shard %0 to %ssharding_annotated_0 : tensor<8x16xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_1 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d_4 split_axes = [[0]] halo_sizes = [2, 1] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_1 = mesh.shard %sharding_annotated_0 to %ssharding_annotated_1 annotate_for_users : tensor<8x16xf32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[TMP2:.*]] = tosa.abs %[[TMP1]] : (tensor<5x16xf32>) -> tensor<5x16xf32>
%1 = tosa.abs %sharding_annotated_1 : (tensor<8x16xf32>) -> tensor<8x16xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_2 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d_4 split_axes = [[0]] halo_sizes = [2, 1] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_2 = mesh.shard %1 to %ssharding_annotated_2 : tensor<8x16xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_4 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d_4 split_axes = [[0]] halo_sizes = [2, 1] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_4 = mesh.shard %sharding_annotated_2 to %ssharding_annotated_4 annotate_for_users : tensor<8x16xf32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[TMP3:.*]] = tosa.negate %[[TMP2]] : (tensor<5x16xf32>) -> tensor<5x16xf32>
%2 = tosa.negate %sharding_annotated_4 : (tensor<8x16xf32>) -> tensor<8x16xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_5 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d_4 split_axes = [[0]] halo_sizes = [2, 1] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_5 = mesh.shard %2 to %ssharding_annotated_5 : tensor<8x16xf32>
%ssharding_annotated_6 = mesh.sharding @mesh_1d_4 split_axes = [[0]] halo_sizes = [2, 1] : !mesh.sharding
%sharding_annotated_6 = mesh.shard %sharding_annotated_5 to %ssharding_annotated_6 annotate_for_users : tensor<8x16xf32>
// CHECK-NEXT: return %[[TMP3]] : tensor<5x16xf32>
return %sharding_annotated_6 : tensor<8x16xf32>