
// RUN: not mlir-pdll %s -I %S -I %S/../../../include -split-input-file 2>&1 | FileCheck %s

// CHECK: expected top-level declaration, such as a `Pattern`

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `;` after statement
  erase _: Op

// -----

// `erase`

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `Op` expression
  erase _: Attr;

// -----

// `let`

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected identifier after `let` to name a new variable
  let 5;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: `_` may only be used to define "inline" variables
  let _;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression
  let foo: Attr<>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression of `Type` in type constraint
  let foo: Attr<_: Attr>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `>` after variable type constraint
  let foo: Attr<_: Type{};

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: the type of this variable has already been constrained
  let foo: [Attr<_: Type>, Attr<_: Type];

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `.` after dialect namespace
  let foo: Op<builtin>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected operation name after dialect namespace
  let foo: Op<builtin.>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `>` after operation name
  let foo: Op<func.func<;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression
  let foo: Value<>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression of `Type` in type constraint
  let foo: Value<_: Attr>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `>` after variable type constraint
  let foo: Value<_: Type{};

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: the type of this variable has already been constrained
  let foo: [Value<_: Type>, Value<_: Type];

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression
  let foo: ValueRange<10>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression of `TypeRange` in type constraint
  let foo: ValueRange<_: Type>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `>` after variable type constraint
  let foo: ValueRange<_: Type{};

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: the type of this variable has already been constrained
  let foo: [ValueRange<_: Type>, ValueRange<_: Type];

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: unknown reference to constraint `UnknownConstraint`
  let foo: UnknownConstraint;

// -----

Pattern Foo {
  erase root: Op;

Pattern {
  // CHECK: invalid reference to non-constraint
  let foo: Foo;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: constraint type `Attr` is incompatible with the previously inferred type `Value`
  let foo: [Value, Attr];

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `]` after constraint list
  let foo: [Attr[];

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected expression
  let foo: Attr = ;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: type constraints are not permitted on variables with initializers
  let foo: ValueRange<_: Type> = _: Op;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: unable to infer type for variable `foo`
  // CHECK: note: the type of a variable must be inferable from the constraint list or the initializer
  let foo;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: unable to convert expression of type `Attr` to the expected type of `Value`
  let foo: Value = _: Attr;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: :7:7: error: `foo` has already been defined
  // CHECK: :6:7: note: see previous definition here
  let foo: Attr;
  let foo: Attr;

// -----

Constraint Foo();

Pattern {
  // CHECK: unable to define variable of `Constraint` type
  let foo = Foo;

// -----

Rewrite Foo();

Pattern {
  // CHECK: unable to define variable of `Rewrite` type
  let foo = Foo;

// -----

Constraint MultiConstraint(arg1: Value, arg2: Value);

Pattern {
  // CHECK: `Constraint`s applied via a variable constraint list must take a single input, but got 2
  let foo: MultiConstraint;

// -----

#include "include/ops.td"

Pattern {
  // CHECK: unable to convert expression of type `Op<test.all_empty>` to the expected type of `Value` 
  // CHECK: see the definition of `test.all_empty`, which was defined with zero results
  let value: Value = op<test.all_empty>;
  erase _: Op;

// -----

#include "include/ops.td"

Pattern {
  // CHECK: unable to convert expression of type `Op<test.multiple_single_result>` to the expected type of `Value` 
  // CHECK: see the definition of `test.multiple_single_result`, which was defined with at least 2 results
  let value: Value = op<test.multiple_single_result>;
  erase _: Op;

// -----

// `replace`

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `Op` expression
  replace attr<""> with attr<"">;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `with` after root operation
  replace op<>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `Op`, `Value` or `ValueRange` expression
  replace op<> with attr<"">;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `Op`, `Value` or `ValueRange` expression
  replace op<> with (attr<"">);

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `)` after replacement values
  replace op<>(input: Value) with (input;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected at least one replacement value, consider using `erase` if no replacement values are desired
  replace op<>(input: Value) with ();

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected dialect namespace
  replace op<>(input: Value) with op<>;

// -----

// `return`

// CHECK: expected `;` after statement
Constraint Foo(arg: Value) -> Value {
  return arg

// -----

// `rewrite`

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `Op` expression
  rewrite attr<""> with { op<toy.reshape>; };

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `with` before rewrite body
  rewrite op<>;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected `{` to start rewrite body
  rewrite op<> with;

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: expected dialect namespace
  rewrite root: Op with {

// -----

Pattern {
  // CHECK: `return` statements are only permitted within a `Constraint` or `Rewrite` body
  rewrite root: Op with {
      return root;