
// RUN: mlir-lsp-server -lit-test < %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
// This test checks support for split files by attempting to find the definition
// of a symbol in a split file. The interesting part of this test is that the
// file chunk before the one we are looking for the definition in has an error.
// -----
  "text":"func.func @foo() -> {}\n// -----\nfunc.func @foo() -> i1 {\n%value = arith.constant true\nreturn %value : i1\n}"
// -----
//      CHECK:  "id": 1
// CHECK-NEXT:  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// CHECK-NEXT:  "result": [
// CHECK-NEXT:    {
// CHECK-NEXT:      "range": {
// CHECK-NEXT:        "end": {
// CHECK-NEXT:          "character": 6,
// CHECK-NEXT:          "line": 3
// CHECK-NEXT:        },
// CHECK-NEXT:        "start": {
// CHECK-NEXT:          "character": 0,
// CHECK-NEXT:          "line": 3
// CHECK-NEXT:        }
// CHECK-NEXT:      },
// CHECK-NEXT:      "uri": "{{.*}}/foo.mlir"
// CHECK-NEXT:    }
// -----
// -----