#include <clc/clc.h>
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_byte_addressable_store : enable
#define ROUND_VEC1(out, in, ROUNDF) out = ROUNDF(in);
#define ROUND_VEC2(out, in, ROUNDF) \
ROUND_VEC1(out.lo, in.lo, ROUNDF); \
ROUND_VEC1(out.hi, in.hi, ROUNDF);
#define ROUND_VEC3(out, in, ROUNDF) \
ROUND_VEC1(out.s0, in.s0, ROUNDF); \
ROUND_VEC1(out.s1, in.s1, ROUNDF); \
ROUND_VEC1(out.s2, in.s2, ROUNDF);
#define ROUND_VEC4(out, in, ROUNDF) \
ROUND_VEC2(out.lo, in.lo, ROUNDF); \
ROUND_VEC2(out.hi, in.hi, ROUNDF);
#define ROUND_VEC8(out, in, ROUNDF) \
ROUND_VEC4(out.lo, in.lo, ROUNDF); \
ROUND_VEC4(out.hi, in.hi, ROUNDF);
#define ROUND_VEC16(out, in, ROUNDF) \
ROUND_VEC8(out.lo, in.lo, ROUNDF); \
ROUND_VEC8(out.hi, in.hi, ROUNDF);
void _CLC_OVERLOAD vstore_half_##VEC_SIZE(TYPE, size_t, AS half *); \
_CLC_OVERLOAD _CLC_DEF void vstore_half##SUFFIX(TYPE vec, size_t offset, \
AS half *mem) { \
TYPE rounded_vec; \
ROUND_VEC##VEC_SIZE(rounded_vec, vec, ROUNDF); \
vstore_half_##VEC_SIZE(rounded_vec, offset, mem); \
} \
void _CLC_OVERLOAD vstorea_half_##VEC_SIZE(TYPE, size_t, AS half *); \
_CLC_OVERLOAD _CLC_DEF void vstorea_half##SUFFIX(TYPE vec, size_t offset, \
AS half *mem) { \
TYPE rounded_vec; \
ROUND_VEC##VEC_SIZE(rounded_vec, vec, ROUNDF); \
vstorea_half_##VEC_SIZE(rounded_vec, offset, mem); \
_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD float __clc_rtz(float x) {
/* Handle nan corner case */
if (isnan(x))
return x;
/* RTZ does not produce Inf for large numbers */
if (fabs(x) > 65504.0f && !isinf(x))
return copysign(65504.0f, x);
const int exp = (as_uint(x) >> 23 & 0xff) - 127;
/* Manage range rounded to +- zero explicitely */
if (exp < -24)
return copysign(0.0f, x);
/* Remove lower 13 bits to make sure the number is rounded down */
int mask = 0xffffe000;
/* Denormals cannot be flushed, and they use different bit for rounding */
if (exp < -14)
mask <<= min(-(exp + 14), 10);
return as_float(as_uint(x) & mask);
_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD float __clc_rti(float x) {
/* Handle nan corner case */
if (isnan(x))
return x;
const float inf = copysign(INFINITY, x);
uint ux = as_uint(x);
/* Manage +- infinity explicitely */
if (as_float(ux & 0x7fffffff) > 0x1.ffcp+15f) {
return inf;
/* Manage +- zero explicitely */
if ((ux & 0x7fffffff) == 0) {
return copysign(0.0f, x);
const int exp = (as_uint(x) >> 23 & 0xff) - 127;
/* Manage range rounded to smallest half denormal explicitely */
if (exp < -24) {
return copysign(0x1.0p-24f, x);
/* Set lower 13 bits */
int mask = (1 << 13) - 1;
/* Denormals cannot be flushed, and they use different bit for rounding */
if (exp < -14) {
mask = (1 << (13 + min(-(exp + 14), 10))) - 1;
const float next = nextafter(as_float(ux | mask), inf);
return ((ux & mask) == 0) ? as_float(ux) : next;
_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD float __clc_rtn(float x) {
return ((as_uint(x) & 0x80000000) == 0) ? __clc_rtz(x) : __clc_rti(x);
_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD float __clc_rtp(float x) {
return ((as_uint(x) & 0x80000000) == 0) ? __clc_rti(x) : __clc_rtz(x);
_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD float __clc_rte(float x) {
/* Mantisa + implicit bit */
const uint mantissa = (as_uint(x) & 0x7fffff) | (1u << 23);
const int exp = (as_uint(x) >> 23 & 0xff) - 127;
int shift = 13;
if (exp < -14) {
/* The default assumes lower 13 bits are rounded,
* but it might be more for denormals.
* Shifting beyond last == 0b, and qr == 00b is not necessary */
shift += min(-(exp + 14), 15);
int mask = (1 << shift) - 1;
const uint grs = mantissa & mask;
const uint last = mantissa & (1 << shift);
/* IEEE round up rule is: grs > 101b or grs == 100b and last == 1.
* exp > 15 should round to inf. */
bool roundup = (grs > (1 << (shift - 1))) ||
(grs == (1 << (shift - 1)) && last != 0) || (exp > 15);
return roundup ? __clc_rti(x) : __clc_rtz(x);
__FUNC(SUFFIX, VEC_SIZE, TYPE, AS, __clc_rte) \
__FUNC(SUFFIX##_rtz, VEC_SIZE, TYPE, AS, __clc_rtz) \
__FUNC(SUFFIX##_rtn, VEC_SIZE, TYPE, AS, __clc_rtn) \
__FUNC(SUFFIX##_rtp, VEC_SIZE, TYPE, AS, __clc_rtp) \
__FUNC(SUFFIX##_rte, VEC_SIZE, TYPE, AS, __clc_rte)
#define __CLC_BODY "vstore_half.inc"
#include <clc/math/gentype.inc>
#undef __CLC_BODY
#undef FUNC
#undef __XFUNC
#undef __FUNC